BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyItalyLeninRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyTrotskyWorking Class

October 25, 1919 COMMUNIST Page Eight THE The Communist International T a NOTES on the Revolutionary MoveThe Socialist Party of Italy Becomes bourgeoisie all capital so as to centralise Definitely Communist.
ment of the World.
all the instruments of production into HE Socialist Party of Italy was rev organs in which the property holding State ownership, that is among the pro olutionary during the war. This classes participate. During the great letariat itself organized as a ruling class.
spring the Party affiliated with the war which precipitated the definite crisis so as to increase the volume of the proCommunist International. The revolu of the bourgeois, and which made it imductive energies as rapidly as possible, tionary conquest of the Party was com possible for them to regulate the intimate The subsequent measures of socialisapleted at its Convention in Bologna last contrasts of the world of production, the tion and expropriation will be co ordiweek, where the Socialist Party of Italy outbreak of the Russian Social Revolu nated to the economical and social conorganized definitely as Communist tion marked the revolutionary period in ditions, and to the necessity for paralysparty. There were 48, 000 votes cast for which the proletariat rose successively ing production to the least possible de the Maximalist program, uncompromis to power in various countries by the gree during the process of transformaingly Communist; 14, 000 votes afliir violent conquest of state powers and tion from private to communistic owner.
mation of the program of 1892; and therefore the Communist Parties must ship.
3, 000 votes cast for the Abstentionist direct their tactics towards this realisa The first measures will be: the sociali.
program, which urges complete absten tion. The class political party maintains sation of financial capital and the suption from participation in the elections: intimate collaboration with the working pression of the State debt, excluding The Maximalist program, which is now syndicates (unions) co ordinating and small capitalists; the socialisation of the program of the Party, is as follows: directing the action of the political strug houses, means of transport, larger inThe history of society up to the present gle for the emancipation of the pro dustrial and agricultural property. Spetime has been a history of class war. letariat. They constitute the provision cial measures must be instituted affordWhen productive energies come into conof temporary organs of the working ing inducements for small proprietors to flict with the interests of property and classes destined to prepare for and to come into the communistic organisation production and their social and political organise measures for the crushing of voluntarily.
organs a phase of social revolution re bourgeois rule, and to assuming power We maintain that such a process as sults by the passage of political power in the early phase of the revolution. this is the sole method of concrete realfrom one class to the other. Modern When the proletariat shall have suc isation of equality and human liberty.
bourgeois society, arising from the ruins ceeded in their struggle against the bour which predicates the disappearance of of feudalism, has not abolished class con beoisie, it provides: temporary Commit exploitation between man and man. The flict, it has merely created new classes, tees to be immediately set up ready to proletarian State will make use of all its other oppressive conditions and a new assume local and centralised executive repressive activities against individual form of struggle replacing the old. Dur functions, the elections of local councils or organised colleetivities who endearor ing our own epoch society tends more of workers must be inaugurated inde to obstruct the realization of the comand more to divide into two classes which pendently of the professional categories munist program, not feeling justified in oppose one another; the bourgeoise and to which they belong, and divided into delaying the rapid evolution social the proletariat. At the same time that town and country constituencies. Both revolution by sacrificing it to the abstract the bourgeois revolution brought these active and passive electoral rights will and formal conception of liberty.
classes into contrast, they set up political be reserved to the workers alone of both Together with the socialisation of the rule by representative democracy, in sexes independently of sex and nationalvarious economical divisions they will which economical disparity is superim ity, only excluding those who live by excease to be a private affair of either inposed on the formal liberty and political ploiting the labor of others. In this way dividuals or groups of individuals so as to equality of citizens of all classes in the the foundations of proletarian dictatorbecome the collective function of assoship are laid. Congress of local Coun ciated humanity.
constitution of the elective organs of the State. In spite of the numerical suprem cils will be convoked which will elect the The means and the measure of producCentral Council; and this will assume acy of the preletariat over that of the tion and transport and the due disposiexecutive functions by means of approbourgeoisie, the democratic state still retion of products will be ordered by compriate organs.
mains the organ of the interests administering the affairs of the bourgeois Any delegate can be recalled at any petent internationally affiliated organisms.
time by the will of the electorate. This All classes and political struggles system constitutes the proletarian State, When expropriation of all capital is tend towards the transformation of the an organ for the dominion of the workfinally effected the bourgeoisie will basis of production. The aim of Com ing classes over the bourgeoisie and for gradually be absorbed and will cease to munists is the international organisation its expropriation.
exist as a separate class.
of the proletariat into a political class To prevent attempts at counter revoluPublic executive power will then lose government, the destruction of bour tion by the capitalistic class and so as to its political character as there will no geois power, the conquest of political overcome the resistance that they will longer be two classes, one dominated and power by the proletariat. The specific the other dominating.
oppose to expropriation the proletariat instrument of this action is the Commust be armed by forming a class militia.
Little by little the sad inheritance of munist Party.
degeneration which characterises capSo soon as the Socialist State be formed This party, as the struggle must evolve italistic rule will be eliminated, and in the it will form unlimited political and ecowithin the limits of bourgeois rule, undernomical solidarity with any other Complace of the old society divided into takes propaganda, proselytism, the critimunist Republies in the world, and will classes conflicting one with the other, an cism of capitalistic rule and political opassociation will be instituted in which aid the Communist movement in those position to the ruling classes: in this wise countries still dominated by the bourthe free development of each individual we can justify, as a temporary measure, geoisie with all the means at its disposal.
will constitute the necessary condition participation in electoral and parliamenThe task of the proletarian Governfor the free development of society in tary struggles.
ment is to take over gradually from the When the revolutionary phase of the historical struggle between the proleAccording to the Swedish Politiken tariat and the bourgeoisie is initiated, the Moscow report states that a Conlask of the proletarian political party is ference (International Bureau) of the the violent crushing of the rule of the bourCommunist International will be held Celebrating the Second Anniversary of the geoisie and the organisation of the prosometime in December to make final arproletarian revolution in Russia. Sixteen letariat as the dominant class. From this pages. Articles by Lenin. Trotzky. Bukha rangements for the second Congress of moment it becomes incompatible to send rin, Rosa Luxemburg and others.
the International. report from the LetORDER NOW deputies of the party to the representish Communist Party says the Congress tative organs of the bourgeois rule in THE COMMUNIST will be held this January. The social which the proletariat is the oppressed 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, patriotic second International will hold class, and in the same manner to those a Congress at Geneva in February a November 8, Special Issue