BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismItalyRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSovietWorking Class

Page Four THE COMMUNIST October 4, 1919 To the Workers of the World Declaration of the Communist Internation if the German imperialists had been the HE governments which began the al Against the Versailles Peace. victors they would have been as unmerciwar of plunder five years ago are ful to the defeated as their rivals are now making an effort to end it now with to them. And then most likely the Hena predatory peace. The English, French, flourish. After the Versailles peace terms dersons and Renaudels would use the same and American capitalists represented in it will be very difficult to catch many work lying phrases as now Scheidemann and Versailles have given to the representa ers with the bait of the League of Nations. Noske are using.
tives of the German capitalists the soThe League of Nations at whose cradle The Versailles peace terms show us that called peace terms. Versailles becomes a stands Clemenceau, the butcher, is un while Imperialism exists in any country, new Brest Litovsk. Each one of the points masked before the whole world as a league until then force and robbery will also exist.
of the Versailles peace is a noose to choke of murderers, who are nailing to the cross The Versailles peace terms show the Imone or another nation.
the millions of the laboring masses of Euperialism of any coalition is equally bloodThe anger and vengeance of the imrope.
thirsty. No matter how democratic the perialist bourgeoisie of the victoriouscoalThe Versailles peace, with all its weight, ition know no bounds. The famous organis first of all laid upon the working class leaves which they use for covering Imperialism, it remains the incarnation of ization of the League of Nations is being of Germany. If the Versailles peace barbarism and blood lust.
put into practice by the American Anglo should work at all, it would mean that the French bourgeoisie against the will of all The Versailles peace terms have shown working class of Germany would be forced the nations of Europe. The bourgeoisie of to moan under a double pressure of both us that social patriots of all lands have the Allied Powers is making an effort to its own bourgeois and the slave drivers of permanently and forever become the servcripple Germany. They are cutting off the other nations.
ants of the bourgeois. The Versailles peace from Germany a whole series of terri Needless to talk of the fact that the terms show how meaningless are the hopes tories; they are taking away the coal from sympathy of the Communist International, of the sympathizers of the Berne yellow Germany, and the bread; they wish to take the sympathy of the conscious workers of International, of Kautsky and his away the merchant marine, also to force the whole world, is with the German work friends, about the disarmament under Germany to pay indemnities of enormous ing class. The worker Communists of all Capitalism, about the good and beneficent quantity. The bourgeoisie of the Allied Powers which in words fought against ancountries will take the Versailles peace League of Nations under the wing of Wilson. The Versailles peace terms have terms as a blow to the international prolenexations of alien territory, is now commiting a series of terrible and cynical antariat, as an effort which can be only put shown that the bourgeois itself left for down by the combined strength of the the workers of all lands only one roadnexations. They are trading with the colproletariat of all countries.
the road of world revolution, the road onies which belonged to Germany as with The present German government, which across the corpse of Capitalism.
cattle. The imperialists of the Allied in words protests against the Versailles Workers of France! Workers of EngPowers have armed themselves with knives and are slicing the flesh of Ger peace, in fact aids the imperialists of the land! Workers of America! Workers of many.
Allied Powers to realize their hellish pur. Italy! The Communist International apposes in relation to the German working peals to you. Upon you depends the desBut the predatory terms of peace which class. The executioner Clemenceau has tiny of tens of millions of workers of Ausare dictated to Germany from Versailles tria and Germany. You must say your no truer servants in Germany than are only one of the links in the chain of Scheidemann and Ebert. The Scheideword now. You must pull out of the force used by the Allied Powers to immann and Ebert Party from the first mobloody hands of your government that prison the world. At the same moment when these imperialists are trying to cripment of the German revolution humbly murderous knife which they have put over danced to the tune of the imperialists of the heads of the German and Austrian ple and choke Germany, they are carrying the Allied Powers. Under the direction of workers. You must show that for you the on a murderous attack on the Soviet ReClemenceau, Scheidemann and Ebert sent lessons of the five year war have not been public of Hungary. This attack, tempor White Guard armies against Soviet Rus in vain. You must not forget for a moarily, has succeeded.
