BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyGermanyImperialismParis CommuneSovietWorking ClassWorld War

Page Sixteen THE COMMUNIST September 27, 1919 What the War Was About If anyone in the United States or the Hungary after the downfall of the House duke Joseph, of the House of Hapsburg, Allied countries labored under the delu of Hapsburg resigned in favor of the on the throne. Had there been within the sion that the issue involved in the late workers. Karolyi, by no means in sym confines of the United States, one short war was to make the world safe for pathy with the revolutionary proletariat, year ago, a person who would have dardemocracy and annihilate autocracy be was compelled to admit the workers were ed insinuate that today the Allies would fore the combination of Allied money the only ones who could rule Hungary. be assisting the House of Hapsburg pule and Rournamian soldiers crushed the Although belonging to the ruling class Austria he would have been sentenced workers republic of Hungary, no one but Karolyi had sufficient intelligence to re to at least a hundred years in jail for vioan idiot could possibly believe it now. cognize the fact that only the proletariat lation of the espionage act. The entire In fact, that spokesman of imperialist of the world is capable of ruling at this history of the house of Hapsburg is a capitalism, Woodrow Wilson, who creat stage of industrial development. The history of infamy, and of oppression and ed the slogan, never uses it now, as he workers government responded to the degradation of the unfortunate subjects of that House. The House of Hapsburgs recognizes the fact that it has served opportunity and immediately proceeded to the organization of a soviet govern has ruled continuously in some part of its purpose and should now repose in peace in the graveyard of capitalist ment. For the first time in history the Europe since the year 1273. Time and lies, along with those other car workers of Hungary conducted the af again the male line has become extinct because of the degenerate lives of these dinal lies of capitalism: liberty, equal fairs of the nation for themselves. Every rulers. The lineage would be saved by ity and fraternity. whole historical worker had a personal interest in the gocycle separates the liberty, equality and vernment and in the industrial and agri a daughter marrying into another family, fraternity of the French bourgeois re cultural life of the nation. The capital thus infusing new blood into the offvolutionists from the making the world ist class was being rapidly dispossessed spring. The degeneracy and infirmities safe for democracy of capitalist impe and industry was being reorganized upon of Francis Joseph II, who ruled Austriarialism. There is also a vast difference an efficient basis, closely patterned after Hungary at the time the world war broke between the theoretical spokesmen of the the Russian soviet system.
out was well known. The origin of the rising capitalist class and the present day The fact that Hungarian workers had Hapsburg family certainly had nothing apologists of imperialism. The French taken the same course as the Russian to do with its subsequent activities, but revolutionists devoutely believed the ad workers was sufficient incentive for the it may be of interest to note that it devent of their system of government would heroic Allied governments to immedi rived its name from the Castle of Hapsestablish harmonious relations among all ately conspire against the self determi burg, or Habichtsburg. hawks castle)
the people of the earth, but the slogan nation and the liberty of the workers of on the banks of the Aar, in the Swiss of the latter stage of capitalism was used Hungary, as they conspired against the Canton of Aargon, said to have been built by spokesmen of the ruling class who liberties of the workers of Russia. But about the year 1027.
were well aware of the fact that it was Hungary was not so fortunately situated It is thus that the Allies make the world a lie. That slogan was twisted to serve as is Russia, so after a five months strug safe for democracy, by destroying the every sordid purpose of capitalism during gle against the intrigues and armed in workers republic of Hungary and placthe war. Every despotic act of the United vasion of the Allies, Soviet Hungary suc ing upon the imperial throne a HapsStates government was cloaked with that cumbed. Today the workers republic burg; a scion of that foul, ieprous, bloodphrase, and those who had the courage of Hungary lies bleeding at the feet of streaked, embodiment of nameless diseato protest were brazenly informed that the Allied imperialists, and while the ses, the House Hapsburg, to rule the the curtailment of liberties within the gravest charges the Allies could ever people.
confines of this nation was necessary for bring against the Hungarian Soviet go Ammunition made by American work.
a short time only in order that we might vernment was the execution of a few ers was used against the workers repubmore easily crush Kaiserism; those re traitors and counter revolutionists who lic and if the ruling class of this country bels who declared that Kaiserism was be had conspired against the republic and had deemed it necessary American working introduced into the United States in against the lives of individuals prominent ers, would have been ordered to assist in a more vicious form than it ever existed in that government, the same element of the assassination of the hopes of the in Germany were denounced as enemies the Allies that protested against what Hungarian people, even as American of democracy and sent to prison for long they were pleased to call the savagery workers are doing in Russia at this hour.
of the Soviets is slaughtering hundreds So, at last, it becomes plain to all what While the ruling class of this nation of people daily. After destroying the we fought for. The slogan freedom for was successfully waging an imperialistic workers government, the Roumanian all, forever meant nothing but freedom war for the extension of its sphere of in army, supplied with gold and arms and of American and Allied imperialists to fluence is foreign nations and while it was ammunition by the Allies proceeds to exploit the worid. In order to do this more firmly forging the fetters that bind execute everyone, man woman or child, successfully they form alliances with the the American workers to wage slavery, who is suspected of sympathizing with imperial house they formerly denounced the subtle phrase mongers coined another the revolutionary workers. The atrocities as enen es of civilization. At that time slogan especially for the slaves; that being perpetrated against the defeated we Communists pointed out to the best of slogan was Freedom for All, Forever. workers in Hungary again proves that our ability that there is absolutely no difIf the slave would not get enthusiastic the ruling class sinks into unrestrained ference between the monarchy of Kaiser over the words make the world safe for savagery when it gains the upper hand Bill and the democracy of Woodrow Wildemocracy he would certainly fall for in a movement against the workers. The son as long as capitalism continues.
the proposition of Freedom for All, For history of the Paris Commune, and of We declared then and we declare toever. So mouthing the silly slogans coin the White Guard crimes in Finland is be day that the quarrel between two difed by the hirelings of the master class the ing repeated in Hungary at this moment. ferent groups of the raling classes of the American slave patiently endured every After crushing the workers republic world is of no concern to the worker, and inroad made upon his alleged liberties, in Hungary beneath the iron heel of Al that the only fight worth the shedding until what little freedom of thought, lied militarism, these butchers set Arch of a single drop of working class blood speech or action he once enjoyed was taken from him.
is the struggle of the workers of the If the United States world against the capitalist class of the government really desired freedom of peoples, democracy, self determination The Communist world.
of nations, etc. its armies would not now The Allies may soat over their illbe in Russia and American bankers would is Your Organ gotten victory, but out of the ruins and sweep the house hatched in a buzzard not be financing counter revolutionary movements such as the Kolchak movein the Struggle.
up from the ashes of the workers republic will arise another revolution that will ment against Soviet Russia, and the Roumanian movement against Hungary.
nest from power and in unison with the class conscious proletariat and under the In Russia the workers have controlled banner of the Third International join their own government since Nov. 7, 1917, and Bundle Orders! again the ranks of the world revolution and last March the Karolyi bourgeois in order that throughout the world capigovernment which came into power in talism may be annihilated.
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