BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceItalySocialismSovietZinoviev

Page Five October 8, 1919 THE COMMUNIST An Appeal from Petrograd ONRADES. In troubled times, To the Workers, Soldiers and Sailors in throwing out sacks of gold in order to we, the workers of the city of England, France, Italy, America, Swe recruit rebels and traitors among the Petrograd, have held the regular den, Finland, Esthonia, and Serbia Russians. The butchers government of elections for our Soviet. The elections proclamation of the Newly Elected Finland is sending airships to bombard were held at a time when the armies of Soviet in Petrograd.
our villages and stations.
your governments were threatening our For all that, we do not give up and city and when we were suffering unheard Your governments hate us because we never shall. We are convinced, Comof hunger as a result of the blockade inhave made public the secret treaties rades, that in your countries too, the Red posed upon is by your governments.
which your governments made with the Flag will triumph. We live under the Nevertheless, the workers of Petrograd Czar. Your governments hate our city conviction that the workers of France, have remained at their posts, hundreds ot thousands of them taking part in the becauses it was the first to hoist the flag England, America, Italy, and the other of the proletarian revolution.
countries will not allow their bankers elections of our Soviet. Today this newly and landowers to use them as the genelected Soviet has convened for the first We are appealing particularly to the time. Thousands of representatives of workers and soldiers of Esthonia and Findarmes and hangmen of the workers land.
the workers, the Red Army, the sailors, For two years you have been dethe day laborers and the workers orceived. You were told that we wish to Your governments say that they do not ganizations are participating in our asconquer Esthonia and Finland. This is wish to interfere in the internal affairs sembly untrue! At the meeting of the Central of Russia. But this is an impudent lie.
And with one accord, we direct this Executive Committee of the All Russian Your governments have recognized as the message to you: We shall continue to Soviets, our representative, Comrade legal ruler of all Russia the miserable Zinoviev, announced in the name of the slave and murderer, Admiral Kolchak, support the Soviet system, the dominion of the workers and peasants. To the last whole Soviet government, openly and against whom the workers and peasants breath we shall fight for the triumph of clearly, that our armies received official of Siberia and the Urals are now reSocialism against the bourgeoisie.
orders under no circumstances to cross volting.
In this solemn hour we turn to you with the boundaries of Finland and Esthonia.
Your governments are throwing out bilthis question: Why have the governThe Central Executive Committee is the lions to help the Czarist generals to rements of your countries undertaken a highest executive body in all Russia. establish the Monarchy. Your governcampaign against our city, why are they decree issued by that body is absolutely ments are supplying the counter revolubringing disorder into our city, why are official. Comrades. We are convinced tionists in Russia with all necessities from they shooting down our fathers and that for you, too, the hour is approaching Tanks to spies. Your governments have brothers, why are they forcing us to when you will free yourselves from op helped slaughter thousands of workers starve? All the reports of a reign of pression by the bourgeoisie. The governin Yakatrinoslav and Kharkov, only beterror in Petrograd sent out into the ments of your countries are doing their cause they were workers. Your governworld by the bought press of the bourbest to destroy themselves. Yet we do ments are responsible for the atrocities geoisie are impudent lies. We are sufnot wish to fight you. It is your govern of the slaves who, before they evacuated fering from hunger, we are breaking ments that are provoking war.
Perm, burned several thousand imprisdown at our work in the shops, yet in our Comrades. How long are you going oned Red Guardists. Your governments ranks proletarian discipline and perfect to allow your governments to supply the are responsible for the famine in our land.
order lei. We are defending ourselves parasites and hangmen with arms, Arise in revolt, Comrades, put an end against our enemies, they are attacking money, officers, and food? In the Murto the crimes of your governments. Exus on all sides, and yet step by step, we man district, EnglishFrench, Italian, tend the hand of brotherhood to the are creating the proletarian state. In the and Serbian troops are fighting us. At eyes of your bourgeoisie, we are at fault Narva the Swedish slaughter divisions workers in the other countries. Do everybecause we were the first to raise the red thing in your power to withdraw support are opposing us. Along the whole Esfrom thonian and Finnish boundary the govthe fag, the first to do away with the Czar counter revolutionaries in and the courgeoisie, because for two Russia.
ernment troops of those countries have years we have been holding power in our been and are fighting against us.
Your We send you our fraternal greetings hands, and because we have given the governments are sending spies and and cry out together with you, LONG fields to the peasants and the factories to agents to Petrograd. These rascals are LIVE THE REVOLUTION OF THE the worsen causing explosions in Petrograd, are WORKERS IN ALL LANDS!
Break the Blockade of Soviet Russia!
The first great campaign undertaken by the Communist Party is the struggle to arouse the workers to action against the blockade of Soviet Russia.
The Central Executive Committee calls upon all units of the organization to celebrate the beginning of the third Year oi the existence of the workers government of Russia by wide spread agitation against the blockade. It is the work of the Communist Party to furnish the leadership that will lead to action. From November 7th to 9th all branches should arrange mass meetings and adopt resolutions against the blockade. Use your local speakers for this purpose as the nationally known speakers will be used for great mass meetings that will be held in New Yor. Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis and in other cities.
Ou meetings, however, will be only the minor effort of this campaign. We must reach more people than will attend our mass meetings, be they ever so large. We must speak with a million voices and to millions of people.
We can do this through a literature distribution.
The National Organization has prepared a leaflet Break the Blockade of Russia that will stir the workers of this country to action. We must distribute this leaflet by the millions during the first week in November. The presses are already running printing the first big edition and will be kept running until every party organization is supplied.
Every party unit must act at once. Call a meeting.
Decide how many leaflets you can distribute in your city and send in your order. The leaflets will sell at 50 per thousand.
Comrades, agitation must come before the work of organization which will make possible the use of the mighty powers of the workers. This is a campaign to stir the workers to come to the rescue of our comrades in Russia whom the international financial pirates are seeking to strangle to death.
Communists, ours is a party of action. Let us show by our first major campaign that already we have power, we can influence the masses. Let us speak in a million voices in the interests of our comrades whose shining example has inspired us all.