BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers Party

Page Three THE COMMUNIST October 05, 1919 Tactical Problems by a centralized economic organization The Class Struggle of the workers. the derelopment of an American The Communist Party appreciates the the spring of 1917 a group of comCommunist party, as in the de importance of a centralized industrial rades in New York City decided to velopment of the Communist party organization of the workers, of industrial issue a Left Wing organ. Among in ail nations, there is neccessary an unionism. This is a problem not alone these comrades were Leon Trotzky, adaptation of old revolutionary concepts of the immediate struggle, but of the Bukharin, Alexandra Kollontai and Sen to the new. There are elements who still transition from Capitalism to Commun Katayama. Before the first number was cling to the old; and other elements who ism, since after the conquest of power issued the first three comrades left for in the enthusiasm for the new reject the and proletarian dictatorship the indus Russia. The magazine, The Class Strugexperience of the old.
trial unions will become the starting gle appeared in May, 1917, with The Communist Party realizes the im point of the Communist reconstruction Boudin, Louis Fraina and Ludwig Lore portance of this problem; it appreciates of society. But the program as editors.
the importance of industrial unionism makes it appear that the industrial organand the concepts developed by De Leon; ization is the most important, ignoring The group issuing the magazine was not a unified group. The first struggle it appreciates the importance of the One the dynamics of mass action and the proof policy appeared on Boudin attitude Big Union movement and of unionism cess necessary to achieve proletarian dicon the war, a struggle emphasized by the generally. But the Communist Party still tatorship. But it is a repudiation of ComBolshevik Revolution and Boudin oppomore appreciates the importance of the munist fundamentals to isolate insition to it.
concepts of mass action and proletarian dustrial organization as the Communist One group, led by Fraina, insisted that Boudin should be ousted. dictatorship, of the experience of the Labor Party does. Industrial unionism another group, led by Lore, urged comproletarian revolution in action.
must be related to mass action and to the This process of adjustment between general Communist program; any other promise and unity. Finally Boudin actions became so impossible that the comthe old and the new is difficult, although course is an evasion of the problems of indispensable. Some, like the the revolution. Revolutionary mass acpromisers were compelled to yield and Boudin resigned.
and the reject the new altogether tion and not industrial unionism will conand cling to the old. Some, like the quer the power of the state.
There was peace after that until the Communist Labor Party, make a hash, There are delegates to the con Left Wing developed as an organized instead of a synthesis, of the old and the vention who will interpret these con movement. Again Lore appeared as a new.
tradictions as not being contradictions; compromiser. Lore did not approve of In its program the Communist Labor they may quote some other sentence in a Left Wing organization, did not want Party is not at all clear on fundamentals. the program to confirm their interpre the magazine to officially endorse the We have mentioned its misleading for tation. But a program that must be inter Left Wing, although willing to carry its mulation of mass action, its failure to preted in this way is not a consistent propaganda. The Revolutionary Age limit participation in the elections, its program of theory and practice.
at the time stigmatized Lore as a cheap confusing the revolutionary use of par The divergent elements at the American imitation of Hugo Haase Jiamentarism with the use of the ma convention united in one thing: opposi Again after a struggle, the impulse of chinery of the bourgeois state. In its tion to the old Socialist Party. But they events swept the compromisers into the program the makes still another were not united on theory and practice. Left Wing.
serious errol. It says: The different elements compromised each In America there is a highly de with the other, and a compromise pro toward the Left Wing was vacillating.
But the attitude of these compromisers veloped Labor movement, and this makes gram was manufactured. But a comLore never participated actively in the it impossible to accomplish the overthrow promise program of this character is not of Capitalism except through the agency the basis for a real Communist moveLeft Wing organization, insisted on his right to speak on the same platform with of the organized workers.
Right Wing speakers, and generally comThis meanspromised and hesitated.
THE JOY OF LIFE Then about either, that the American Federatwo months ago Lore was slated for exContinued from page two tion of Labor, which is the highly depulsion from the Left Wing, charges beauty of life partly flowered. There were veloped Labor movement in the United States, becomes the agency of the revo the Pagan Greeks; there was the Renais having been preferred against him.
lution. sance each with its philosophy self At Chicago, during the conventions. or, it means the concept expression, of life and the joy of life.
Lore again compromised miserably. Althat there can be no revolution until the But these efflorescences of the human though instructed to participate the majority of the workers some maintain spirit were limited by their class char Communist Party convention, Lore dis100. are organized into industrial acter, by not including the whole of hu obeyed these instructions and particimanity, but being based upon the op pated in the Communist Labor Party conIt is sheer absurdity to maintain that pression of the majority. The Pagan vention.
the oi can become the agency Greeks ended in degeneracy, the RenaisAt a meeting of The Class Struggle sance in libertinage. The emancipation of the proletarian revolution. The group two weeks ago the question was of humanity is necessary to realize life of is a bulwark of Capitalism; it will the disposal of The Class Struggle. At in the final crisis unite itself with the and the joy of life.
first Lore proposed neutrality for the bourgeois state. Our attitude toward the The Communist program implies the magazine concerning the Communist of must be to fight it, to split emancipation of humanity from material Party and the Communist Labor Party; away from it unions and workers who oppression; but it equally implies emanbut then changed his mind. At the meetaccept the revolutionary conception of the cipation from oppression of the spirit of ing eight voted in favor of neutrality; on proletarian movement. It is difficult for man freeing life from the fetters imthe final vote 13 favored turning the us to believe that there was any delegate posed upon its expression, its joy and its magazine over to the Communist Party at the convention so reactionary beauty.
and 16 in favor of the Communist Labor as to accept this view of the of Party, six of those favoring the But the program says: In Amer DISTRIBUTE LEAFLETS having first voted in favor of neutrality ica there is a highly developed labor movement. this can mean nothing but READY NOW: and at least one still being a member of the Socialist Party. Proclamation of Communist Party on Milithe of and this makes it tary Invasion of Gary.
impossible to accomplish the overthrow Precisely those who wavered concern Declaration of Communist Party on Rusof Capitalism except through the agency sian Blockade.
ing Boudin, who compromised miserably of the organized workers.
IN PREPARATION: on the Left Wing Centrists all voted But we shall grant that this is not the Your Shop an appeal for Shop Organi in favor of the Communist Labor Party.
CL. conception. In another place zations.
ir the program the says: There PRICE 50 per 1000 This is significant of the elements which is in America a centralized economic orBegin your Communist Agitation Work by ordering as many as you can distribute.
are rallying to the Communist Labor ganization of the capitalist class which COMMUNIST PARTY of America, Party. compromisers, Centrists, masters is a unit in its battle with the working 1219 Blue Island Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.
of the revolutionary phrase and poltroons class, and which can be opposed only in action.
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