BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyImperialismItalyLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

Combined with The Revolutionary Age The Communist All Power To The Workers!
Five Cents CHICAGO, ILL. NOVEMBER 8, 1919 Vol. No. The State Strike Breaker WOR FORKERS, you have been told that the Proclamation by the Communist tion to prevent the miners from using their Government has already secured an injuncgovernment of the United States is a Party of America own funds and the power of their organizagovernment of the people, by the people tion to support their strike.
and for the people.
The President of the United States deThe Communists have told you that it is The Government of the United States a government of the capitalists, by the cap nounced the strike as illegal. He threa through its injunction is seeking to starve tened the miners with the power of the italists and for the capitalists.
the wives and children of the miners by The proof is before you.
preventing their organization from paying The representatives of more than a half strike benefits. All the legal machinery of million coal miners met in convention in Two Messages from Lenin the Government is being used against the miners, and the army, the soldiers, with September. They discussed the wages and To the World.
working conditions in the coal mining intheir death dealing instruments, are ready International Imperialism is making, there dustry. They found that the capitalists who to prevent the miners from securing a living is no doubt, a last and very powerful effort owned the coal mines were making greater to crush the Soviet Republic. We are conwage and the hours that should prevail in vinced that the counter revolutionary offenprofits than ever, but that the increased cost the mining Industry.
sives from West and East, the various White of living had so reduced the buying power Guard disturbances, and the attempts to THE STATE HAS STEPPED IN!
stroy the railways wnich have occurred in of the wages of the workers that they were various places, all result from a carefully This it did in the Steel Strike. This it barely getting enough for an existence.
arranged plan devised in Paris by the Enthreatens to do if there is a railroad strike.
tente Imperialists. After ending four years The work of the ininers is of a most danof capitalist warfare it was very hard for The State does not coerce the capitalists; gerous character. How often have you not Russia to be forced to take up arms again it does not tell the capitalists they must in defense of the Soviet Republic.
read of mine disasters which snuif out the We have all borne the heavy burden of vield to the demands of the miners in order lives of hundreds of ininers, disasters which war; we are all exhausted by it. If this are due to the fact that the capitalists in was is carried on with redoubled energy and to prevent the stoppage of the inining of courage it is only because, for the first coal. The State never coerces the capitaltheir greed for profits refused to spend the time in the history of the world, an army money necessary to safeguard the lives of has been raised that knows why it is fight ists; its legal machinery is never directed ing fighting the cause of the international the workers! The work of the miners is against the capitalists, except occasionally proletarian Socialist Revolution.
health destroying. They work down in the In spite of our difficulties we have suc against ininor groups in the interest of the ceeded in carrying out a great work in a dark places under the earth, among dangerwhole capitalist class. Its army is never short space of time.
ous gasses, where there is no life giving air The cuestion of organization has also used to destroy the lives of the capitalists.
and sunshine.
readily been solved. The problem of work The State coerces the workers. Its legal on the land, and the relations between the The miners said that there were enough proletariat. when it overthrew the bour machinery is used to enforce demands upon miners to produce enough coal to supply all geoisie, and the millions of the middle grade the workers. Its army is used to destroy of peasants, have been fully debated and a the needs of the country, if they were em line of action drawn up.
the lives of workers who dare demand a ploved regularly, working thirty hours per We are passing through hard times, and living wage and a little more sunshine and the Imperialists are making a mighty effort week, in place of being kept idle part of the to overthrow the Soviet by force. Run fresh air.
time. They said thirty hours a week in the are convinced that this half year will see Workers, rally to the support of the minthe end of our troubles.
dangerous, health destroying places under The seed sown by the Russian revolution ers!
the earth is enough. They demanded a is bearing fruit in all Europe. It is this The capitalists are playing to establish an knowledge that convinces us that great thirty hour week.
though our trials may be, international im industrial slavery in which their rule will The miners are strongly organized. All perialism (now in its death throes) will be be even greater than in the past. To make the workers in and about the mines are in overcome, and Communism will be victorious throughout the whole world.
strikes illegal and crush them with the the miners union. The workers are not dipower of the state is the first move.
vided into crafts, but united in one indus2. To the Socialist Party of Italy.
The Government of the United States, trial organization. They have power to e Avanti prints a greeting from Lenin and the Toumanian fugitive Rakovsky to which some workers have been fooled into icrce their demands upon the capitalists. the Italian comrades, to their Party, and to believing is a government of the people, by They made their demands upon the coal their newspapers. In Lenin letter, dated August 15th, to comrades Serratti and the people and for the people is in reality mine owners. These capitalists standing Lazzari, appears the following: the government of the capitalists, by the alone had no power to resist the demands The little we know of your movement capitalists and for the capitalists. It is the shows us that you are opposed to the yellow of the workers. The workers could close the International of Berne, which has betrayed instrument through which industrial slavery mines and prevent the capitalists from makthe cause of the workers, and that you are in solidarity with the Communist Internais maintained.
ing profits. If they were sufficiently con tional.
The workers cannot win their freedom, scious of the way to free themselves from The negotations between the leaders of the yellow International and your Party they cannot win even a living wage and a exploitation they could even take over the prove to us that they are merely a general little more sunshine and fresh air, while the mines and operate them, without paying staff without an army. The dictatorship of capitalists control the power of the state.
the proletariat and the Soviet system have profits to the capitalists.
already carried off a moral victorv all over The workers must conquer that power.
But the capitalists have forged a weapon the world. The material and decisive phusical victory must come in spite of all the They must make themselves the ruling class.
to keep the workers in submission.
difficulties and all the blood shed and in The capitalists called in the government, spite of the White Terror of the bourgeisie.
They must establish in the place of the dicthe State. Down with capitalism! Down with the tatorship of the capitalists the Dictatorship Iving bourgeois democracy! Long Live the of the Proletariat.
All the power of the government was World Soviet Republic!
mobilized to prevent the miners from securWorkers, rally to the support of the miner ing wages that will enable them to live and Government of the United States if they inMake their strike general. Unite for the working hours which should prevail in the struggle against industrial slavery.
sisted upon compelling the capitalists to the mining industry.
Take from the capitalists the power through grant their demands by going on strike. The which they seek to increase your slavery!
NOVEMBER 7, 1917 NOVEMBER 7, 1919 Long live Soviet Russia! Long live the world proletarian revolution!