BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismInvasionSocialismSovietStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismViolenceWorking Class

Page Fiss THE COMMUNIST October 18, 3519 NOTES AND COMMENT. d Orsai. mald Italians at Via Vige. CHE Chicago Tribune scores the unifying itself with the general bankrupt fight against this dread disease, because wild reservationists. in connec finance of world capitalism. The work it is really a fight against poverty.
With some of the billions of the social ing masses will not be crushed. Life has tion with the treaty bantering.
surplus diverted to the free play of its fundamental impulses of resistance. There is nothing mild about the There is no ruined industrialism; that is, science; with every worker in a position treaty of Paris. There is nothing mild about the state of Europe. There is no the workers have it in their grasp to pro to command the change of work and climate, or the leisure, needed for cure, vide their needs easily, once the interest thing mild about the policy of any of the there can be an effective campaign powers that will make up the league of and profit burdens are out of the way.
against tuberculosis. The profit system nations, the real league within the One item will balance the account of the stands in the way of anything except palworld finances of today the item of the league. Every point of self interest is liation on a small scale.
rigorously contended for by our rivals. proletarian revolution.
The profit system will not yield itself There are no mild Britons at Downing street, or mile Frenchmen at the Quai GAIN we quote a Tribune editorial. without a revolutionary conflict. Tuberculosis is as firmly intrenched as the this time in solution of the race sima Settembre. or mild Japanese at problem. The theme is re stated profit system. Both must give way to the working class demand for full free.
Kasumiga Seki. The times are not several times. mild. World politics is not mild. The blacks form less than 10 of the healthy life. The struggle is on. The America needs something more effectual immediate apparent power is with the population of the United States. They than mich seienses and mild Amersystem of capitalistic privilege. The have less than one tenth of a ghost of a icanism.
overwhelming reserve power is with the show if the relations between white and When theses fall out we get a little black become bitterly hostile.
working class. The victory of science applied to the life of the poverty victims capitalist sruth about the League of Na We know what will happen if the of tuberculosis is near at hand.
tions. There is so much to reflect upon two races cannot live in the same localin this vivid picture of the plenipotenity in peace.
The whites will make a tiaries for safeguarding democracy.
peace which will be their own. If intel Report of Louis Fraina, There also the moral. The class International Secretary struggle not mild. There is nothing ligent negroes could control their own mild about the state of capitalist in people the tension would relax. Continued from page We know that if it comes to violence dustrialis. There is nothing mild about the black will get the worst of it. ciety, as the only means of achieving the the polic. o Jiorgan, Gary. Schwab Terrorism the cure for terrorism. revolution: a conception as utopian as Company. the real league within the league American Imperialism. There The editorial also says: The Negro that of the moderate Socialist, who proposes to grow into Socialism by transare no roild sentimentalists on Wall is at an economic disadvantage. He is Street. To working class needs some needed in the south and has been brought forming the bourgeois state. The Comthing more efectual than the mild de into the north to meet labor emergencies, munist Party endorses the as a fenses of of unionism and So but he does not have an open field of work revolutionary mass movement, while cricialist or Lacor reformism.
These disadvantages cannot be removed ticising its theoretical shorteomings. If it a world conditions in the by discussing them. They exist in race Imperialism is now consciously domiface, we all see that sentimentality is instincts and along with the other disnant in the United States. In his recent an indelsste we cannot afford at such advantages which the Negro meets, arise tour for the League of Nations. President a time. This is no time for a mild from causes not at the control of the Wilson threw off the mask and spoke in polier of defense. The times are reasoning faculties.
plain imperialistic terms, emphasizing not mild The Tribune says: Suppress the agthe absolute necessity of crushing Societ itators and terrify the negroes. We say: Russia. Congress drifts, and is impotent.
The government. federal and local, is SC4R. Crosby, president of the get rid of the economic disadvantages.
Intellied Council on War Pur consciously enforced, by which the Negro adopting the most repressive measures ehce and Finance, says that is used as strike breaker and low wage against the proletariat. Armed force.
Europe is ruined, either industrially job competitor. Get rid of the capital martial law and military invasion are or financially Actually the war in istic system which cannot get along with used against strikes. State after state has creased production. The huge armies out such use of labor hordes, either alien adopted Criminal Syndicalism measwere fed and equipped to the end. If negro or coolie. The aliens, the negroes, ures, making almost any advocacy of Europe could do all this during the war the coolies all are inexorably driven to militant proletarian tactics a crime. On it can do so more easily now that the war class consciousness through the primal the least pretext agitators are arrested.
is ended and the soldiers released to inhuman impulses which finally break the Deportations occur almost daily, one of dustry. actual war derastation is chains forged out of ignorance and our international delegates. Stoklitconfined to smited local areas.
sky, is now under trial for deportation.
All this zes pointed out quite insistAmerican Imperialism is usurping world power, constituting the very heart ently in tre argument that the war costs UBERCULOSIS last year killed of international reaction. Reaction in could be paid during the war because the 150. 000 Americans, twice war cost represented current producmany as were killed in the year of Russia are supported morally and finanas Europe and the campaign against Soviet tion. If the stunitions and supplies could European fighting. There is a rapid cially by our government. An enbe made and used up while the industrial growth of tuberculosis in the United workers and arm workers fed and main States, according to the National Tuber military intervention in Mexico.
ormous agitation is being waged for tained thereselves and their families. culosis Association. The white plague The where we toe oecasion for the piling up is largely preventable and can be cured. scrupulous, powerful: it controls enorAmerican capitalist class is brutal, unof the colonel war debts?
Tuberculosis is one of the flagrant asThe ansatz is profits. The workers pects of poverty. It goes with the unmous reserves of financial, industrial and behind the ses could only convey mate sanitary living conditions of the slums; military power; it is determined to use rials to the armies through the profit it is a by product of the dust trades. It and to crush the revolutionary prolethis power to conquer world supremacy method of production and exchange. The is not prevented in its destructiveness bewar debre represent delayed collection cause the remedy is change of climate, immensity of its task; it realizes that the tariat. The Communist Party realizes the of part o 15 profits in war commodities. occupation, general mode of living. The final struggle of the Communist proleEuropes capitalistically ruined. That pitiable recourse of charity comes only is, the European financiers cannot cash in the advanced cases, for the most part tariat will be waged in the United States, in their caroulated profits, converted with the odds fearfully against cure.
our conquest of power alone assuring the into war DGS thout pressing down so Tuberculosis advances because science world Soviet Republic. Realizing all this.
hard on the working masses as either to is impotent in the face of capitalistic struggle.
the Communist Party prepares for the crush the completels or drive them to economics. Medical science, supported revolution American finance is rapidly by charities, cannot take a successful Long live the Communist Internationul! Long live the world revolution T