BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyParis CommuneSovietWorking Class

Page Two THE COMMUNIST October 25, 1919 The Communist Blockade! Magnificent! women and children in Russia, is preventing the resumption of normal indusThe Joy of Life National Organ, Communist Party trial relations in Europe, is strengthening international reaction.
Na recent interview, Bukharin, LOUIS FRAINA, Editor The German Government is, on the a dominant personality in the Soviet FERGUSON, Associate Editor whole, in the control of the very reRepublic and the Communist Party actionary forces that the Allies waged of Russia, discusses the problem of prohibition. Bukharin declares that proPublished Weekly, and owned and controlled, war against: the imperialistic burgeoisie, hibition is rigidly enforced in Russia, by the Communist Party of America.
the Junkers and the War Socialists. This a severe penalty being imposed for violC. RUTHENBERG, Executive Secretary German government seeks the opportu ation of the Soviet regulations; that LOUIS FRAINA, International Secretary nity of restoring the imperialistic power of Germany. The Allies are now uniting a drunkem man in Moscow or Petrograd is a rarity. cents a copy. 00 six months, 00 a year.
with this reactionary government against But, proceeds Bukharin, these restricBundles, 10 or more, 315c a copy.
Communist Russia, precisely as Bismarck and the French bourgeoisie united against tions are temporary, made necessary by the civil war; after this necessity is over, Address all communications the Paris Commune in 1871. Interna the restrictions will be modified and 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill. tional Capitalism unites against Com fine wines introduced for the use of munism, against the proletarian conquest the workers. The Communist, declares Break the of power.
Bukharin, is not an ascetic, but a firm The blockade of Soviet Russia unifies believer in life and the joy of life. is now confirmed that the Peace the forces of international oppression. a Pagan rather than a Puritan.
Conference has demanded of the re The blockade not only starves the women In this, there is another contrast beactionary government of Germany and children of Russia; it strengthens the tween the sincere, human philosophy of action in co operation with the Allies for counter revolution in Russia, it strength the Communist, and the deadening hytightening the blockade of Soviet Russia. ens reaction in Germany, Austria and pocrisy of bourgeois civilization.
This confirmation comes at the moment Hungary, it is a vital phase of the policy Capitalism develops two extremes of the assault upon Riga by the German of the governments of France, England, compulsory self denial for the workers troops of Von der Goltz. The Peace Con Italy and the United States in preventing and corrupting self indulgence for the ference mildly condemns this attack, as it the proletariat from conquering power. bourgeois. Each extreme is vicious, demildly condemns the Rumanian occupa The blockade of Communist Russia is moralizing, a denial of life and the joy tion of Budapest while rejoicing at the a danger thrust at the heart of the Rus of life.
destruction of the Hungarian Soviet Resian workers and at the heart of the The bourgeois posseses an animal conpublic by this occupation.
workers of the world.
ception of life. Power debaucheryThe Allies have been wavering beWorkers, men and women: You must brutality that is the unholy bourgeois tween destroying Germany completely act! Break the blockade of Soviet Russia trinity. social system based upon opas a potential imperialistic rival, and by means of mass strikes!
pressor and oppressed, upon master and using Germany against Soviet Russia and slave, can never develop a human conthe general European revolution. The ception of life. Luxury is considered armistice with Germany while providing CCASIONALLY man rises to the joy, excesses self expression. Through it for the withdrawal of all German troon: heights of epic magnificence. One all there runs the black thread of hyfrom most of the conquered territory of these occasions was at the Inpocrisy: does any one really believe that provided for the retention of a German dustrial Conference when Sanuel Gom prohibition prohibits for the rich. army in the Baltic provinces. This army The other philosophy for the oppers, ill and weak, in trembling hoarse the Allies proposed to use against the tones, eloquently repudiated the insinupressed, the workers is a slave philoBolsheviki. The new German govern ation that the American workers were sophy of work. The masses live to work, ment, dominated by the traitor Socialists, and not work to live. The burden of embracing Bolshevism. Gompers rethe imperialistic bourgeoisie and the called that three weeks before Wilson excessive toil imposes a burden upon the Junkers, allowed the concentration in the declared war a conference of 136 labor human spirit there is no real self exBaltic provinces of counter revolutionary leaders had pledged to back the governpression for the masses of the people.
Self denial is the ideal that religions and troops. The Junkers manouevred to se ment to the limit; that labor loyally kept class morality impose upon the workers.
cure control of Von der Goltz army, its pledge during the war; that labor had Self denial itself a denial of life and and succeeded. The Baltic provinces never used the war for its own advantthe urge of life! Work a means to an were cleared of the Bolsheviki and deage; that union labor was willing to coend made an end in itself!
mocratic, semi Socialistic national govoperate with capital; and that the orSelf denial and self indulgence each ernments established. But the landganized workers, far from contemplatpervert the human spirit. The urge to owners of the Baltic provinces, the Ger ing revolution, loved their government life becomes under Capitalism the urge man barons, were alarmed; using the and were the most patriotic and loyal in to the meretricious things of life; selfbogey of Bolshevism they organized the the world: Gompers shook with emotion expression becomes either a perversion West Russian Government, the only pur and his voice quavered as he violently of life or mechanical routine; liberty of pose of which is to restore the power defended the loyalty and patriotism of the individual becomes a mockery among of the German barons in the Baltic prov organized labor. The gentleman making the workers and an incitement to degeninces and crush the mildly radical gov the insinuation apologized.
eracy among the bourgeois.
ernments. The Junkers of Germany imIt was magnificent! An aged, ill man Life is stultified, joy perverted, and mediately saw their opportunity: if the defying calumny and compelling an culture vitiated by the tetters imposed Junkers could secure power again in the apology, heroically securing a victory for upon individual self expression.
Baltic it might promote the complete labor in spite of terrible odds.
Capitalism, moreover, perverts life by Testoration of the power of the Junkers But what Gompers actually said was making it a struggle for material wellin Germany. Hence the alliance between this: being. In a class society, the struggle of the Baltic German barons and Von der You can depend upon organized labor; man over nature becomes a means of Goltz.
we as its leaders are loyal to Capitalism.
aggrandizing the masters, and not a The Allies are undecided. the offen We are always ready to mobilize the means of realizing life for the people.
sive of Von der Goltz would weaken the workers as cannon fodder in your wars.
Communism, by ending class divisions Bolsheviki, but simultaneously it would We shall prevent the workers from beand by mobilizing all the industrial restrengthen German power in the Baltic coming radical, from initiating revolusources for the use of life, ends the misand facilitate German imperialistic pene tionary measures. You and are part of erable struggle for existence, makes tration of Russia. The policy of the the governing system of things; and we work a secondary consideration.
Allies directly makes for the restoration shall defend our privileged status. You and the joy of life become supreme. of autocracy in Russia and Germany.
must cease your attacks upon the labor self expression becomes the means to This danger is all the more acute since leaders: Your interest and theirs are a finer culture, individual liberty the inspiration for a self imposed discipline.
the Allies proposal to Germany for identical.
There have been moments in the hisGompers condemned labor to industightening the blockade of Soviet Russia.
tory of the world when the potential This blockade, the most infamous act of trial slavery, oppression and wars. It was Continued on pare three magnificent for Capitalis.
modern times, is starving millions of men, Life