AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

Pape Two THE COMMUNIST November 8th, 1919, to a THE COMMUNIST can greatly help the conservative labor leadThe Public National Organ, Communist Party.
erst of the unions if they will recognize the dustrial Conference was the represencrs in their struggle to regain and retain conHE most amusing feature of the In.
LOUIS FRAINA, Editor vital importance of doing so and make FERGUSON, Associato Editor reasonable concessions. Collective bargain tation accorded the public, equal to that Published Weekly, and owned and controlled, ing. should be granted freely. Recog of labor and capital. The publie in any by the Communist Party of America, nition of the leaders to this extent strength event is bound to the interests of capital ens them with their followers, instills in but the particular representatives desig RUTHENBERG, Executive Secretary them a worthy pride to fulfill their contracts nated by President Wilson are directly caLOUIS FRAINA, International Secretary and strengthens their conservative influ pitalist. cents a copy, 00 six months, 00 a year. ence with the members of the union. Among the representatives of the public Bundles, 10 or more, 3c a copy, The rejection of collective bargaining by were: John Rockefeller, Jr. representing Address all communications the representatives of capital may appear super trust capital; Elbert Gary of the 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
strange. The co operation of employers and Steel Trust: Fuller Callaway, cotton union officials, while not avowed, has been manufacturer and bank president; Bernard Due to print paper shortage, THE COMa fact. The whole tendency of trades union Baruch, stock speculator; Endi.
MUNIST was compelled to miss one issue ism makes for just this co operation. More cott, director in one bank, a Trust Company, over, the tendency of modern Capitalism it and four industrial concerns. All but of and this issue was delayed.
self, of Imperialism. drives Laborism and the 24 representatives of the public are The Labor Parley Capitalism to closer co operation against the directly capitalist in affiliations.
oncoming proletarian revolution But even if the representatives of the HE Industrial Conference has met dis. Then why the break at the Industrial publie were not directly capitalist in affiliaster. It has met disaster not because Conference between capital ard labor. ation, they would still on fundamental issues of the uncompromising attitude of the It may appear as an accidental circum unite with the capitalist representatives. labor representatives, but because capital stance determined by the particular individWhat is the public. The capitalist press would not make any concessions at all. uals chosen to represent capital, and not at and bourgeois liberals designate the publie That labor representatives should par all representative. But the reasons are much ticipate in such a Conference was in itseli more fundamental.
as being the great mass of the people. This is sheer fiction. There are in modern Capian indication of conservative and non class Capitalism, the dominant interests of Catalism two great social groups the capipurposes. The of representatives pitalism, is apparently determined to act talist class and the proletariat. The capifirst move was to introduce a resolution urg uncompromisingly. It has come talist class comprises the owners of industry.
ing the Steel interests to arbitrate the strike. test, they feel, and we must meet the test.
dominantly the masters of concentrated inThe resoluton was decisively beaten. After Capitalism is provoking labor to a clash beintervening days of futile talk and solemnly lieving that the clash will find capital stron dustry: the proletariat comprises the wage hysterical protestations from Samuel Gom ger than labor. If Capitalism can provoke workers, dominantly the unskilled labor in pers of organized labor loyalty and patri this clash and conquer the workers in blood, the basic industry. In between you have what might be designated the public the otism, another test developed on the reso then Capitalism can maintain its supremacy small employers and investors, the profeslution to approve collective bargaining. without making any concessions; if the siThis resolution indicates equally the crimi. tuation becomes too critical, there is always sionals and intellectuals, clerks, technicians nally limited purposes of the of time for concessions and compromise par and certain categories of skilled labor. The and the determination of capital to make ticularly as the trades union officials will public, accordingly, is the small bourgeoisie either in actual social status or in ideology.
absolutely no concessions. This is the re cagerly accept compromise.
solution: The uncompromising attitude of capital Contrary to a general superstition, the The right of wage carners to organize at the Industrial Conference is not a chal public has no independent life of its own Power is concentrated at the two extremes, without discrimination. to bargain col lenge to the labor leaders: these would sneak back willingly and continue their mis The public must vacillate between the. the larger capitalists and the proletariat.
