CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismWorking Class

Page Eight THE COMMUNIST October 18, 1919 To the Workers of the Entente Countries Solidarity the organ of the Danish TITH inexhaustible resources and Syudicalists, prints the following appeal chains of Capitalism. Clasa. comrades, great energy, the capitalistic asto the workers of the Entente countries: it is high time to put an end to the crimes saults on the Russian Soviet Reand transgressions of capital.
public are being continued, and yet no ef enormous daily cargoes passing through We particularly address our fellowfective effort is reported by the workers Danish territory. The warships of Eng syndicalists in the Entente countries, exof the remainder of Europe to resist the land, France and other nations, as well horting them not only in their own circle crimes that are being committed against as transports, ale daily passing on their to work against this shameful traffic but our Russian class comrades. In fact, piratical voyage to the Baltic Sea and to also to carry on agitation on the econthere is hardly a trace of desire discern other places, with great cargoes of arms omic field, wherever they may have inable to help our struggling brothers in and ammunitions.
fluence, to make the workers utilize their We ask: Is it compatible with the dig economic resources to force a cessation Russia.
Unprecedented quantities of arms, nity and class duty of English seamen to of such transports. We have come to munitions, and machines of warfare of lend their services to this end? Some the point where practical action is a necevery kind, are being shipped from Eng may perhaps say that they are strug essity, if our Russian borthers are to relannd, France and America and forward gling against the dictatorship of Bol tain their hard won freedom. a quesed to counter revolutionary centers in shevism for democracy, and that they tion which is of decisive importance for Russia. In addition to the support of the understand by democracy the equal right the world revolution.
counter revolution and the attacks of the of the people in all fields. But we, even Only by actual co operation can the capitalistic world trust against the Rusin our democratic country, are living un working class defend its position and sian workers republic, which stands like der the most ruthless capitalistic autoc resist the forces of capitalism and by an a barricade against the autocracy of capracy economic industrial union of the workital, there are being maintained in Rus In their cast iron dictatorship, they ers in all countries they may be able to sia great military forces of these same are putting their feet upon our necks. build up a new society based on free Socapitalistic nations.
They rule the land, the factories, in cialist principles.
Comrades of these countries. Do not short, all of economic society. Their ce The Russian population of workers be misled by the false statements of your lebrated democracy has created a para needs real action on the part of its forcapitalistic press to the effect that armed sitic class of capitalistic transients in all eign class Comrades, first and foremost, expeditions and transports that are be large cities, whose number exceeds even in order to attain the goal of obliging the ing sent to Russia are for the purpose that of the producing masses, and they capitalistic and imperialistic governof rescuing troops in Russia and bring will continue their oppressions until we ments to stop the bandit war which they ing them back home. That is a base lie. free ourselves by force, for capitalism are at present waging in Russia.
The Russian workers republic is to will never give up voluntarily its auto Comrades, let us discharge our duty be put down at any cost, and we here in cratic domination. The parasites of Rus towards our Russian brothers by real Denmark have every opportunity to ob sia are at present promoting the counter action.
serve the great efforts that are being revolutionary struggle in order to put Stop the transport of material for the made for this end, in the form of the the Russian workers once more in the criminal counter revolution in Russia.
Communist Party and Socialist Party Continued from age 6)
voting strength on the side of the work the false hopes of capitalist democracy, so far as the use of the ballou is coning class consists of the skilled mechan even when held out by Socialist or Labor cerned, the case is complete against fumics, who have fairly permanent homes, parties.
damental change by count of the farmer many of them owning their homes. This The capitalists understand keenly vote alone.
group of workers has already shown their own voting game. Note the state The dominant element in American that it has such jealousy of its little pro ments of Mark Sullivan in the current politics is the farmer, manipulated for perty, or its property in skill as proissue of COLLIER S: If you have night the general capitalistic use by the astute tected by tight little craft unions, that it mares about revolution in America, there political experts employed by the finanwill vote and act against a fundamental is one thought you can always take to ciers, manufacturers and jobbers. But change of the social system. The Labor bed with you. Farmers who own their the dominant element in American life Party. assisted by Moderate (Reform tarms don engage in revolutions. In is the proletariat in the basic industry.
ist) Socialism, may build up this voting any presidential election in America the And the game of politics of which the strength of about 2, 500, 000, together farmer and his sons contribute over a farmer is himself the dupe is only a small with as many more of the small farm third, and close to a half, of the entire aspect of the class conflict. Mr. Sulowners and small shopkeepers and vote.
In politics the farmer gets livan reassurance against the proclerks, into a powerful phalanx against what he wants and keeps what he has. letarian revolution in America will not the revolutionary momentum of the Every politician knows that the farmers end the capitalistic nightmares. They 25, 000, 000 unskilled or semi skilled are not only the most numerous class of will go on with their Loyal American wage workers. That is exactly the situvoters, but the most dependable. The League preparations for working class ation in Germany today, where the Sofaumer swings the country.
massacre. They will go on with their ascial Democracy is doing such splendid Now, the farmer who owns his farm sassinations, deportations, jailings and service for German Capitalism and is a conservative and a capitalist. There bomb planting.
Junkerdom against the working masses. is no more intense devotion to any form They know that the use of the ballot But the spirit and understanding of of property anywhere than the farmer is only a side show. They know vaguely Communism is already making rapid has toward his acres. Not only is the that there is reason for nightmares in headway against reactionary Socialism farmer certain to oppose anything in the mass power of the industrial workers.
and Laborism in the United States, the nature of communism; further than And their civilization and its culture has American Imperialism has overplayed that, the farmer hates labor as a class. taught them only one method to use its hand, and it is no longer so easy for With the farmer dominant in politics, against this power, the method of terYeactionary unionism and reformist the real difficulty is going to be to put rorism.
working class politics to fool the work through as many concessions as labor The Communist Party calls upon the el Also there is the stirring example seriously ought to have. The aumer workers to give effective organization of successful social revolution in Russia, is the dominant element in American and direction to their mass power. Not and the demonstration in Hungary and politics and American life, and there to be deceived by the emptiness of capBavaria that there is no power of cal isn going to be any revolution.
italist democracy or the evasiness of Soitalism which can cope with the organMr. Sullivan journalistically plays up cialist or Labor reformism, but to meet ized, conscious mass action of the work the farmer to the exclusion of similar squarely the issue of capitalist dietator li is going to be hard any longer city yroups, like the shopkeepers and the ship of society Versus woring class to state of the working masses with artisans. But it is undoubtedly true that dictatorship.