sia. In order to satisfy the imperialists ment that the victory of the allied imIt is they, the French and English bourgeoisie, who are the main instigators of of the Allied Powers, the Social Democrats perialists over the German and Austrian under the leadership of Ebert and Scheide workers means a victory over you, a victhe Roumanian soldiers at present carrying their White Guard attack against our mann killed Karl Liebknecht and Rosa tory over the workers of the whole world, Luxemburg and with fire and guns crushed a victory over Socialism. You more than brethren the Hungarian workers. the great movement of the German work any now have in your hands the destiny It is they, the representatives of the enlightened French and English democers to realize Soviet Power. Fulfilling the of international Socialism. To you the endirections of the London and Paris exlightened workers of the world look. And racy, who are the instigators of those changes, the government of Scheidemann we are sure that you will fulfill your duty, pogroms let loose upon Red Budapest.
It is they who are inspiring the Russian workers Communists of Germany. Each has killed already not less than 10, 000 against the advice of your own Scheidemanns.
Black Hundreds of Kolchak, Denikine and time when the wave of the workers move Workers of Germany! Workers of AusKrasnov in their bloody war against the Russian workers and peasants.
ment in Germany rose especially high, tria! Now you see that you have no choice It is they, the Anglo French bourgeois, prepared to wash away the government of other than the immediate overthrow of traitor Social Democrats, Scheidemann and the government of traitors calling themwho have inspired the German White Ebert threatened the starved workers that selves Social Democrats, and in fact acting Guard, led by Noske, Ebert and Scheide if Soviet Power should come to Germany mann, to crush the Bavarian Soviet Repub the Allies would refuse to give bread to as the meanest agents of the bourgeoisie.
lic. The imperialists of the Allied Powers the German people.
You see now where politics of the NoskeScheidemann type brought you. You see put a direct preliminary condition to the government of Scheidemann to crush the mann Social Democratic Party, in its ap tional proletarian revolution.
The Central Committee of the Scheide that your only hope lies in the internaSoviet Power in Munich.
It is they, the Anglo French bankers and peal in connection with the Versailles But this revolution of the proletariat the generals, who are disarming the revolupeace, maintains that the Versailles les Scheidemanns and Eberts are trying in tionary soldiers in Bulgaria.
son is the best evidence of the correct every way to crush. When the ScheideIt is they position of the German Social Democracy who are choking the mass movement of manns and Eberts cail in your name to the the peoples and the revolutionary spirit in land.
on the question of defending the father international proletariat they will meet no Serbia and Slovakia.
answer other than hatred.
International gendarmes. such are Socialists of all lands, do you under Those people who do not protest by a the Anglo French and American imperial of war. asks Scheidemann in his appeal. gary by the armies of the landowners, stand at last our way of acting at the time word against the crushing of Soviet Hunists, who claim to be the representatives of world democracy.
Oh, hypocrites! Oh, cynics!
those people who near Libau are fighting Two robbers in 1914 fell on the same All illusions are broken. The masks are on the side of the German barons those thrown off. Those whom the long and terprey. One of the robbers proved the more people cannot count on support from the rible imperialistic war has not taught a successful. This criminal not only grabbed international proletariat. In your name lesson, these will have to be taught by wanted, but went into the pockets of his Ranzau, not the traitor Landsberg, not the the whole prey which his competitor should speak, not Count Brockdorf von that imperialist peace with which the hu rival. Then the other thief, made bene executioners, Noske and Scheidemann.
manitarians of Versailles are trying to factor through want and having on his While the present German government is enrich the world. The governments which during the four and one half years face the expression of innocence, appeals in power the quarrel between Berlin and lied to their people about carrying on the conduct of my rival has shown the entire of two coalitions. All the power in your to the world and exclaims, You see the Paris will be only between the bourgeoisie war for self determination of nations, for independence of small peoples, for that you do not yet understand that we, the workers Soviets. In your name, workrighteousness of my tactics, is it possible country must soon go into the hands of freedom and culture, for democracy, Scheidemanns, are whiter than the snow these governments are now unmasked ers, Communists must begin to talk.
as arch criminals, as the worst kind of of the English mountains. Then and only then will you be able to slave drivers, showing mercy to none.
The Versailles peace terms have proven save your country, will you be able to The fairy tale of the League of Nations gether different. The enlightened workto all conscious workers something alto count upon full support from the proletaris dying without having had a chance to iat of all lands.
ers of the whole world fully realize that (Continued on Page 6)