BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

Page Six THE COMMUNIST October 25, 1919 To the Proletarian Youth Young Peoples Communist Leagues party.
Comrades:By Zinoviev URING the imperalist war it was Chairman, Executive Committee of the Communist International the industrial and agricultural workers who bore the heaviest (Translated by Nathan Charbrow. losses. Millions and millions of factory and rural workers fell in the flower of The Communist International, founded their youth a sacrifice to the interests of in Moscow in the month of March 1919, the small cliques of capitalists. The invites all the organizations of the youth bourgeois governments sent the conscious to align and unite themselves with the youth of the working class into battle. Communist International. The Communfor a twofold purpose: 1) to conquer their fellow bourgeois competitors, and thus increase their profits; and 2) to annihilate the most restless, the most aggressive and the most revolutionary THEconvention of the Communist among their workers.
Party of America decided that Young The proletarian youth it was that suf People Communist Leagues shall be orfered most during the war of 1914 1919.
ganized under the jurisdiction of the party and in affiliation with the But the proletarian youth it was also that first raised the voice of protest against To carry out the decision of the convention the Executive Council of the party that destructive war. When the official has issued a call for a National Conference of Young People Communist Leagues Socialist and Social Democratic parties to bring into existence a national organiwent over to the bourgeoisie and began zation. The Executive Council has also to praise the bandit war as a war of authorized the publication of a monthly magazine to be the official organ of the right and freedom. the organiza Young People Communist Leagues.
tions of the youth rose up against this All young people organizations which treachery. The Scheidemanns and endorse the principles of the Communist Eberts in Germany, the Renaudels and party and wish to join in the formation of a national organization are urged to Thomases in France, the Hyndmans and communicate with Ruthenberg, ExHendersons in England, the Renners and ecutive Secretary, 1219 Blue Island Ave. Austelitzes in Austria, the Brantings in Chicago, or with Comrade Carlson, former secretary of the Young People Sweden, the Gomperses in America, and Socialist Leagues.
the impostors and traitors in all other lands met with opposition on the part of the proletarian youth.
ists consider the activity in the working The time has now come to strengthen youth ranks as of the highest obligation, the YOUTH INTERNATIONAL. The a work which must suffer no delay. Karl working youth of all the world must de Liebknecht, the International great terminedly make their own history. warrior, murdered by the treacherous Scheidemann Socialists, was one of the most energetice organizers of the movement of the youth. The Soviet Republic seeks to help the industrial and rural working youth with all the streagth and apparatus at its command, In Berne a Yellow International has been founded. The murderers of Karl Liebknecht have united themselves with the betrayers of the French workmen.
This Yellow International is a fighting weapon in the hands of the Entente Imperialists. Kautsky, who stands for unity. is, together with Scheidemann, in reality a bourgeois servant.
We are convinced that the working youth can have nothing in common with this fraudulent, lying, treacherous International. The working youth of all the world are uniting themselves as one man with the living INTERNATIONAL, with the Communist International The long awaited battle for workers power, for proletarian dictatorship. for Communism, is coming. The working class will have revenge for the insults cast upon the workers banner during the five years war. All over the world the workers are forming their councils as the means to the realization of Socialism.
Against the bourgeois black army we are organizing our own red army, and the working youth shall fight on the foremost barricade for the victory of the Soviet system.
Long live the Proletarian Youth!
Long live the Youth Comrunist International!
The Socialist Party Apostle Speaks ability By Nicholas Hourwich.
FTER a long period of silence the tion, the American Socialist Party would apostle of the American Social into three separate parties, and especial not have mercy on its own father. and, ist Party, Morris Hillquit, has ly the formation of the Communist Party of course, would not be ceremonious with again spoken. His declaration appeared So ruthless were his followers in carrysome mad Left Wing.
in the New York Call (September 22nd. ing out his order to clear the decks It should be remembered titat, in its under the somewhat solemn and hollow that Hillquit now takes an unexpectedly substance, just this ambition to prove to title: We are all Socialists. This de conciliatory attitude, quite different from bourgeois public opinion its claration was reprinted in the Chicago that in his previous declaration, even and respectability its lack of symSocialist and no doubt in other of the finding it necessary to reprimand his pathy for all sorts of wild ideas and Socialist Party papers.
zealous followers in fatherly fashion for crazy dreams. was to a great extent Like all apostles, Morris Hillquit aptheir infraction of Socialist ethics and responsible for the governmental activpears on the stage and pronounces judg decency in making vicious attacks ity of Ebert, Scheidemann and Noske ments only under the most extraordinary against the Left Wing in the capitalist (ambition to make a good showing becircumstances. His preceding public press.
fore the Allies and in that was to save statement in the press appeared a few Hillquit misses the point that these at Germany. This motive explains the months ago just before the national or tacks by the leaders of the Socialist zealous work of the Milwaukee Soganization of the Left Wing, preceding Party in the bourgeois press upon the cialist district attorney, and many any formal break with the Right Wing. Left Wing were not an accidental mis others of the same noble company. Even This statement was freely credited at take, but an inevitable outcome of the the late Plekhanov, who was a giant in that time with being the effective apwhole social reformist position of the comparison with the Socialist ponentities peal to clear the party decks of non parties of the Second International, the who are now barking at the Left Wingconformist and insurgent elements. It American Socialist Party included. Parers in the American press, could not rewas the text read and discussed by the liamentary first, and above all, one of the frain from appearances in the bourgeois old National Executive Committee at the many small screws in the bourgeois par press with accusations against the Blanmeeting when they began the expulsion liamentary machine, striving to acquire quists. This has been done, is being of more than half the party membership. a position of larger importance, the done, and, we do not doubt for one moNow the reason for breaking his vow American Socialist Party, like its Europe ment, will yet be done in spite of all adof silence (since his illness can hardly be an sisters, values its reputation for abil monitions, by the social opportunists and considered as the only reason for a si ity and respectability in the eyes of the social reformists of all lanas.
lence like that of the grave which Hill bourgeois political public opinion above The rest of the Hillquit wocument quit has maintained lately, especially everything else. It needs this reputation harmonizes with the part already anafter the fact of convalescence for the for the support by one or another of the alyzed. There is much senčmental purpose of the former press statement. competing capitalist political parties of lamenting which does not conform with the reason is undoubtedly the consunithe reforms which it introduces. In its the role of a political leader on the theme mation of the split of the SociaNst Party ambition to secure to itself thus reputa.
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