CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalySocialismSoviet

Combined with The Revolutionary Age The Communist All Power To The Workers!
CHICAGO, ILL. OCTOBER 18, 1919 Price, 5c Per Copy Vol. I, No. Break the Blockade of Russia!
Declaration Issued by the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party is nearly one year since the But this war that Soviet Russia is com ure, of life, liberty, and peace to all the armistice was signed. Peace! It pelled to wage in self defense is a ter peoples.
was what an agonizing world had rible agony. Instead of the factories pro Capitalism maintains that the Comyearned for Peace!
munist Republic of Russia is a failure.
It sent a thrill ducing shoes and clothes and agriculturthrough the world, a thrill of joy and al machinery, they are forced to produce On the contrary, Capitalism knows that No more dead. No more munitions. Instead of the men working in promise.
the Communist Republic of Russia is a maimed. The mother could again clasp factory and mine, they are compelled to success; that is why international Capher son and the sweetheart her lover. fight. Instead of the people energy be italism wages war against the Commurist Republic of Russia, starves it and tries In all this joy at the coming of peace ing used to build their new and finer to crush it. For if the Russian Communist there was promise of finer things, of THE COMMUNIST PARTY AND THE Republic lives and flourishes, the worka new world, of international fraternity COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL ers of the world will say: why can we and a more human civilization.
On September 25 the following cable was have a Communist Republic of our own?
Peace was granted Germany and Ausent to the Left Wing of the Socialist move.
The war against Russia, the blockade stria, Turkey and Bulgaria; but peace ment of Sweden Greet Left Wing of the Swedish Party of Russia, is an expression of the interwas not granted to Soviet Russia, where in name of the Communist Party of Amer national class struggle between the workthe workers were in control.
ica, recently organized with more than 55, ers and the capitalists. Force is used Why this war against the Russian peo 000 members. Long live the Third International!
against the Russian workers, but force ple? They starved during the war. LOUIS FRAINA, is also used by these governments Brittheir dead and injured are more than of International Secretary.
ish. French, Italian, Japanese, American all the Aliles put together. If the dead against their own workers. The waz are the price of peace, then Russia paid On October the following cable was received from the Secretary of the Swedish against Soviet Russia is a war against th.
the price in fuil.
Left Wing: workers of the world.
But the why of war against Soviet Long live the Communist Party of Let the workers determine: We must Russia immediately was apparent. The America! We return greetings! Cable Third International and Communist Party break the blockade of Soviet Russia!
diplomats of the Allies in the Peace Conof Russia through us.
In Italy, the workers have compelled ference repudiated the ideals used during STROEM, the war to make the people fight. The the government to withdraw all troops Secretary Left Party of Sweden.
from Russia, while the Italian sailors ePeace Conference was not concerned Thereupon Comrade Fraina immediately fuse to allow ships to sail that bring muwith making the world safe for peace sent the following cable answer to Com nitions to Kolchak Co.
and democracy: it concerned itself with Jade Stroem: dividing the world economically, finan Greet Third International and the ComIn Sweden the workers are organizing munist Party of Russia in name of the Com a blockade of the Allies as a means to cially and territorially among the Great munist Party of America. We apply for Poveis, France, England, Italy, Japan break the blockade of Soviet Russia.
admission to the International Bureau. Our and the United States. The Peace Con pulty campaigning now to end blockade In Seattle American longshoremen leference divided the spoils; it was a peace against Russia.
fuse to transport munitions bound for of plunder, an imperialistic adjustment Russia to slaughter their feliow workers.
of power, a dagger thrust at the heart of civilization, they must use this energy The blockade of Soviet Russia must be the peace ty of the world. for war against counter revolution and broken! The workers alone can break it.
Soviet Russia was a menace to this aggression of the Allies.
Agitate against the blockade. Organize peace of plunder and oppression. Soviet But the worst feature of all is the mass demonstrations against the blockRussia has repudiated Imperialism;it has blockade of Soviet Russia maintained by ade. Organize strikes against the blockrepudiated annexations and wars of the Allies.
plunder; it believes in liberty of the peo The Allies and the Peace Conference Worker s, men and women! The strugples. Soviet Russia, in crushing its own are deliberately starving the men, wom gle of the Russian workers is your strugCapitalism. is an inspiration to the worken and children of Russia starving gle. If they are crushed. you will be ers of the world to crush all Capitalism. them in a brutal purpose to restore CzarSo the Peace Conference declared war crushed.
ism and maintain the workers of the against Soviet Russia, world in slavery.
On November it will be two years When the workers and peasants of since the Russian workers conquered Food intended for Russia is rotting in Hungary organized their own Communist power.
the ports of Europe, but the Allies refuse During two years, in spite ol Government, the Peace Conference de to allow this food to enter Russia, while starvation, in spite of war and blockade clared war against Soviet Hungary: and in blood and tears and agony. the women and children die the terrible today the workers and peasants of Hun death of starvation.
Russian workers have held firm to their gary are being starved and butchered by Communist ideals. They have show. Why?
the Roumanian army, acting under the Soviet Russia is a Communist Republic. power.
the worker of the world the means to orders of the Peace Conference. Communist Republic is a republic in They are constructing a new The military war against Soviet Russia civilization which the power of the capitalists to the new civilization that proved a miserable failure. The Red you also will soon begin to construct.
sweat the workers is broken, where the They call to the workers of the world for Army, inspired by the ideal of Commun workers control industry; a republic in ist liberty for Russia and the world, has aid.
which life is supreme and not profits.
beaten back the counter revolutionary The Communist Republic of Russia is the Workers, men and women: Come to forces.
promise of a new world and a finer cultthe aid of your fellow workers! Break the blockade of Soviet Russia!