CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyImperialismItalySocialismSocialist PartyWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

September 27, 1919 Page Fourteen THE COMMUNIST shall restrict its activities to the territory it represents.
Sec. member who desires to transfer his membership to another branch shall secure transferal card from the financial secretary of his branch. No branch shall receive a member from another branch without such a transferral card and upon presentation of the transfer card the secretary of the branch receiving same shall make inquiry about the standing of the member to the secretary issuing the card.
Sec. All party units shall use uniform application cards, dues books and accounting records which shall be printed by the National Organization.
Sec. All employes of the party must be party members.
VIII. Headquarters Sec. The National Headquarters of the party shall be located in Chicago. In an emergency District or State Office may be used as the National Headquarters.
IX. Qualifications Sec. Members of the Central Executive Commitee the Executive Secretary, Editor International Delegates and International Secretary and all candidates for political office must have been members of the party for two years at the time of their election or nomination. Those shall be eligible to election to party offices or nomination to public office on June 1, 1920 who join the Communist Party before Jan 1920. All who state their intention of joining the Communist Party shall be eligible at this conveniton.
nualy during the month of June the specifie date and place to be determined by the Central Executive Committee. The Central Executive Committee may call Emergency Conventions and such conventions may also be called by referendum vote.
Sec. Representation at the National Conven.
tion shall be upon the basis of one delegate for each 500 members or major fraction thereof; provided, that when the number of delegates would exceed a total of 200 the Central Executive Committee shall increase the basis of representation so that the number of delegates shall not exceed that figure.
Sec. Delegates shall be apportioned to the State or Discriet Organizations on the basis of one delegate for each such organization and the apportionment of the balance on the basis of the average membership for the six month prior to the issue of the call for the convention Dele.
gates shall be elected at the Convention of the State or Discrict Organization, Sec. Delegates to the National Convention shall be paid their traveling expenses and a per diem of 00.
Sec. The call for the convention and the apportionment of delegates shall be published not later than April subject to recall upon initiative petition of 25 or more branches representation per cent of the the membership. recall vote of the membership may also be initiated by the Central Executive Committee.
Sec. Each motion and resolution shall be printed in the official bulletin and remain open for ninety days from the date of first publication, and, if it has then received the requisite number of seconds it shall be abandoned. The vote on each referendum shall close sixty days after its submission.
Sec. Referendums shall be submited without preamble or comment, but the party press shall be open for discussion of the question involved during the time the referendum is pending.
XII. International Delegate and Secretary Sec. Delegates to the International Congress and alternates and an International Secretary and alternate shall be elected by the convention.
Schedule Any branch of the Socialist Labor Party which endorses the program and constitution of the Com unist Party and aplies for a charter before Jan. 1, 1920 shall be accepted as a branch.
The provisions of Art. III, Section 4, shall not be enforced until after Dec. 1, 1919, except as to the two signatures.
XI. Referendum and Recall Sec Sec. Referendums on the question of party platform policy or constitution shall be held upon the petition of 25 or more branches representing per cent of the membership. 2)
or by initiative of the Central Executive Committes. 3) or by initiative of the National Convention Sec. All officers of the National Organization or those elected to public office shall be RECOMMENDATION That this Convention authorize the secretary immediately to issue a Special Organization Stamp to sell at fifty cents to create a fund for the organization of the party. Conventions Sec. National Convention shall be held anThe Trend of Things WILSON AND SHANTUNG them. Being honest, when they consider their situation they must admit the necessity of abolishing capitalism.
The argument now going on over the Shantung Grab between the representative of different sections of the capitalist class The only quarrel that we have with the professors is that they is highly amusing recover with great difficulty from the miseducation they have received in capitalist institutions and generally come into the prole.
All of the opposition forces brand it as an act of brigandage on tarian movement not to become a part of it but rather to teach the the part of Japan to steal this province from China. One would workers some easy way to emancipate hemselves.
think that there was some particular moral stigma attached to Japan because of this act, but such is not the case. Japan is just one Calhoun sounds like a good old American name and we have among many. She is no more morally responsible than are her fellow at least one more proof that the unrest of the country is not the brigands who consented to the act. Those who have consented to the result of moral depravity on the part of some particular section of thievery are equally responsible with her. They gave Japan her the working class.
share of the spoils and they received theirs. This act of imperialistie robbery on the part of Japan is no worse than many other such MORE TROOPS TO EUROPE cases at the Peace Conference. France and the Saar valley; Eng.
On August 25th and 2t6h we were informed that two regiments land in Africa; Italy at Fiume and many more that might be named.
of the United States Army were to be sent to Europe to police America, like a good imperialistic ally, has stuck by her pals Silesia. The League of Nation is at work. The task of forcing its and must see the thing through to a final and proper disposition of decisions on unwilling peoples is begun. The United States is the spoils. To do otherwise would spoil the international unity of performing its part nobly in this work. At the peace conference, Silesia was a difficult piece of booty to dispose of. Rich in coal the capitalist class against the workers. America must go through mines, it was a prize worth fighting for. Germany wants to return with her bargain of making the world safe for capitalism. That is, it and the Allies must take it away from her in order to cripple unless the workers of United States decide otherwise.
her economic system. Poland wants it because it means much to her future imperialistic ambitions. It was finally decided that a plebisPROFESSORS AND THE REVOLUTION cite should determine its possession. date fifteen days after the ratification of the treaty by three great powers was set. In the Professor Arthur Calhoun seems to have called the mean time both, Poland and Germany have been trying to gain a wrath of the powers that be down upon his pedagoical head. It has position in the disputed territory from which they could influence been discovered by the department of justice that the revolutionary the plebiscite. If either could gain actual possession of the territory school of thought is not confined to the foreign elements. We they would be in a position to determine the plebiscite or nullify it.
wonder who told them. Their stupidity in the discovering line has In the meantime, a communistic movement has developed in Silesia become proverbial, and we wonder how they stumbled upon him, and a revolution is immanent. The Communists are determined that Probably some other slave who wanted his job betrayed him to the neither Imperialistic Germany or Imperialistic Poland shall have the agents of the capitalists.
country to exploit. This naturally moves the Band of Nations to the Professors, as well as everyone else who work for a living, are work for which it was organized; the suppression of Communism forced to turn their attention to social problems, consequently, if and the making of the world safe for Capitalism.
they are intelligent, they must see the need of revolutionizing As an American contribution towards this work two regiments society. If the agents of reaction were intelligent in their work they are sent from America. In spite of the fact that there are many might find many more in unexpected places, who accept the Com American troops in Europe those selected have had no experience munist position.
in the world war and will be shipped from this side. We wonder The professional workers, high collared proletarians, have suf if the experience of American troops in the European War has un fered a great reduction in their standard of living in the last few fitted the mfor the work of suppressing the working class in other years and they have felt the pinch. Consequently the unrest among countries?