lectively, to be represented by representaThe tives of their own choosing in negotiations erable bargain counter negotiations.
two; it may favor labor but in crucial and adjustments with employers in respect issue is much more vital: Capitalism has issues it accepts Capitalism. The psychoto wages, hours of labor, and relations and issued a challenge to the proletariat, the conditions of employment, is recognized.
challenge of words at the Industrial Con logy of the public was aptly expressed in a ference and the challenge of blood in Gars. sentatives at the Industrial Conference: declaration of one of the public repreThis resolution is exeedingly mild. Its Let the proletariat answer the challenge!
acceptance by capital would mean little to The proletariat has unsuspected resources public nuisance and should be suppressed The United States Steel Corporation is a the working class; its spirit and purpose of strength and initiative which the revol:condemns the workers to an eternal struggle And want to go further and say the labor for more wages, emphasizing the commo tionary crisis will develop. Capital does not dity struggle as against the class struggle. sense these resources. Let the proletariat leaders who are conducting the steel strike The resolution, typical of the miserable assume the offensive: let it repudiate its are a public nuisance. There you are the policy of the of means an accepttraitorous leaders and rally to the Com typical in between policy of a class without social solidity.
ance of Capitalism and its wage slavery.
munist struggle against Capitalism.
On every vital issue the public is reacBut the representatives of capital re Blockade Resolution tionary. It may have an electoral importjected the resolution!
HE First Russian Branch of the Comance, but in the test of power between the The astute representatives of capital munist Party of New York City, in de capitalist class and the proletariat, this imrealize that the prevailing situation is dan gerous. They realize that conditions are clining to participate with The United Con portance dwindles. The public provides the deceptive measures that are used to lead accumulating a mass of social dynamite that ference of Russian Organizations for accircumstances may ignite in a revolutionary tion against the blockade of Soviet Russia, the workers astray; and in the final test of upflare. It is necessary, in order to main expresses its attitude in a resolution the gist power the public will provide the forces of which is. of counter revolutionary soldiery precisely tain the supremacy of Capitalism, that pro The blockade of Soviet Russia by the as this public has organized guard formtective means be adopted. Repression is being used, but it is not enough. The radical world imperialists is an expression of Ca ations in the steel strike zones.
spirit of the masses develops in spite of re pitalism, and the question of lifting this plays a sickly role, since it has no independence of its own, being the vassal of big pression. The astute representatives of blockade accordingly is part of our revoluCapitalism, accordingly, consider it neces. tionary struggle against world Imperialism.
sary to supplement repression with con thus becoming a political question. The public is hammered equally by the capitalist class and the proletariat; it van ciliation. Conciliation with whom? With branch, as a unit of the Communist Party the conservative elements of labor, which of America, must follow the program and cillates between the two; it provides the impetus for reformism, pacifism and other means the dominant representatives of the constitution of the party, which prohibits of members or branches taking part in any po. proletariat, in its struggle for power, must utopias, without power to realize any. The The representatives of the of fear litical action in conjunction with organizaa revolutionary upflare as much as capital; tions not accepting the princ les of Com publie, but crush them equally as a neces concern itself neither with capital nor the at the industrial conference they held up the munism; moreover, the Conference of Russpectre of the Bolshevik spirit in the sian Organizations is composed of non partsary means for realizing Communism. The militant proletariat, moreover, musų par wnions, insisting that it was becoming dif isan, Anarchist and even religious groups ticularly guard itself against the radical ficult to keep the lid down. Former Pres. which only yesterday were counter revolut representatives of the public. since they ident Taft stated the problein from the tionary. The branch therefore will take standpoint of Capitalism: part only in the campaigor against the block ideology directly promoting disaster for the express that treacherous petty bourgeois The employers group in the Conference ade directed by the Communist Party, proletariat and the proletarian revolution.
But it Our