BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSyndicalismWorking Class

September 27, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Six The Communist Party Manifesto old The world is on the verge of a new era. Adopted and Issued by the Convention of the slavery and power, of oppression and de.
Cammunist Party struction.
Europe is in revolt. The masses of Asia are It was simple, but disastrous. The state, stirring uneasily. Capitalism is in collapse.
down under the test of war. The as owner of industry, did not free the work The workers of the world are seeing a new dominant moderate Socialism accepted and ers, but imposed a sterner bondage. The life and securing new courage. Out of the justified the war. It acted against the pronight of war is coming a new day.
The spectre of Communism haunts the letarian revolution and united with the capitalist state was made stronger by its inworld of capitalism. Communism, the hope capitalists against the workers. Out of this dustrial functions. The parliamentary representatives of the workers played at the of the workers to end their misery and op circumstance developed the forces of revparliamentary comedy, while Capitalism olutionary Socialism now expressed in the developed new powers of oppression and pression.
The workers of Russia smashed the front Communist International.
of international Capitalism and Imperial Socialism had repeatedly emphasized the menace of war. It had urged the workers But Imperialism exposed the final futility ism. They broke the chains of the terrible to act against the war. The Socialist con of this policy. Imperialism united the nonwar; and in the midst of agony, starvation gress at Basle in 1912, when Europe was proletarian classes, by means of State Capand the attacks of capitalists, of the world, on the verge of a general war, condemned italism for international conquest and spoil.
they are creating a new social order The class war rages fiercely in all nations. the war as imperialistic and as unjustifiable ation. The small capitalists, middle class and Everywhere the workers are in a desperate on any pretex of national interest. It urged the aristocracy of labor, which previously using the crisis of war to rouse the mas acted against concentrated industry, now struggle against their capitalist masters.
The call to action has come. The workers ses and to hasten the downfall of Capitalism. compromise and unite with concentrated The war that came in 1914 was the same industry and finance capital in Imperialism.
must answer the call!
The small capitalists accept the domination The Communist Party of America is the imperialistic war that might have come in 1912. But upon the declaration of war, the of finance capital, being allowed to participarty of the working class. The Communist dominant opportunistic Socialist parties ac pate in the adventures and the fabulous proParty proposes to end Capitalism and organize a workers industrial republic. The cepted and justified the war of plunder and fits of Imperialism, upon which now depends mass murder!
the whole of trade and industry. The middle workers must control industry and dispose of the products of industry. The Communist This was a direct betrayal of Socialism. class invests in monopolistic enterprises; Party is a party realizing the limitations It was an abandonment of the class strug income now depends upon finance capital, of all existing workers organizations and gle. The class struggle is the very heart of its members securing Positions of superrevolutionary Socialism. Unless the Socialist intendence. its technicians and intelproposes to develop the revolutionary movelectuals being exported to lands in process ment necessary to free the workers from the movement wages the class struggle under oppression of Capitalism. The Communist any and all conditions in its revolutionary of development. The workers of the privileged unions are assured steady employParty insists that the problems of the Amer implications, it becomes either Utopian or ment and comparatively high wages thrcugh ican worker are identical with the problems reactionary. But moderate Socialism acof the workers of the world.
cepted the var and the unity of the the profits that come in from the savage classes. and united with the capitalist gov exploitation of colonial peoples. All these THE WAR AND SOCIALISII. ernments against the working class. non proletarian social groups accept ImA giant struggle is convulsing the world.
