CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

Interviewing Haywood on the Communist Asgast 30, 1919.
Page Six THE COMMUNIST DANGERI LOOK OUTI Senator Thomas of Colorado bas ask ed the Congress of the United States to We have heretofore had occasion to but who should nevertheless be supremark that the hack writers on the cap pressed because of their effect upon the go on strike and stop legislating You italist press never hesitate when ordered ignorant working class. This is merely workers of America, do you realize how to commit a degenerate act at the behest another method of fighting the working great a danger you face should congress of their masters.
go out on strike? Just imagine! There reporter for the Chicago Tribune While taking a rap At Haywood and would be no one to pass the new esplor who intervlewed Bill Haywood last the the reporter, or the desk age law, do you proletarians realize what week clearly justified that charge. The man who prepared the article for pubthat means? The master class, without excuse for the interview was the atlication, also took occasion to refer to the an espionage law, may find some du tempted strike of the waiters union, afCommunist Party as a bunch that wants filiated with the After a few a revolution right away.
The intent ficulty in railroading class conscious workers into prison. It will mean that questions relative to the strike the fol here is to convey to the public the idea there will be no money appropriated for lowing conversation ensued (according that the Communists are a gang of terthe upkeep of the secret service and the to the reporter. rorists who are going to lead a revoluarmy. Well may the wege slaves trerable Reporter Is the connected in any tion. perusal of our literature makes for the master class may be without way with the Communists who are going to try clear our position, which is to get the to hold a convention in Chicago the first of Scpmeans of suppressing your strikes and MAJORITY of the workers to accept our tember!
deporting your leaders. How will we position as correct, then to take control Haywood Well, you see, themi Communists declare war on Mexico? Wło will send are part of the old Socialist party. But what of the powers of government in the interthe boys into Mexico to preserve law we re trying to do is to raise money to get our est of the workers.
and order?
starving We do not comment upon the tactics There is yet another danger. If the Reporter But are your people connected of this miserable scribbler and the instituwith this bunch that wants revolution right Congress goes on strike what guarantee away, with a soviet government and all that?
tion he represents in order to induce the have we that the Judiciary will not folBlaywood Well, ya know, don know capitalist press to change its courge. low suit? Awake, ye slavea! If the much about this Communist proposition. 11 This comment is merely for the benefit of judges go on strike, who then will issue have to look it up.
the working class organzations, so they injunctions against you? Who will sent Note carefully the Atrocious grammar will refuse to give information to any ence a Mooney or Debs or Billings to the attributed to Haywood: Well, you see, reporter. When the Communist Con penitentiary? Who will deal out jus.
them Communists, etc. Although no vention is called in Chicago on September tice to the one has ever accused Haywood of being 1st we will have our own newspaper rep But there is no such danger; we need an intellectual, still he is not an ignora. resentatives and the emissaries of capimus, and is quite capable of handling the talist journalism will find the doors not worry about it. The bosses, who are English language as well as the reporters always for law and order, are looking barred to them. We will not permit for the Tribune. Such tactics on the part them to inflame the minds of the public proletarians, is united and will see that out. And the master class, unlike the of the pen valets of capitalism seem to in order to cloak official brutality on the be in vogue recently. When the capital part of the ruling class. It is plain that the judiciary do not play any tricks which their hirelings in Congress and among ist press accuses the labor leaders of igno such is the motive behind the newspaper might endanger property rights. Maybe rance and illiteracy no one pays any at talk about the Communist Convention.
tention to it, so they now resort to the This convention is called only for the Senator Thomas was only joking.
contemptible tacties of alleged quota purpose of organizing the political extions wherein language is butchered. pression of the class conscious proleThis is done in order to convey the idea tariat of the United States and we do not The Plumb plan for joint control of that the spokesmen of the workers are the railroads is startling in ita simplicity.
propose to be misrepresented by degena bunch of driveling fanatics, not to be erates, hence our refusal to extend them The idea is to have the unions and the taken seriously by intelligent people, the hospitality of our convention.
government combine against the capitalista.
Prepare Now for the Next War Socialism Debated Dennis Batt vz. Nimmo. sixty four pag pamphlet containing a debate which appeared in the Detroit Saturday Night, Feb. 15 to May 8, 1919. All phases of socialism are discussed. We have only a few hundred of these on hand. While they last the prices are: Single copy, 10 centa In lots of ten or more, per copy, cents Send orders to LITERATURE DEPARTMENT, COMMUNIST PARTY 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
There is no need to argue about it. Your personal observation of the trend of events must have convinced you that it is only a matter of months or perhaps weeks before this country will be at war with Mexico. Likewise, you are aware that the world situation is such that greater wars are a certainty within a very short time.
What are you going to do about it?
Are you building air castles, dreaming about what you will do when the next crisis arrives, or are you laying the foundation now for effective work later?
Right now there is unlimited opportunity for lining up the prospective cannon fodder. The Plunderbund is busy preparing the minds of the workers, quietly and insidiously the militarists are laying their plans.
We cannot stand idly by and allow this to go on. Our opportunity for presenting the proletarian viewpoint to the man on the street and the worker in the shop will not last long. We must take advantage of the present situation. To do other.
wise would be to play into the hands of the enemy.
In THE COMMUNIST you have a mighty weapon with which to counteract the insiduous poison now being injected into the minds of the workers. There is nothing more effective than a straightforward presentation of our program, and this you will find in no other paper. Nor is it enough that you subscribe yourself; you raust do more than that; you must see to it that others read it every week.
Prepare for the next war now! Tomorrow never comes.
Appoint yourself a committee of one with full power to act.
Dont wall for your local or braneh YOU ACT!
Write today for book of sub blanks Application for Memberk COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA 1, the undersigned, recognizing the necessity for the organization tion to be held in the city of Chicago, Honday, September 1st, 1918 hereby make application for membership is said party.
Name Addru Aga Oceapation.
Previous Aliation (Giro name of organization and period of Admitted 1919, Local or Branch Secretary