BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceImperialismMarxismSovietStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

Page Two THE COMMUNIST October 4, 1919 The Communist particularly and among the proletariat Co. All this during a time when Wilson generally National Organ, Communist Party This tendency of mass revolt in the was speaking of universal liberty and disLOUIS FRAINA, Editor unions is one of the most vital of contemarmament, and pleading with our people not to break the heart of the world. FERGUSON, Associate Editor porary developments. It is an expression This situation suggests a number of of the growing revolt of the workers, to very interesting questions: Published Weekly, and owned and controlled, gether with the demoralization of the old by the Central Executive Committee of the Comunionism. Out of this tendency may come Where does Congress participate in this munist Party of America.
great things; and it is a task of the Com international brigandage? Or is it suffi. RUTHENBERG, Executive Secretary munist Party to avail itself of this tencient for Autocrat Wilson to act, providing LOUIS, TRAINA, International Secretary dency for developing Industrial Unionism it promotes the supremacy of Capitalism?
and Communist action.
These millions of dollars of American cents a copy, 00 six months, a year.
Is universal peace to be realized by Bundles, 10 or more, 32c. a copy.
means of waging secret and open war Center of Reaction Address all communications against the workers wherever the work1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
ers conquer power. NDULGENCE in gracious verbiage has What are the secret agreements with deceived many persons, unconscious of Japan, granting compensations to Amerithe material forces determining events, can Capitalism for our government that President Wilson was a friend of support of Japanese brigandage in Siberia?
Russia. The United States Government Union After Kolchak is defeated, which is inRevolts has repeatedly announced the withdrawal of American troops from Russia; but this evitable, who will repay to the American withdrawal has never materialized, the government the millions upon millions of HE Chicago District Council of the Government of Wilson furnishing money dollars spent to finance Kolchak Co. Federated Railroad Shop Crafts and munitions to Kolchak Co.
What has become of the promises made (railway shopmen) issued a call for to the mothers of American troops in Rusan unauthorized convention to protest Now it appears that not only are the sia about immediate withdrawal?
against the miserable compromise of the American troops not to be withdrawn, but union officials in accepting the 4c increase that there has been a campaign to enlist money are being spent to murder the Russian people and crush their Communist in wages. The convention met in Chicago troops for service in Russia, and, this cam September 25 to express its protest and paign having fizzled, conscripted men are liberty. The Allies demand that the Soviet Republic shall pay the international devise means for action.
to be used. Furthermore, it appears that debts of Czarism debts contracted for the President Wilson and his Government are Some months ago, the railway shopmen the centre of the reactionary clique that is The Soviet Government, yielding to the purpose of crushing the Russian people.
made demands for a substantial increase directing a counter revolutionary war Shylocks of international finance, recently in wages. The union workers were deter against Russia.
expressed itself as willing to pay these mined to get the increase by means of a strike. Negotiations were held; President In the Chicago Tribune of September debts. Now an official of the former Czar Wilson issued a declaration against the 25, Arthur Sears Henning writes from Empire is contracting loans, by means of Washington: strike, in spite of which large groups of which to crush the Russian people: the Allies, of course, will insist that the Rusthe workers quit their jobs; but the in The United States has undertaken sian people honor these debts!
ternational officers of the union compro to furnish Kolchak with the principal mised, accepted the miserable 4c increase, aid from allied sources, while Great The situation in connection with the ordered the suspension of the strike and Britain and France have agreed to war against Soviet Russia is very simple.
broke the strike of the men who had acted furnish supplies and other aid to Gen International Imperialism, united in the in spite of orders to the contrary.
eral Denikine, who is the anti Bolshe Council of Five, is determined to assure vist commander in South Russia. The the permanency of its financial and terriThis treacherous compromise and beextent and precise character of the astorial division of the world, thereby assurtrayal aroused the resentment of the worksistance the president has promised ing the permanency of Capitalism. Soviet ers in the unions. The men were sullen Kolchak is not known.
Russia, with its inspiration to the workers and resentment flared up against the inof the world, threatens this permanency.
ternational officers. This crystalized itself That the president has agreed International Imperialism, accordingly, in the call for a convention issued by the with the Allies on a plan for support mobilizes its forces against the CommunChicago District Council. Hawver, of Kolchak and Denikine in this war ist Republic of Russia, against the revolupresident of the Council, and Saundon the Bolsheviki was confirmed totionary movement throughout the world.
ers, secretary, were ordered suspended day at the State Department. Said from the unions of which they are memone official: That the United States should assume a dominant position in this reactionary war bers; but the local unions refused to com The other Powers are taking care against Russia may suprise liberals, but ply and have been threatened with the of Denikine, and it is up to the United revocation of their charters.
not the Communist who interprets events States to look after Kolchak.
by means of Marxism. The representaThe direct acts of this convention are It has been clear for some time that tives of the United States may speak a the least important; the vital thing is this President Wilson was implacable in his de liberal language, but its Capitalism speaks revolt against the old union officials, this termination to wage war against the Com in the iron tongue of reaction. American mass upsurge of union men which, while munist Republic of Russia. In the Peace Capitalism has definitely emerged into Imlimited in scope and not yet conscious of Conference Wilson united with Clemen perialism; American Imperialism today larger means and purposes, is of the ut ceau against Russia; the United States is the mightiest in the world, having most importance in the movement to rally Government has approved the plans by usurpel financial world power. The Unitthe American workers for Industrial ed States, accordingly, is the centre of Unionism and Communist action.
means of which Japanese capital is consolidating its control of the natural and world reaction, representing the mightSince the armistice, and under the preindustrial resources of eastern Siberia, iest and most reactionary Capitalism in the world.
vailing conditions of the collapse of Capi and has been lavishly financing Kolchak talism and the general revolutionary Consequently, American Capitalism has ideology, the American workers have inenormous interests at stake in the general stinctively developed the tendency toward international issue of the Russian Revolumore aggressive and conscious industrial READY NOW tion, and it is defending that stake, menaction. This tendency has been sabotaged aced by the oncoming World Revolution.
Roy the union bureaucracy: in strike after Leon Trotzky is quoted as saying: It strike, such as the Seattle general strike, is not in Finland or Esthonia that the imthe railway shopmen controversy, the promense world struggle against Capitalism Containing posed general strike in Boston, and now can be fought, but in America and Engthe Steel Strike, the union officials dampen Manifesto, Program, Constitution, land, and above all in the Far East. Prethe enthusiasm of the workers, crush the and Report to the Communist cisely; and particularly in America. The International United States is the most consummate and impulse toward larger, aggressive action.
The workers have sensed the spirit of the 32 pages brutal product of Capitalism; it is as mernew proletarian struggle, while the union ciless against Soviet Russia as it is against. 10.
Single copies officials still cling to the tactics of the 00 President its own proletariat on strike.
25 copies Old Stone Age in the labor movement.
Wilson, in his tour for the League of Na. 50 50 copies 6c.
100 or more tions, has thrown off the mask: he has These conditions are producing an inopenly defended Imperialism and made it Carriage charges prepaid.
tense revolt of the workers in the old hat Soviet Russia must be crushed.
unions. They are disgusted with their of Send remittance with order to And this task includes the crushing of the ficials, they sense the limitations of the The Communist Party of America American proletariat.
old unionism and the old tactics; while 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
The final struggle against Capitalism, more and more union officials are uniting which will assure the World Communist with the employers and the state to preRepublic, will be fought out in the United vent a revolutionary upflare in the unions States.
Communist Party Pamplet No.