The Socialist parties accepted the war as perialism, their liberal and progressive The war is at end, but peace is not here. a war for democracy as if democracy ideas becoming camouflage for Imperialism The struggle is between the capitalist nations under Imperialism is not directly counter with which to seduce the masses. Imperialof the world and the international prole revolutionary. They justified the war as a ism requires the centralized state, capable tariat, inspired by Soviet Russia. The Im war for the independence of nations. Not of uniting all the forces of capital, of uniperialisms of the world are desperately ar the proletarian class struggle, but national fying the industrial process through state raying themselves against the onsweeping ism, soci Il patriotism and social imperial regulation, of maintaining class peace of proletarian revolution.
ism determined the policy of the dominant mobilizing the whole national Power for the This international struggle is directed by Socialist. The coming of Socialism was struggles of Imperialism. State Capitalism the League of Nations and the Communist made dependent upon Imperialism and the is the expression of Imperialism, precisely International, one for the capitalists, the war of plunder, upon the workers cutting that State Capitalism promoted by Moderate other for the workers.
each others throats in the struggles of their Socialism. What the parliamentary policy The League of Nations is dividing the own ruling class!
of Socialism accomplished was to buttress world financially and territorially. It is SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM.
the capitalist state, to promote State Capdirecting the fight against the workers. It is the last effort of Capitalism to save itThe collapse of the Socialist International ialism, to strengthen Imperialism.
during the war marks the transition from Moderate Socialism developed while Capthe older moderate Socialism to the new The reactionary League of Nations is the italism was still competitive. Upon the adlogical result of this imperialistic war. And promise in the Communist International.
Socialism of revolutionary Practice and vent of monopoly and Imperialism, Socialthe war was the product of Capitalism.
ism emerged into a new epoch. an epoch Moderate Socialism, which perverted the Capitalism oppress the workers. It de revolutionary Socialism of the First Interrequiring new and more aggressive proleprives them of the fruit of their labor the national, placed its faith in constructive tarian tactics. Capitalism aequired a terrific difference between wages and product conpower in industry and the state. The consocial reforms. It accepted the bourgeois centration of industry, together with the stituting the profits of the capitalists. As state as the basis of its activities and the capitalists compete with each other, strengthened that state. It developed a polsubserviency of parliaments to the imperialwhile exploiting the workers, new and more istic mandates and the transfer of their vital icy of class reconcilaion. affirming that efficient means of production develop. This the coming of Socialism was a concern of ment, made more clear the impossibility of functions to the executive organ of govern compels the concentration of industry which all the classes instead of emphasizing the parliamentary conquest of power. The results in nonopoly. Under monopoly there the Marxian policy that it was the task of is rapid accumulation of capital, producing the revolutionary proletariat alone. There older unionism and parliamentary Socialism a surplus which it is necessary to export proved their utter incompetence for the new for investment. This export of capital, towas a joint movement that affected the conditions of struggle. These conditions devgether with the struggle to monopolize the thought and practice of Socialism: on the eloped the concept of industrial mionism world sources of raw materials and to conone hand, the organization of the skilled trol undeveloped territory for purposes of workers into trades unions, which secured in the United States and the concept of mass certain consessions and became action in Europe. Imperialism made it necesinvestment, is the basis of Imperialism. privileged caste; and, on the other hand, semisary to reconstruct the Socialist movement.
Imperialism produeed the war. The war the decay of the class of small producers, change under the necessity of events. The But Moderate Socialism itself did not now being at an end, the victorious nations crushed under the iron tread of industrial are concerned almost exclusively with these concentration. As one moved upward and consequence was a miserable collapse under economie, territorial and financial problems. the other downward, they met and formed a the test of the war and the proletarian revThe United States was vitally concerned in political juncture to use the state to improve the war, the issue being world power; and their conditions. The dominant Socialism its capitalism, having secured a position of In the Russian Revolution, the proletariat; financial supremacy, had a direct imperial policy of legislative reforms and State oltion had established the democratic parexpressed this compromise. It developed a urging on the poorer peasantry, conquered istie interest at stake.
Capitalism The war made a shambles of civilization.
It proved the utter incapacity of capitalism The whole process was simple. The work orship of the proletariat. This proletarian to direct and promote the progress of humers were to unite with the middle class and anity. Capitalism has broken down.
government ownership of industry was to emancipate the working class. Parliament. ed by the Mensheviki and the Social Rev But the Socialist movement itself broke a olution in Russia and Germany.
liamentary republic. It established a dictatrevolution was accomplished in spite of the opposition of Moderate Socialism, representarism was to revolutionize the old order of olutionists. These Moderates argued that