
October 25, 1915 Page Four THE COMMUNIST The Drift of Things NE of the correspondents at the these facts: that an Anglo American bombing in 1886. one of the most outIndustrial Conference, convened shipping combine with a capital of 35. rageous cases of judicial murder in all by Wilson for the solution of the 000, 000 is endeavoring to get a monopoly records of criminal law. of Fiume harbor to control Adriatic com What a strange and ugly thing has differences between capital and labor, merce; that an American concern has al this Americanism grown to be!
described the public group as varying ready obtained exclusive operating from darkest brown of reactionism to rights on the Serbo Croat Slovene rail AN EXTENSIVE study has just been salmon pink of radicalism.
ways, but that the Roumanian govern completed by the Bureau of Statistics of Undoubtedly the brighest end of the ment refused a similar proposition. The spectrum denotes the traitor Socialists, the Department of Labor on the AmerVacuum Oil Company (a Standard Oil ican standard of living. This study was Spargo and Russell, who have given such extended to a dietary basis, that is, the thorough proof of their capitalist service subsidiary) recently contracted with the ability as to be acceptable to the Pres Czecho Slovak government to operate all energy value of the food consumed by ident. We beg to suggest that accuracy the territory of this new self determined the families under observation was comwould demand that the reporter change nation, but again Standard Oil was re puted. The startling result was that his descriptive from salmon pink to fused the same monopoly control of the 50 to 75 of the families were found Roumanian oil fields.
just plain yellow.
to be getting not enough food to provide And, by the way, this Industrial Con Control of the Serbian and Roumanian sufficient nourishment for normal acference performance is so tame that even railways means control of the Orient ex tivity.
the of mossbacks are threatening press, and thereby control of the land An adequate diet is not reached until transport between the Black Sea and the scale of family income goes to 1800.
to bolt!
most of Europe. Control of these rail and in some localities the necessary minHERBERT HOOVER, food dispenser ways means the chance to concentrate imum is 2000, though in a few cases extraordinary, while enjoying balmy the entire trade of Eastern Europe via 1600 was found sufficient (these California luxury upon Asiatic profits, is Fiume and the Adriatic.
variations occurring in different parts of now dispensing philosophy (in econThis is given as the explanation of the the country. An income of 1300 was onical doses. Consider the following: insistence upon giving Klagenfurt, the found enough for the nourishment of a Nothing but political, moral and railway key point, to Serbia; because husband and wife, and in most cases a economic chaos, finally interpreting itself in this way the Austrian commerce can husband, wife and child of But this in loss of life on a scale hitherto unbe cut off from Trieste in favor of Fiume.
income was found deficient for husband.
This cable states that Colonel House dreamed of, is upon us, unless the world wife and three children aged 2, and 11; is to be returned to normal work. The favored giving Fiume to Italy, but was and of course decidedly deficient in all economic impulse of the French and overruled, thanks to the efforts of Warcases with children aged 2, 5, 8, 11 and other revolutions of the 18th century was burg and other financial combines. Also, 14. With the five children the diet on the better division of land. The econthe leader of the party of Fiume auton the 1300 basis was 65 normal.
omic impulse of the revolution of the omists has been an agent of the Vacuum Over half the families in the income past two years has been the better diviOil Company (Gotthardi. Serbian class from 1200 1500 receive less than sion of industrial production. The Fiume or an autonomous Fiume will adequate dietary. With the normal at wind up is the usual plea for more proserve the purposes of this plan, but not 3500 calories, in Chicago over 25 of the duction as the cure all.
an Italian Fiume.
families get under 2500 calories; and in The war casualty rate of 1914 to 1918 Whether this statement is correct in New York, 33. Boston, 23. St.
was about two million per annum slain detail we cannot say. But what is cer Louis 21. Denver, 20. Providence, and five million per annum maimed. This tain enough from the diplomatic history 41. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 14.
was all within the normal work of Capof a generation is that this is just exactly This is a condition of extreme underitalism; all part of its law and order. The the kind of controversy which is at the nourishment.
peace casualties of Capitalism are not bottom of all questions of revision of The American standard of living is boundaries and of self determination. much less.
not much to brag about. The careful On the eve of the French Revolution as viewed by the Allied Imperialists. calculations of Oswald Knauth, in the division of land was considerably betThe Dial of September 6th, showed an ter than is the present division of owner SENATOR CUMMINS has put on the annual surplus of some 30 billions in the ship of all sources of production in the legislative calender his bill to make a United States allowing a standard of United States today, terrible as was the railroad strike illegal. There is much to minimum comfort to the entire populadeprivation of the 18th century peasants.
consider in this, if the bill becomes a law. tion!
The economic impulse of the world Meanwhile it is a striking testimonial, Starvation in the midst of fabulous revolution of today is intensified by the among many others, to the actual inwealth! And this is not demagogism, tremendously increased potentialities of fluence of the of at Washington but hard fact developed by extensive wealth production, potentialities which that such a measure comes up for con study of the actual family living in about cannot be turned to the mass use under sideration. Servile unionism is bound to 90 typical cities from every section of the the profit system.
get its just deserts. It merits the con country.
Capitalism has come to the stage when tempt of both aggressive Capitalism and its entire existence depends upon blood of aggressive labor. AN INJUNCTION to restrain the puband iron; when its every day of life With such a law on the books, and with lishers from further printing and dismeans perpetuation of political, moral unwillingness of the government to cod tributing Thomas Millard Denoand economic chaos. when it can only dle the railroad workers, there might be cracy and the Eastern Qustion has been survive by loss of life on a scale hither such a thing as an illegal railroad strike. received by the Century Company. Some to undreamed of.
And then?
one in Washington thinks Mr. Millard Only revolution can return the world has revealed private and confidential to normal work. With the new norm HEARST Chicago paper boasts matters, though no charge is made that established of production to satisfy the about this city Americanism on the he broke faith with any official. He is human wants: To each according to his showing that there were 441 convictions not himself an official of the United needs! From each according to his obtained in this city under the Espionage States government.
He is an American ability!
and other war acts, with practically no editor and owner of a periodical pubThere can never be a world of normal acquittals, whereas there were conspic lished in China, where he has lived many work based upon satisfactory tabula uous acquittals elsewhere!
years. The book considers the present tions on the stock markets and in the The impartial historian who is yet economie counting rooms.
to free Chicago Americanism from and political conditions of calumny may have somewhat different Japan is not to be trusted and that she China. He says that the promise of SWISS political writer, Maurice notions about Americanism and the cal means practically to take possesion of Millioud. by Universal Press Service umny thereof.
China, and his ideas about the Shantung cable. is authority for the statement that There is the additional boast of the affair are violent and outspoken. Chithe Fiume controversy is explained by gallows record after the Haymarket cayo Tribune. September 28.