CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

October 1, 1913 T Page Two THE COMMUNIST The Communist The purpose of the Conference is to not the government that broke the strike ascertain means for ansuring industrial but the tradex unions officials. The New National Organ, Communist Party York Times says that the trades union peace.
Capitalism realizes that brute force alone is insufficient to suppress Conciliatory Committee deserves more LOUIS FRAINA, Editor the developing revolt of the working credit than any others, including Premier FERGUSON, Associate Editor class. Therefore, if certain strata of the Lloyd George, in setting the strike. The workers, the aristocracy of labor, can depth of this betrayal of the strike and Published Weekly, and owned and controlled, be given slight concessions, and the great this by the Central Executive Committee of the Com prestige of the A, of L, secured in clause of the agreement: The Union munist Party of Americu, favor of a program for industrial peace, of Railwaymen agrees that members of RUTHENBERG, Executive Secretary Capitalism is strengthened in its usrpathe union should work in harmony with LOUIS FRAINA, International Secretary tion of power, the workers who returned to work or cents a copy, 00 six months, 00 a year.
That is the meaning of the Industrial who continued working during the Bundles, 10 or more, a copy.
Conference to strengthen the authori strike, ty of the capitalist class over the workThe Steel strike also started as a maxs movement of the workers, The tradex ing class, Address all communications union officials of the of in con Industrial peace is impossibe under 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
Capitalism the development of econtrol of the organization work, tried comomic and political forces smashes every promise from the start. They wanted INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCES.
dream of industrial peace. The antaga conference with the Steel magnates APITALISM possesses an infinite onisms of class against class are a necbefore the strike; now they are willing capacity for adaptation. Its essary phase of Capitalism. These an to accept arbitration anything but the policy, while rigid in the general tagonisms must become more and more aggressive struggle. In this strike, as in purpose of maintaining supremacy, va acute, until they flare up in the final the British Railway strike, the union of ries in particular application to particu antagonism of revolutionary crisis.
ficials are preventing any expression of lar conditions. Having power and consolidarity from the other workers, The trol of the resources of power, Capitalism TWO STRIKES.
Steel strike might have eventuated in a can use a large variety of means to general strike; but the leaders of the maintain its oppressive control of society.
HE Socialist Party and the ComSteel strike not only do not carry on an In the United States, at the moment munist Labor Party agree on one agitation for a general strike, they set thing an that Capitalism was using all its re American movetheir faces as flint against it. The A, sources of brutality and coercion against ment, not a foreign movement, is of moreover, is not at all sympathetic the working class, Capitalism was simulnecessary. It is appropriate that the to the strike; the philosophy of trades taneously preaching fraternity and Communist Labor Party, which has not unionism sees in this strike a menace, and inancing the Civic Federation, the paryet severed the umbilical cord binding they are not supporting the strike. The ticular purpose of which was cajolery of it to the Socialist Party, should express Steel strike is now languishing, in spite labor.
this treacherous ideology of Ameri of the determination and courage of the canism.
In spite of coercion and brutality, the men; the situation now is either defeat American working class developed more Marxists are not idealogues; they or a miserable compromise unless the and more consciousness and militancy.
consider objective facts, variations in strike workers can take control of the This development has been accelerated class relations, every peculiarity of social strike and oust the reactionary leaders, by the inspiration of the proletarian development that may determine tactics.
The parallel between these two strikes But the fact that there are peculiar probrevolutions in Europe and by the indus one British, the other American is a vial crisis in our own country. The lems of each proletarian movement does drastic illustration of the international workers are becoming restless, more milinot alter the general character of the character of the proletarian struggle, of tant, impatient of small means and purproblems of the revolutionary prolethe similarity of problems and the fundaposes. There is the threat of potential tariat. The Right Wing and the Centre mental tactics that these problems iml evolutionary action. Capitalism resorts use a perfectly good principle not for pose.
to new forms of coercion legislative purposes of revolutionary action, but Trades unionism is the arch enemy of either to discourage revolutionary action measures are adopted which make althe militant proletriat. It is archaic in or to promote a malicious controversy.
most any advocacy of militant proleorganization structure and counter evotarian action a crime; all the resources That the general problems of the prolutionary in spirit. It accepts capitalism, of the state power are mobilized against letriat are international is attested re.
and thereby places itself at the mercy of the revolutionary movements of the peatedly by an abundance of testimony, Capitalism. In all nations the trades theoretical and practical. Consider the working class, and armed force is used union organizations are against the milisteel strike in the United States and the against workers on strike, tant struggle of the workers; they de.
But still proletarian unrest grows, Railway strike in England, velop into bulwarks of Capitalism in the revolutionary agitation becomes more The British Railway strike was in revolutionary crisis, in Russia, in Gergeneral and aggressive.
Capitalism, itiated by a mass impulse of the workers. many, in England, in the United Sattes.
while intensifying its coercion, resorts It was an expresison of the developing But in the United States, as in Engagain to cajolery and deception. The In revolt of the workers, forced upon the land, there is developing a revolt of the dustrial Conference, now in session, is of union officials, who were as much terri workers in the unions. They are disconthis character, fied by the strike as the British Govern tented by conditions; they are being This Industrial Conference, the crea ment.
Prior to the strike the Railway awakened by the betrayals perpetrated ture of President Wilson, is composed of union officials acted against the strike.
by their organizations, This provides representatives of capital, labor and the tried every resource of compromise; but caught between the militancy of the tionary industrial unionism and the Comexcellent opportunity to agitate revolupublic. Among the representatives of the public, incidentally, are two traitor workers and the hostility of the govern munist program.
Socialists. The labor representation ment, the union officials were forced to This is one of the tasks of the Comis an A, of representation; conse yield and declare a strike. But the day The strike was declared, Thomas, isting trades union organizations. The munist Party the destruction of the exquently, in fundamental issues of class policy. necessarily representing Capital secretary of the Railway unions, said: particular means by which this may be This is the saddest day of my life.
ism. The public in a society rent by accomplished depend upon ciasa divisions and class struggles, there Starting on this compromise basis, the stances; the task is clear and imperative, is no public neutral in fundamental class Railway strike persisted as a strike un The Communist Party possesses disputes. the public must necessarily welcome to the officials. These tried sense of revolutionary realism; it recog align itself either with capital or labor; every opportunity to compromise the nizes any peculiarity in our American strike. They used every means to pre problems, but it does not use that as the and, the Conference being determined by President Wilson, the representatives vent the strike assuming a revolutionary pretext for an hysterical Americanof the public are necessarily capitalistic. character; other unions were discourism.
Only the adherence to fundaThe Industrial Conference, therefore, aged from participating in a general mentals, among which is a recognition represents Capitalism in fundamental strike. The union officials argued that of the international character of the proissues, whatever disagreements there a general strike might mean revolution!
letarian struggle, will build a Communist may be on minor issues of controversy. The compromise was effected. It was movement.