BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalism

THE Page Eight COMMUNIST October 11, 1919 Report of Louis Fraina, International Secretary of the Communist Party of America, to the Executive Committee of the Communist International. Continued from Page. coming more acute, the national administration of the The after these desperate acts and after party acted. The National Executive Committee met refusing to make public the vote on the referendum to in May determined to purge the party of the Left affiliate with the Communist International, decided to Wing. The was brutal and direct in its retain office until the convention of August 30, almeans: it refused to recognize the results of the electhough constitutionally it should have retired on June tions, declaring them illegal because of frauds. It 30.
issued a call for an emergency national convention on August 30, which was to decide the validity of the The issue was now definite. No compromise was elections, meanwhile appointing an investigating com conceivable. Events were directly making for a split mittee.
in order insure that the convention and the organization of a new party. The Old Guard would act right, the suspended from the was concerned with retaining control of the Socialist Party the Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Hungarian, South Party organization, even if minus the bulk of the memSlavic, Lettish, and Lithuanian Federations, and the Sobership; the Left Wing was concerned with the princicialist Party of Michigan State. In all, the ples and tactics suspended 40, 000 members from the party a delib5. The National Left Wing Conference and After erate, brazen move to control the election of delegates Just prior to the session of the National Executive to the convention.
Committee, Local Boston, Local Cleveland and the Left The charge of fraud was an easily detected Wing Section of the Socialist Party of New York City, camouflage. The elections were so overwhelmingly issued a call for a National Left Wing Conference, in favor of the Left Wing candidates as to prove the which met in New York City on June 21. The Confercharge of fraud itself a fraud. For international dele ence was composed of 94 delegates representing 20 gates the vote was (excluding three states, where the states, and coming overwhelmingly from the large inreturns were suppressed, but which would not alter the dustrial centers, the heart of the militant proletarian results. Left Wing candidates: John Reed, 17, 235; movement.
Louis Fraina, 14, 124; Ruthenberg, 10, 773; There was a difference of opinion in the ConferWagenknecht, 10, 650; Ferguson, 6, 490 Right ence as to whether a Communist Party should be organWing candidates: Victor Berger, 4, 871; Seymour ized immediately, or whether the struggle should be Stedman, 4, 729; Adolph Germer, 4, 622; Oscar Amercarried on within the Socialist Party until the emeringer, 184; Engdahl, 3, 510; John Work, gency convention August 30. The proposal to organ2, 664; Shiplacoff, 2, 346; James Oneal, 1, 895; ize a new party immediately was defeated, 55 to 38.
Thereupon 31 delegates, consisting mostly of the FedAlgernon Lee, 1858. Louis Boudin, who was proeration comrades and the delegates of the Socialist war and against the Boishevik Revolution, secured Party of Michigan, determined to withdraw from the 1, 537 votes. The Left Wing elected 12 out of 15 mem Conference. The majority in the Conference decided bers of the National Executive Committee. The mod to participate in the Socialist Party emergency conerates who had been dominant in the Socialist Party vention, all expelled and suspended locals to send conwere overwhelmingly repudiated. Kate Richards testing delegates; but issued a call for a convention Hare (supported by the Left Wing, although not its September of all revolutionary elements to organcandidate) defeated Hillquit for International Secreize a Communist Party together with delegates seceding from the Socialist Pariy convention.
tary, 13, 262 to 4, 7765. Continued next week)
International Mass Meeting Auspices of the Communist Party of America THE WORKER IN STEEL Continned from Page while a third plant reported a decrease of about 11. affecting approximately 50 of the employes. 10 decrease, which affected three eights of the employes, was made by one concern, and about of the force in one plant were decreased approximately Three plants reported percentage decreases of 6, and 3, affecting one third of the employes, 10 of the force and about 50 of the employes, respectively. July Monthly Review, 137. May 15 to June 15: One establishment gave the entire force an increase of 15.
The hot mill tonnage men in one plant received an increase of 316. One concern granted a small general increase. Respective decreases of 19. and 11. affecting the puddle mill and the finishing mill workers, or 45 of the employes, were reported by one establishment.
One plant decreased the tonnage men in the bar and sheet departments 1713 and 12. lespectively. decrease of about affecting about 35 of the employes. was made by one establishment. August Monthly Review, 172. The steel strike is all the commentary that is needed in connection with these facts. Against all the determined and ruthless efforts of the steel exploiters against unionism, enough progress has finally been made for the calling of this strike. The desire for human existence will carry the workers to the next fight, and then to the next.
TO PROTEST AGAINST THE MILITARY INVASION AND MARTIAL LAW AT GARY Tuesday, Oct. 14, P. Car Men Hall, Ashland Van Buren Workers, unite against the suppression of Strikes by Military Force. Stand by the workers of Gary in their struggle against the capitalist class. Come in thousands and show your solidarity.