BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismSovietWorking Class

August 80, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Eight The Hireling Who Failed THE INVISIBLE CLUB Siberia, or the putting to death of men, The move we anticipated two weeks from Chicago to Salt Lake City. This strategic women and children who are suspected move is explained ns norinal actback to ago on the part of Kolchak, the monarchof harboring Bolsheviki sympathies, but ist adventurer and hireling of Allied im healthy cause.
Outside of the administration, how many peo only because he failed. He failed be.
perialism, has materialized and this heple in the United States can swallow such an cause he could not marshal sufficient roic defender of the faith has uncere explanation? How many are there who have forces to crush the Bolsheviki. His weak.
moniously moved from the former seat not been convinced for months that Kolchak, whatever he represents and what he represente ness proved that he was wrong. Had he of his government, Omsk, to Irkutsk, seems very dark and doubtful is not wanted been victorious he would have been right, thirteen hundred miles away. When by the Russians? And if he is not wanted, why for the victor is always right, because Kolchak first became a factor against the on carth are young Americans alternately burnback of him is the power that has made Bolsheviki, the entire capitalist press of ing a little while and freezing a long while, with possible the victory.
intervals of being shot and bayonetted, in his this nation, adminisration and anti ad Might is Right!
ministration alike, hailed him as the support!
Might has been right throughout all Even the Gallipoli campaign was the subject As month after savior of the world.
of court martial investigation in England. And previous history of the world; it is right month passed and the Red Army conthe only objections to the Gallipoli campaign today, and it will be right in all the aeons tinued unchecked against him the attiwere that. it war badly conceived and feebly supof ages that stretch before us in the untude of the anti administration papers ported. Our Russian or, rather, our SiberianWhatever else histcry has changed from one of loyal support venture adds to these the crowning stupidity of known future.
and unstinted praise to vituperative de have been unwelcome.
being a campaign which, if successful, would may hold in its bosom for mankind, we know there will only be one wrong, and nunciation.
It is hoped that Japan enjoys the spectacle that will be failure, and only one right, The only exception to this attitude on of young America being sacrificed to a spirit to proud to stop fighting. For it saddens and and that will be might.
the part of the capitalist class was that disgusts everybody else.
The ruling class is beginning to recog.
of such publications as the Nation. the Had Kolchak been successful, no mat nize the fact that Bolshevism is right Dial and the New Republic. These ter what he really represented, he would for Russia, because it is capable of depublications represented the interests of fending itself, while it is wrong in all the small manufacturing capitalists of have been lauded by the Herald Examother countries because it has not yet iner and every other paper, and the Wilthe United States who wanted to estabson administration attitude toward him acquired sufficient power. When the lish economic relations with Soviet Rusworkers of all countries, like those sia in order to dispose of their products. would have been justified in the columns Russia, have raised themselves to the of the entire plute press. That would They cloaked their material interests under the guise of desiring self determihave necessitated an attack by the anti position of the ruling class and proclaimed the Dictatorship of the Prole.
nation of peoples. Speaking for the pet administration organs upon some other tariat of the world, anything they do will ty bourgeois they were unable to com phase of his policy. The only crime one prehend the fact that the success of the can commit is to fail. Kolchak is not de be right, because they will have the proletarian revolution in Russia meant nounced because of the death train of might to enforce it.
the spread of the Bolshevist propaganda to other countries and threatened not only the existence of the large imperialist capitalists, but of the capitalist class as a whole. Other publications, frankly re Terrible is the weapon used by the be organized economically is not enough, presenting imperialism, advocated a de master class. Death through starvation they must be organized politically to gain claration of war against Soviet Russia, in is awful, but is there any way out of it control of the State, using its powers in order to help Kolchak establish a capital under the present system of society. Will their great struggle to rid themselves of ist government in Russia. The only thing submission to the exploiters save us from the social parasites who at the present that prevented a declaration of war on starvation. No. Hungary submitted, the tinie control the means of production and the part of the Allies was the fear of Hungarian workers lost courage and sur the goods for distribution.
arousing the masses of workers in their rendered, and what happened? The hireown countries against the Allied govern lings of capitalism (the Roumanian ments. The Wilsonian policy of interven army) is laying bare fertile Hungary and Liberty. Fraternity, Equality was tion and aggressive warfare without the misery has increased ten fold. Did the the rallying cry of the revolutionary preliminary of a declaration of war was German workers save themselves from bourgeoisie at the cradle of capitalism; carried to the utmost extreme. The his starvation by submitting to slavery? Do the slogan Make the World Safe for tory of Allied intervention in Russia is a the American workers save themselves Democracy is the litany chanted at the history of infamy and the statesmen who from starvation by submission. No. They brink of its grave.
conspired against Soviet Russia have writ. only make the process longer.
ten into the pages of history a record of shame for themselves that all the panSo long as there is wage slavery so The only criticism we find of the Hunegerics of the pen valets of imperialism long will the workers be ever on the garian workers is that they did not fight can never efface.
verge of starvation. For the master class until the last man fell rather than subcontrols all the necessities of life and Now that the hireling, Kolchak, has they can shut off the food supplies at any mit again to the dictatorship of capitalfailed and his army dispersed before the time. Only by destroying the system of ist imperialism. But even out of this de onward sweep of the Bolshevist army, feat a lesson has been gained; that let.
under the crimson emblem of Communist wage slavery can the workers become son is to never let any sentimental scrupmasters of their own lives. But wage Internationalism, the reptile press, or slavery will not be abolished by strikes of les interfere with the iron dictatorship that portion of it representing the antiof the proletariat once again they gain administration forces, true to its snake separate unions or by one big union. To supremacy.
nature has turned upon this imperialist failure and is stabbing him to death with its venom. The Chicago Herald Examiner, a publication which devotes columns to denunciation of the revolutionists in (Continued from Page 1)
the United States, now speaks against the intervention of the United States army in tween two trenches; yet it is to protect ment is essentially warlike and that wars Russia in an editorial which appeared in his oil interests that American soldiers will continue just as long as capitalism the issue of Aug. 20th, under the caption will be there. Nor will we read of the lasts. The defeat of Germany was not Worse than Crime. carcass of William Randolph Hearst furthe end of all wars, as we were told it Kolchak hus whifted his headquarters back nishing a banquet for buzzards upon the would be, and the defeat of Mexico will from Omsk to Irkutsk. Neither name conveys bleached plains of Mexico while protect. accelerate it.
not end imperialistic aggression, but only much to most of us. But when the map shows that Irkutuk is nearly thirteen hundred milos ing his land interests; yet sons of the farther from Moscow than Omuk, the caso is working class will die for him.
In the struggle for imperiallatic suclearer. 19 Is as if Kolchak, heving designs on One lesson the workers must learn is gain, premacy the workers have nothing to Washington, shifted his center of operations that this stage of capitalistic develop Mexico, but to destroy capitalium.
Their interests is not to subdue FORWARD TO MEXICO!