BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandImperialismSocialismSoviet

October 4, 1919 Pago Eight THE COMMUNIST Hungary. An Appeal OMRADES! Workers all over the By an Eyewitness each and every one of the earnest faces of world! Men and women! Wake up the Commissaires as they moved about the to your undoubted duty to protest Hundreds of them were even then sufferSoviet House utterly devoid of any show by some action, both collectively and indi ing imprisonment.
of ostentatious power and seemingly unvidually, against the temporary conquest What is the fate of the twenty women conscious of their elevated positions, of Hungary by the combined forces of remembers of the Budapest Soviet now that Everybody in the Communist Government action!
the City has been delivered. can see And can see the various members of Only those of us who have actually been them now as they told me of the way they the Entente Missions strutting about in in Hungary during the recent regime of had worked for years under the Hapsburgs the streets of Budapest watching which the Communist Government can realize organizing and inspiring faith in their way the cat would jump. Bela Kun welthe perfidy and double dealing of the Al cause until they saw the fruits of their comed them there, as he had nothing to dies, with the Roumanians as willing tools, victory. They recounted to me how they hide. And then can see the American and the enormous loss to humanity and had already secured equal pay for equal Captain Gregory, one of the present voters the workers all over the world if the short work, so that scrub women received the for Joseph. He tells me that he is watchlived success of the Imperialists dims for highest wage paid. Women teachers had ing things closely as he knows no governone moment the vision of Internationalists been given a living wage, public baths had ment can stand without food, and then he or allows them to become victims of dis been organized so that every child got a couragement. You who have not been relates how he expects to feed Vienna betbath a week. They had adapted confister next week when the food comes from there to see for yourselves the construc cated villas on Lake Balaton for the use tive work done by the Communists, read of sick children. The orphan children did not say Jugo Slavia.
the southern provinces of Hungary. He the facts and disseminate the knowledge were no longer isolated in hideous orphan And then the last thing remember is broadcast. If you are speakers, thrill your asylums. The young girls under eighteen the beautiful pale face of young Maria audiences with the hope which the new were sent out of factories back to schools ideal inspires. If you are organizers, gath and paid while they studied. The older socialized hospital recovering from an Gosthonvi, as she sat up in her bed at the er together small groups everywhere to women received at least two hundred per automobile accident, and with her blue consider action. Workers of the world cent more wages than ever before, etc.
unite! Demonstrate your solidarity and eyes filled with the youthful hope of twenuse the power so feared by those in the eyed, but absolutely direct and decided in can see Bela Kun, overworked, heavy ty one years calmly said to me. It really makes little difference whether saddle just now.
every answer to my enquiries, working at the Entente succeeds in starving the govFortunately a Hapsburg has been chosen least sixteen hours a day, speaking at as ernment of Hungary or not, as the seed of by the Allies to set up a truly representa many as twelve meetings some days, but Communism is planted and cannot be tive government in Hungary. Happily always available and ready to reveal his killed. am not nationalistic or individualno pseudo Socialist government, as in Ger every move for the welfare of Hungary. istic enough to care very much whether many and Austria, camouflages for the un can see Havesi, the twenty nine year old this particular government lasts or not, as intelligent and unsophisticated workers, Commissaire of Social Production, with Communism is sure to triumph by the organized or unorganized, the true designs his prematurely seamed face and his dead mere establishment of it in Russia and of the Council of Five.
gone look as he came in night after night Hungary, so that the workers can see that How funny it would be if it were not so to dinner at the Soviet House as late as it can be done.
tragic for our comrades in Hungary. Five plain to me his latest solution for making again. wonder how Count Andrassy Yes, it has been done and can be done manians in their perfidious aggressions for production both democratic and efficient feels as the Roumanians pillage Budapest.
months, calmly expecting them to give up for the workers, and his plans for using Inasmuch as he was in Switzerland frankthe loot as soon as the Bolshevist every factory as soon as the Allies would ly working for the monarchists, does he Beast is safely locked up; and, finding allow imports of raw materials. can see congratulate himself that he has substitheir ally obdurate, clamping on the new Hamburger, the Commissaire of Agricul tuted the foreign conqueror for the native blockade. That the way. Starve every co operative societies for the distribution three hours think he will be just as mad ture, bending over his charts dotted with Communist? Having talked with him for body! Of course tactful intervention was only countenanced by Paris to save the of food products which he had already, as the five are in Paris. And what about starving women and children of Hungary within two months, organized in the vari the Queen of Roumania? Will she make dying under the wicked Communist misous provinces, or showing me the maps another trip to Paris and England to arrule. The Times stated in a recent disof these provinces where formerly 75 per range how small nationalities are to be patch from Paris: cent of the land was owned by landed no allowed to practice self determination, so bility and was totally unproductive. can It is also stated in official dispatches that Roumania can become the great state see Erdilyi poring over his district maps fitting for such a Queen to rule? Time that Roumanians in Budapest are pillaging of Budapest, pointing out where he was will tell. Meanwhile, Comrades, make up and committing atrocities. Mr. Polk has going to distribute the food that was announced that supplies to Hungary have brought from the country, and can see your minds what you will do about it.
been stopped, and declares that the Allies wiew is that the new government (meaning the Roumanians) cannot possibly exHelp Us Build It Strong and Quick pect countenance from the Allies since it is so definitely reactionary as TO BE CERThe Communist Party is organized at a moment when a great opportunity for propaganTAIN TO ENCOURAGE BOLSHEVISM.
da and organization work is open before it. Industrial unrest is sweeping the country. Strikes You see. Everything encouraged Bolgreat and small, are developing everywhere.
shevism. It is feared by the respectIt is our work to direct and organize this unrest. It is our work to clarify the protest able Paris Press, that the nice little Hapsagainst Capitalism and establish the Communist Society.
burg Archduke so conveniently near the great opportunity lies before us now and we must develop our organization quickly in order to take advantage of this opportunity.
scene at the proper moment, may encourage Bolshevism. One correspondent Money is nooded for this purpose. We must have a big organization fund with which to from Vienna began his dispatch the other establish the powerful party machine which is necessary for our work and to begin the work day by saying that the Bolshevik terror of agitation and organization among the yet un conscious workers.
was beaten and that the streets of BudaWill you help bring into existence a strong organization QUICK? You can do that by pest no longer ran with rivers of blood circulating this Organization Fund subscription list. Collect as much money as you can spilled by the Red Guards. And in the as quickly as you can and return the list with your remittance.
next paragraph he said: My information The future belongs to the Communist Party. powerful, militant organization will hasten our victory. Help us build it!
comes over a private wire from Budapest, and doubtless the inhabitants of the city Name Address Amount do not know of their deliverance yet, but will be apprised early tomorrow morning.
Knowing something of the racial hatred between the Roumanians and the Hungarians, would hazard a guess that the inhabitants of Budapest have been sure of their deliverance every minute of these last terrible ten days.
At a meeting which held in the Budapest House of Parliament with the leaders of the revolutionary women in June, they told me what the Roumanian occupation was already bringing forth in some of the provinces. Women were beaten, outraged, brutally murdered because they wore a Return list with remittance to the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA Ruthenberg, Executive Secretary 1219 Blue Island Ave.
small red ribbon pinned to their waists.