CominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismLeninRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietTrotskyWorkers Party

Page Seven THE COMMUNIST Cetober 23, 1919 The Party Organization Books and Pamphlets munist Party TRS taken as Ruthenberg Executive Secretary 1219 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago.
German State Organization Joins in 55. 50; Ukrainian No. 122, 00; Binghampdon this, according to Morris Hillquit, is no Communist Party.
Russian, 10. 00; Third Russian, Pittsburgh, thing but an act of destructive en 10. 00: Rockford Russian. 00: Lithuanian No. thusiasts. The representatives of over twelve hundred 137, 10. 10; Manchester, Russian, 10. 90; members of the German branches of Ohio met Whiting Russian, 62; Lithuanian No. 50, in Cleveland on Oct. 12 to decide the futute 60; Smith, Warren, 20. 00.
After a affiliation of the state organization.
The way the Organization Fund is going up is thorough discussion, during which all sides were a tribute to the membership of the Communist heard, vote was taken which resulted in a Party. The fund must reach 25, 000.
That The Communist Party is based upon a unanimous decision to affiliate with the Commeans millions of leaflets, thousands of meetings, clear understanding of the forces now at Its work in the present Imperialistic Era.
a training school for organizers and speakers and Forty sis delegates voted for such affiliation, literature is the medium through which it a powerful organization.
increases the consciousness and enlighteneight did not vote at all because they wished to ment of the workers.
renain neutral and two had left before the vote The North Side Branch of Pittsburgh has seEvery Communist organization, every cured a Communist Party charter.
With this decision of the Ohio German orCommunist Party member should become a unit in the organization for the distribuganization about half the former German FederaThe Erie, Pa. City Central Committee has tion of party literature and increase the tion has become part of the Communist Party.
been chartered by the knowledge of the party principles by placThe Cleveland convention also adds The Echo ing books and pamphlets in the hands of the workers. To publish and distribute this German Weekly published by the Ohio State Two New Jersey County Organizations have literature is one of the great functions of Agitation Committee, to the list of Communist secured charters from the our organization, for as knowledge and unpublications, derstanding increases among our members Warren, Ohio, is the latest Ohio local to secure and the masses, our power grows.
Jewish Communist Federation ConThese Are Ready its charter. The Cincinnati German and Jewish vention.
branhes have also affiliated with the party.
The former Left Wing Branches of the Jew The Proletarian Revoluish Federation held their convention in PhilaBranch No. of Passaic, is tion in Russia.
delphia from Oct. to 12. Forty five branches, having 000 members, were represented. The Charter applications are reaching the ComBy LENIN and TROTZKY.
convention was unanimous for the Communist munist Party headquarters in bunches these days.
Edited by Fraina.
Party, and the federation is now the Jewish Eighty six in one day recently was the record.
Paper, 450 Pages.
Communist Federation.
Comrades Louis Fraina and Nicholas HourSingle copies. 00 wich addressed the delegates as representatives The Socialist Party copies or more, each. 65 Continued from page six of the Central Executive Committee of the This book contains the story of the Rus We are all Socialists. and the protestaParty, and also spoke at a great mass meeting sian revolution as tion that the division was not brought told by Lenine and held the evening before the beginning of the Trotzky in their articles written the convention. The convention began work to about by differences on vital questions events took place.
raise a und of 50, 000 for the purpose of pub of principles. that those differences The Social Revolution in which do exist arose only over disputes lishing a Communist Jewish daily. Of this amount 2, 500 was subscribed at the convention.
on methods and tatics. And in the preGermany.
central executive committee, including Comvious statement Hillquit recommended By LOUIS FRAINA.
rades Loonin, Bitteiman, Hiltzik, Winick, Halpen, a division of the party into its two funPlotkin, Klintz and Liphsitz, was elected.
Single copies. 15 damentally inconsistent elements, so that The Jewish Communist Federation is expected 10 copies 25 each could carry on its work to suit itto be a strong unit of the Communist Party.
25 or more, each. 10 self. This differentiating between This is a critical analysis of the struggle Ohio Membership in differences of principles and of tacwhich took place in Germany after the signAlthough the Ohio State Office is the head tics. by the way, discloses the misunder of the armistice, which culminated in the revolt of the Spartacanse standing of the fundamental logical and quarters of the Communist Labor Party, and the state secretary is executive secretary of that or vital connection between the two. This is Revolutionary Socialism.
xanization, the greater part of the Ohio member another illustration of the wretchedness ship is in the Communist Party. The decision of of political thought of this celebrated By LOUIS FRAINA.
Local Cleveland alone carried one third of the leader of the American Socialists who Single copies 50 membership out of the state organization. The was bragged about as a god in circles 10 copies 00 action of the German State Organization, the where least of all it might be expected. 00 afiliation of the individuals and the Federation Fifty or more, each.
In conclusion, to characterize this doc 30 branches with the Communist Party leaves not more than a thousand members who are not ument, let us quote in full the following An essay on the principles of Communism, based upon the experience of the affiliated with the Communist Party. Of these, profound sentence: Our newly bathed workers in this country.
some have not yet acted on their future affiliation Communists have not ceased to be Soand some have joined the Socialist Party.
cialists even though in a momonet of de Manifesto, Program, ConA Fine Unity.
structive enthusiasm they have chosen to stitution of the Commundiscard the name that stands for so much The Lettish Branches No. and No. of Cleveist Party and Report to in the history of the modern world.
land celebrated their unification in the Communthe International.
The bulk of their following is still good ist party the other day. The two branches had Socialist material and when the hour of separate organizations for three or Single copies. 10 four years. When the Communist Party was the real Socialist fight strikes in this 25 copies. 00 organized both endorsed that party and they de country we may find them again in our 50 copies. 50 cided to unite. The day this was accomplished ranks.
100 or more, each. 06 the united branch voted to donate 100. 00 to In this quotation every word is a Ten thousand copies of this pamphlet the Communist Party Organization Fund. That chef oeuvre. Take, for instance, the have already been sold. The title speaks is the kind of unity that counts.
for itsell.
paternal patting on the back of the The Russian Soviet of Cleveland gave the Orin Preparation.
American Communists, and with them ganization Fund another big boost when it sent The Development of Socialism from in 200. 00 Science to Action. by Karl Radek.
the entire Communist International, this Other remittances to Organization Fund are as follows: is, if not innocent naivete, then the height The Communist Party and the Socialist Party by Ferguson.
of political impertinence. And about the Sangarbore Russian, 41. 75; Claremont, Send remittance and order to the renaming of the Socialist into the ComRussian, 20; St. Paul German, 25. 00; Lindora, Pa, Russian, 18. 00; Sixth Russian munist International! How many pens COMMUNIST PARTY Branch, New York City, 50. 00: Milwaukee Rus.
were spoiled upon this.
Such a Titan OF AMERICA, vian Branch, 35; Pittsburgh Russian No. 1, of revolutionary thought as Lenin de 12. 15; Kenosha Russian, 15; Racine Russian, 1219 Blue Island Avenue, voted series of articles to this subject. 60. 30; Kenosha Russian, 96. 45; Milwaukee pointing out the necessity and the scientiCHICAGO, ILL.
Russian, 79. 25; Binghampdon, Y. Branches, fic reason for such change of name. But, 23 copies.
existed as