CominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyWorkers Party

October 3s. 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Seven The Party Organization Ruthenberg Executive Secretary 1219 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago.
We Have Fifteen. Shall It Be Fifty?
The Communist now has a circulation of fifteen The Communist sells for 3! per copy in bundle thousand copies weekly. How quick can we raise it to lots of ten or more. It retails at 5c per copy. Bundies fifty thousand are mailed out upon receipt of order and bills rendered To increase the circulation of the National Organ at the end of each month. The bundle order thus of the party should be the first work of every Com finances itself and the branches cannot only help along munist Party member and branch. It will be only as we the party propaganda by ordering a bundle but can put increase the circulation of our paper that we will gain some money in their treasury for their local work.
power, that power which results from the united action Bundle orders alone, however, are not sufficient.
of the masses.
When the way has been prepared by the sale of single Every branch and every member can contribute to copies subscription can easily be secured. The subscripthis work. Our campaign of agitation and propaganda tion rate is 00 per year or 00 for six months.
must of necessity be largely a literature campaign. The most effective literature campaign is the regular deliv The Communist must grow. It should reach the ery each week of the party paper. Every branch that fifty thousand mark by Jan. and then go on upward.
has joined the Communist Party should order a bundle Let every branch elect a committee on Comeach week of from ten to one thousand according to munist circulation and develop ways and means of the size of the branch. The branch should be organized for the sale of the papers. Any branch can sell ten placing the paper in the hands of the workers. The papers weekly, many can sell one hundred weekly, Communist Party is to be a party of deeds. Let us some can sell a thousand weekly.
begin by building up our paper.
branches are already in existence and the organizations are growing.
German Weekly Out The first issue of the German weekly of the Communist Party was sent out last week. It is known as Die Kommunistische Internationale.
The subscription rate is 00 per year, or two cents per copy in bundle lots. Single copies are 3c. Branches should order a bundle for distribution among the German comrades where they have not yet got the truth about the party situ.
ation. Address 1219 Blue Island Ave.
Minnesota Goes Communist On Sunday, Oct. 5th, the former branches of the Socialist Party of Minnesota held a convention in Minneapolis to decide the future affilliation of the State Organization. Twenty seven delegates were present representing eighteen locals and about fifteen hundred members, half the membership of the state.
The delegates from Minnesota had split at: Chicago, Jack Carney going to the Communist Labor Party and the other four delegates to the Communist Party. These delegates presented their report. The foor was given to a representative of the Communist Labor Party for a half hour with fifteen minutes for rebuttal and the same time alloted to the Communist Party representative. Jack Camey presented the case for the Communist Labor Party and Ruthenberg for the Communist Party. At the close of the debate the convention voted 18 to to affiliate with the Communist Party.
While only eighteen locals were represented the vote carries with it the bulk of the membership of the state. number of branches of the Finnish Federation were represented and will join the Communist Party. new State Executive Committee was elected and Broms was elected State Secretary to take the plalce of Charles Dirba, who expects to begin a prison sentence soon.
An interesting result of the convention was the statement by a number of delegates who had come instructed to vote for the Communist Labor Party, that after hearing the discussion, if they had been free to express their own judgment they would have voted to affiliate with the Communist Party. They had been instructed for the Communist Labor Party because their locals had heard only one side. The invariable result of a thorough discussion of the situation is a decisive vote for the Communist Party.
Getting Under Way The branches are just getting under way in collecting the Party Organization Fund. Subscription lists are coming into the office in increasing number. The Russian Branch No. of New York led the way last week with a contribution of 50. 00 with the Sangamon Russian Branch a close second with 41. 75. The German Branch of St. Paul sent in 25. 00, Donara Russian Branch 18. 00; Lettish Branch No. of Cleveland 15. 00; William Brown of Galion 10. 00; Russian Branch No. of Pittsburgh 00; Clarendon Branch 20 and the South Bend Russian Branch 70.
The Organization Fund means party growth.
It will provide the means for aggressive agitation and the building of a powerful organization that will enable the party to do things. We must build so that in a short time we will be able to distribute millions of leaflets on a few days notice. We have made a beginning on this work, but it is only a beginning. The growth of the Organization Fund will spell growth of the power of the party in this respect. Boost it.
Communist Party Literature The party has secured a quantity of literature published by The Revolutionary Age during the Left Wing fight in the Socialist Party and is ready to fill orders for both Revolutionary Socialism by Louis Fraina and The Social Revolution in Germany by the same author.
In order to make this literature available for propaganda work the prices have been reduced and the books will sell as follows. Revolutionary Socialismº Single copies.
50e Ten copies. 00 Twenty five copies. 00 Fifty or more. 30 per cops The Social Revolution in Germany Single copies.
15c Ten copies. 25 Twenty five copies or more.
10c each Orders for the Manifesto and Program ale pouring into the party headquarters and there is every indication that the pamphlet will have a wide circulation. Prices are 10c for single copies, 25 for 00, 50 for 50 and 00 per hundred.
The second pamphlet to be published by the party which will have the title The Communist Party and the Socialist Party is now in preparation and will go to press at an early date.
Distribute the Communist Par, literature to give the workers an understandi) of Communist principles.
German Federation Grows The revolt against the effort of the Executive Committee of the German Socialist Federation to hand that organization over to the Communist Labor Party grows daily. The St. Louis Branch, which first showed a leaning toward the Communist Labor Party, after getting the facts, wung in line for the Communist Party.
The German Branch of Pawtucket, has applied for a Communist Party charter.
The Ferdinand Lasalle of Cincinnati decided forty to one to join the Communist Party The situation in Chicago is developing more favorably for the Communist Party Two DISTRIBUTE LEAFLETS READY NOW. Proclamation of Communist Party on Military Invasion of Gary. Declaration of Communist Party on Russian Blockade.
IN PREPARATION. Your Shop an appeal for Shop Organi.
PRICE 50 per 1000 Begin your Communist Agitation Work by ordering as many as you can distribute.
COMMUNIST PARTY of America, 1219 Blue Island Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.
The Party Emblem The Constitution of the party provides: The emblem of the party shall be a button with the figure of the earth in the centre in white with gold lines and a red flag across the face bearing the inscription All Power to the Workers Around the figure of the earth a red margin shall appear with the words The Communist Party of America and The Communist International on this margin in white letters.
Colluloid party buttons will be ready for delivery by the time this paper reaches you. The price is 00 per hundred to branches. The but.
tons will sell for 5c. Send in your order.
Gilt buttons are being manufactured, but delivery on these cannot be promised until several weeks later. The gilt buttons will sell at 10c for single buttons or 50 per dozen.