BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE Page Twelve COMMUNIST September 27, 1919 your convention. We are, however, desirous Communist Party membership which cast 74. Out of this total of 74 there were over of uiting all the forces of Communism into the overwhelming bulk of these votes. 50 from States where the membership was one solid phalanx to oppose both capitalism As to the charges of inconsistent elements fully represented in the Socialist and Com.
and the clements of moderate bourgeois in our convention, that will be tested by the munist Conventions. For example, there Socialism. We are sure that in the course of program and constitution which we adopt. were over 60 delegates from New York in time all inconsistent elements will drop out.
We have absolute confidence that our con the three conventions. Only in the Commun.
Considering those inconsistent elements in vention will act in clarity of principle with ist Party Convention was this representation your convention, you camot justly criticize out compromise. There can be no charge of based on actual membership, using the ratio any seeming inconsistent elements in ours. inconsistent elements in our party if the of delegate to 500 members. The Right We must refuse your demand to come work of our convention shows agreement Wing had a full delegation from New York, into your convention as individual deleg. on Communist fundamentals in principles, in spite of the fact that most of the memates. Wo are Left Wing delegates regularly program of party work, and form of party bers were expelled. The delegates from assembled in the Commimist Labor Party organization.
New York City to the Communist Labor Convention. Wo represent a stable and per We can only refer your delegates again Party Convention could not possibly have manent organization. We have obeyed all to our answer of September 3rd. We appeal represented anybody, since all the locals of agreements of the Left Wing conferences to your delegates to act on their individual Now York had either lined up with the which were legitimate. We have also obeyed judgment, not in a false sense of loyalty Right Wing or accepted the Joint Call for the mandates of the party membership as to an accidental grouping in a body which the Communist Party Convention.
expressed by referendum. We can claim at represents no membership organization. The only bona fide representatives of least as much credit for the crystalization Some of your delegates belong with us by Left Wing membership in the Communist of revolutionary elements among the Social clear mandate of their membership, and Labor Party Convention were about 20 in ist Party membership as your volatile and they must realize their responsibility in number, from Washington, Missouri, Colobolting groups.
assuming at this crucial time to function rado, Oregon, Kansas, Nebraska, Utah and We cnim ours is the advantageons posi directly against the Communist Party. Kentucky. This is partially the case also as tion, yet we are willing to meet yon upon a Chicago, II. Sept. 4th, 1919.
to California, and there are perhaps half a basis of equality. Unity can be affected and On Friday, September 5th, a new com dozen other instances where Left Wing should be effected, so that out of the exist mittee from the Communist Labor Party membership was represented in this Conven.
ing crisis, instead of two parties, each claim Convention presented on the floor of the tion, and in the Communist Party Convening the right to affiliate with the Moscow Communist Convention an invitation for an tion, as in the case of certain locals of Il.
International, and each deserving that informal joint meeting of the two Conven linois. It is a generous estimate to say that right, only one party of Communist Social tions.
10, 000 members were represented by these ism shall emerge.
Whereupon a motion was made and delegates.
Toward this end we propose: That the adopted that the reply to this invitation be As to the 14 delegates from Ohio, their two Conference Committees shall constitute as follows: that we have already invited presence in the third party convention was a joint credential committee to go over the the delegates of the other Convention to sit in direct violation of instructions. This was roster of both conventions to see whether with us as special guests, while many of true also of a few other delegates, parthey really contain any irreconcilable clemthese delegates can also qualify as delegates ticularly from Local Kings County, New ents, and if possible, to agree upon a joint or frateral delegates to this Convention. York, and one from St. Louis. It was true recommendation to both Conventions.
also of those who had no instruction to bolt TO THE DELEGATES OF THE COMCONCLUSION.
the Socialist Party Convention.
MUNIST LABOR PARTY It is apparent that this Communist Labor CONVONTION.
The Communist Party is now established Party adventure has no signifiance beyond. on a solid foundation of principle and the personal inability of a few dozens to The Communist Party Convention, in remembership. The Communist Labor Party give their membership representation in plying to the Committee of the Communist began to fall apart before the end of its either of the two real conventions, that of Labor Party Convention, can take no ac hip hurral convention. It represented no the old party or that of the new Communist count of the various decisions of the groups membership mandate in its inception; and Party. It will stand as a graphic portrayal of which met at Chicago immediately following the primary problem of its creators will be the viciousness of Centrism, with its play the expulsion and suspensions made by the to find a membership now that appropriate on revolutionary phrases and its negation Old National Executive Committee of the emblems, poems, college yells and songs of decisive action. The 10. 000 members thus Socialist Party; nor of the agreemnts cred have been adopted. All sorts of extremes in deprived of representation will realize that ited to the Left Wing National Coference, opinion manifested themselves within this their only real choice lies between the Socthe National Left Wing Council, the Minor chance convention, and first one element ialist Party and the Communist Party, and ity group of the Left Wing Conference, or and then another was forced out. Hardly the history of the Left Wing movement the new Socialist Party National Executive one half of the delegates remained for the proves that these members will quickly join Committee. Each of these must and will job of formulating a constitution for the themselves with the Communist Party lear answer for itself.
new party, the most fundamental work of ing their Centrist leaders without trace of This convention has no question about such a convention; and this little group a following: the rank and file of the Socialist Party. The went about its work in a listless, indifferent The Communist Party is established on ten to one vote to join the Communist Inter way.
the firm basis of gathering into itself only national is one of the items which account Its formal statement claims 92 delegates real Communists, so that the conscious revfor our presence in Chicago to organize the in the Communist Labor Party Convention. olutionary nucleus of the working class in Communist Party of America. Examination The actual roster shows 81. Of these were this countrye an really function in a crisis of the ballots in this referendum and of our regular delegates in the Communist Party of action, instead of being dissipated by its roster of delegates will show that it is our Convention, leaving the actual number at own contradictions, Wanted: War The capitalist press is experiencing difficulty in getting the undesirable to the capitalist class of this country. Although that in minds of the working class in this country into proper shape to itself would not be sufficient to cause a war. The main and dominallow for an invasion of Mexico. However, they are working at it ent reason is the necessity of securing the natural resources of overtime. Every paper that one picks up carries screaming head Mexico for exploitation by United States capitalists.
lines for intervention in Mexico. It doesn seem to be making much Whether they succeed in this or not rests with the workers of headway, however. The workers were convinced by the War for this country. If they can be brought to realize that the interest of Democracy that they must not take everything at face value, and she working class is international and that they have nothing to they are examining the facts in the Mexican situation. Therefore gain by an invasion of Mexico the first objective will be gained. If they are aware that everything is not as it is claimed to be. in addition to this they can be organized to protect that internaThe interest of the worker south of the Rio Grande avenil. The tional interest of the workers by establishing a workers government interests of the capitalists are great and it will be the capitalists in these United States then the future is theirs.
interests that the workers will go there to defend if they go.
Members of the working class do not own any mines or oil wells Sammy Gompers has been to Europe trying to organize the or plantations in Mexico. Some newspaper owners do, and many Labor movement to put an end to Bolshevism. He gives us the other owners of property in Mexico control the policy of newspapers plensant information that Bolshevism is dead and we are glad that in this country. Aside from that, the imperialistic needs of the on he says so, for Sammy is usually 100 wrong in his diagnosis of the pitalist in this country are driving them to seek domination over situation. Sammy did not seem to realize that the European Labor the economie resources of Mexico.
Movement is a hundred years ahead of America and therefore knows war nt this time would furnish the necessary excuse to make what caused the war and did not care to spend hours debating as to an attack upon the radical Inbor movement and therefore, is not whether Germany was responsible or not.