CommunismCommunist Party

The Communist October 11, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Two Nearly half the steel workers (1910) scheduled, one exceeded a dollar an put in 72 hours, or days of 12 hours, hour. The rate for laborers in the Southwith extra stretches of 20 to 30 hours, ern districts, 36c, and in the Eastern, Naxonal Organ, Communist Party In the blast furnace and other depart. Central and Pacific districts, 46c. There ments, 20 of the entire force, the men were 67 rates (over one third of the list)
put in 84 hours or more per week. The under 60c: 137 rates, 70c and under; LOUIS FRAINA, Editor FERGUSON, Associate Editor percentage working the day week is as and only 39 rates, covering the basic high today as in 1910, time sche crafts, at 80e and over, Published Weekly, and owned and controlled. dule is as follows: 10 hours for 12 days. War Labor Board award (August by the Central Executive Committee of the Com then 14 hours for 12 nights, with two 21, 1918) affecting the Pollack Steel Co. munist Party of America, continuous shifts of 24 hours when the at Cincinnati, also tests the war rates CE RUTHENBERG, Executive Secretary change is made from day to night, and of pay: Out of 47 rates specified, there LOUIS FRAINA, International Secretary periods of 24 hours off in the four weeks. was each at 05, 92c, 89c, 86c, 73e; That there is nothing inherent in the at 72c and at 70c. Under 70e to 60c, cents a copy. 00 six months, 00 a year, industry which requires these hours is classifications; 10 others down to 40c, Bundles, 10 or more, 34 copy, conclusively settled by the resolution and 21 grades at 40c. In all cases, 5c an adopted in April, 1907, by the finance hour higher on night shifts. The highly Address all communications committee of the steel corporation in skilled workers in steel are in decided 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, ni favor of the day week. Most of the minority. The bonus awards likewise subsidiary companies failed to act on aflect only a very small percentage, this recommendation, for fear of cutting There is no need to add statistics about THE WORKER IN STEEL into dividends. Under pressure of pub prices in comparison with wages, The HE Steel Trust, as presently con lic attacks an investigation was made by sub human existence of the worker in stituted, was organized in 1902. a committee of stockholders in 1911.
steel and of his family is more agSo conservative a financial author. This committee reported: We are of gravated today than it was in 1910, when ity as Oscar Underwood, in a Senate the opinion that a 12 hour day of labor, it shocked the conscience even of the debate on the war profits tax, stated followed continuously by any group of company officials and stockholders. that the capitalization of United States men for any considerable number of very recent study by the Bureau of Labor Steel was fully three times the actual year means a decreasing of the ellishows that it now requires an income of value of the investment. With a billion ciency and lessening of the vigor and at least 1800 a year for the proper dollar capitalization, the profits from vitality of such men.
nourishment of a family of two adults 1902 10 1914 totalled roundly 1, 500. The Chicago Tribune recently printed and three children. For June, 1919, 82 000. 000; that is, about 30 annual rean extract from a speech by William establishments in steel and iron, with turn on actual investment, without tak Dickson, First Vice President of 154, 395 employees, showed a payroll ing any account of financial juggleries Steel, delivered May 27, 1910, as fol for a half month of 9, 554, 914. This on the stock market and in the merger lows: It is my deliberate judgment after figures a monthly average of less than of new properties, or misleading systems almost thirty years of continuous connec 125, without separating the workers of accounts which conceal profits as tion with the industry, the early part of into managerial, technical, and semioperation or interest charges. For 1915 which was passed in manual labor in the skilled groups. The recent reports show the profit returns ran close to 100, 000. mills, that the present conditions, which decreasing employment, adding to the 000, and for 1916 294, 026, 564. The necessitate the employment of the same off time.
profit rate for 1916 was probably individual workman twelve hours a day 50. if real property values are conThe rest of the story is told officially for seven days a week, are a reproach in the Monthly Labor Review under sidered. For 1917, 478, 204, 343, an acknowledged rate of 24. a return of this enlightened age be longer tolerated. Changes in Wage Rates. as follows: likely more than ever went into the acNearly a decade has gone by, presumDuring the period February 15 to March tual corporation investment. After the 15, 1919. a decrease of 17. affecting ably adding to the world enlighten 40 of the force, was made in one plant.
war tax was paid, there was still 244, ment.
and a 17 decrease was reported by an 738, 903 on hand for distribution, or swel During the war about a million, addi other plant, but no information was given ling of surplus. About the same level of as to the number of employes affected.
tional workers came under the hour Decreases of 10 went into effect in three profits was maintained for 1918. The day standard. Under pressure of the establishments and affected 40 of the total profits (after deducting war taxes)
men in one, 25 in another, but the third war production, adjustments were made since 1902 would now exceed 2, 500, plant failed to give any further data, while in wages to meet the higher prices, but 000, 000, which can be estimated safely approximately 68 and 40 of the these adjustments lagged behind the rise employes were decreased about 10 in two as 600 on the real investment in 17 in prices. As to the propaganda now other plants. Seven establishments made years, or an annual return of 35.
decrenses ranging from to affect being carried on about high wages dur ing 37 of the employes in one plant, The independents show similar pro ing recent months, the national scale set the tonnage men in another, about of fits, especially during the war period. by the War Labor Board for the hunthe employes in the third and SS the force in the fourth plant, while the de The Bethlehem profits jumped from lit dreds of thousands of shipyard workers, creases in the remaining establishments tle over 5, 000, 000 for 1913 to over (awards concluded October 24, 1918. affected 20 of the men in one, 50 in 60, 000, 000 for 1917: Republic Iron will serve as a test, since the same gen the seventh establishment. The tonnage Steel Co. from 3, 000, 000 (1913) to 15. eral class of labor is involved and about men in one plant were decreased, but no 000. 000 (1916. and so of one steel con the same localities. Out of 189 rates data was given as to the percentage or cern after another, until the addition of number affected.(May Monthly Review, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 186. profits becomes a dizzy process, March 16 to April 15: The tonnage men, about of the force, were decreased During the first decade after the 1902 about in one establishment. de re organization, production increased crease of affecting the entire force, with a lesser force and a lesser total of was made by one plant. June Review, wages: the output per man went up, the 198. April 15 to May 15: number of de cost per ton of production was greatly creases were reported in iron and steel.
reduced. Wages stood still Containing many of which were in accordance with the rules of the Amalgamated Association Manifesto, Program, Constitution, The Bureau of Labor made a special and Report to the Communist of Iron and Steel Workers. The entire study of the iron and steel industry for force in two plants was decreased 25.
International The rolling mall piece work rates in one 1910. Only worker out of 40 was getplant were reduced 18. About one third ting over 50c per hour. For a 12 hour Single copies of the employees in one plant and 15 day half the workers were paid from 100 the force in another plant were decreased 68 to 16. Few steel workers are 00 171. The 65 bonus, affecting all the 50 employes in one mill, with the exception steadily employed (one fourth time ofl 100 or more. 60 of the bar mill piece workers, was reduced is the average. Out of a total of 172, to 40 Carriage charges prepaid. decrease of approximately 000 adult males employed by Steel 149. allocting about 50 of the employes, Send remittance with order to was reported by one plant. About of in 1910, received less than 500 per The Communist Party of America, the employes in one plant received a de annum, 60 less than 760, 86 less crease of about 1x and a reduction in than 1000.
1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
rates, averaging 119 and affecting 40 ich of the mon. was made by another plant. Continued, page 8)
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