AnarchismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSovietStrikeViolenceWorking Class

August 30, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Four disappointment, for if Wilson even consents to see them he THE COMMUNIST will have a specially prepared evaston exquisitely concealed OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA behind his expert diction, so that at the time he speaks they Editor will think he is saying something, but after they have been dis.
DENNIS BATT. Associato Editor missed and carefully consider the words of the Princeton pro. WICKS.
fessor, they will find they know exactly as much about the Organization Committee, Conmunist Party of America JOHN KERACHER DENNIS BATT question of intervention in Russia as they did when they pa. ELBAUM KOPNAGEL raded the streets of Chicago in the rain. STILSON JOHNSON ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY If they really want an answer to the question we can give it to them in two words: CAPITALIST IMPERIALISM.
DENNIS E, BATT. Secretary ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY, Organizer The spokesmen of this imperialism congoled the relatives of STILSON, Treasurer these boys when they were sent to Siberia with the deliberate SUBSCRIPTION: falsehood that Russian intervention was necessary in order to Single Copies cents prevent material assistance to Germany. These simple people 00 per year Bundle Rates on Application thought their boys were sent ot Siberia in order to help es. 00 six months Published Weekly By THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE tablish democracy in the world. It has already been proved thousands of time that Allied intervention, which included the 1221 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL.
presence of American troops in Siberia, was not a move against Imperial Germany, but against Free Russia. That is why they are fighting: To throttle the workers government in Rus.
MORE PLEDGES sia. They are not there in order to free the world, but to assist in crushing the only people on earth who are really endeavWe have had enough pledges in the past few years from statesmen to fill a good sized joke book. Open covenants oring to establish a government that represents the people, openly arrived at and self determination have taken their The success of the Russian revolution furnishes an example of place in the joke column and now we have another candidate liberty to the balancer the world that is exceedingly distasteful to the imperialists, so they are using American troops to for entrance.
Japan pledges home rule in Corea. Although it may be fight their battles. American troops will remain in Siberia until they are driven out by the force of arms of the Russians, taken seriously for a time by the innocent, eventually it will take its place in the limbo tragic of farces along with making or until the workers of the world force the Allied governments to withdraw them.
the world safe for democracy. Japan idea of what conAmerican soldiers are fighting Soviet Russia, in the interest stitutes a humane rule is not mentioned in the dispatches, but of the American and Allied imperialism without a declaration we may assume that it is the same as that which has prevailed of war, because a declaration of war would lay bare their sinin Corea up until now.
ister motives against the workers of Russia and the rest of the Girls will be stripped and flogged in the streets the same as World.
ever in order that the exploitation of the Korean working class by the capitalist class of Japan may continue. Hundreds The ruling class of the entire world is convulsed with rage will be executed if they dare to raise their voices in protest at at the spectacle of the red flag of the proletarian revolution floating over the former palaces of the Czars, and they realize the exploitation. Maybe not quite so openly as has been the that unless they destroy the revolution, the revolution will de.
case in the past. Perhaps the Japanese capitalists will learn a lesson from their American brethren and cloak their deeds stroy them.
of violence behind a screen of democracy. But behind it all It is at last dawning upon the minds of the rulers of earth will be the ruthless exploitation of the workers.
that Soviet Russia is here to stay, and they are now trying to We are informed by Premier Hara that the government is devise means of preventing its spread to other nations. In now decided to carry out various le forms in Corea, and it is its this attempt, also, they are doomed to disappointment, for the fixed determination to forward the progress of the country in revolution that has conquered in Russia has already taken root order that all differences between Corea and Japan proper in and before another decade has passed the workers of all the matters of education, industry and of the civil service may world under the crimson emblem of the Communist Internafinally be altogether obliterated.
tional will end for all time the nightmare of captalist imper.
The government is, moreover, confidently looking forward ialism.
to the eventual adoption in Corea of a system if provincial and Until then, sons, husbands and brothers of the working class municipal administration similar to that in operation in Japan will continue to be herded like cattle in foreign lands to fight proper, as far as circumstances will permit. There we have the battles of imperialist capitalism that the capitalist class it. Everything is going to come out nicely in Corea now. The itself is too damned cowardly to fight.
Japanese Empire will make Japs of the Coreans. Perfectly lovely for the Japanese capitalist. They will continue to exploit the workers of Japan. The Japanese workers are so CZARISM IN AMERICA miserable that they are on the verge of a revolution now. The more or less peaceful citizens of the city of Chicago were The Japanese government further pledges that its stay in startled Monday by the glaring headlines of the daily press Corea is only temporary. She will not stay there any longer announcing that a revolution had been nipped in the bud the than is absolutely necessary. Japan will, of course, determine previous night by the police force, that valiant upholder of how long is necessary. In 1882, England entered Egypt with Law and Order. According to the yellow press, the the same promise. It is still necessary for her to remain there. invaded the loop district and immediately proceeded to start So, too, will it be with Japan in Corea.
a riot, when the police opened fire upon them and after a The Japanese government will hold the workers of Corea heroic struggle successfully dispersed the reds.
in subjection in the interest of Japanese capitalism until such time as she is thrown out. When the workers of Japan, Corea The facts are that the waiters union, affiliated with the and the balance of the world realize that their interests are held a meeting on Sunday evening and voted a strike of the members in a number of chains of restaurants.
one, the power will then generate, not only to throw the capi strike was to be called immediately, so a number of delegates The talist out of Corea, but to disposess them completely all over started to make the rounds of the restaurants in a motor truck the world.
in order to inform the membership of the decision. stool pigeon of the employers had attended the meeting and his WHY ARE OUR BOYS IN SIBERIA?
employers notified the police of the move, 90 when the deleThe other day the downtown section of Chicago was sud saulted by policemen. After beating a number of men and xates arrived at the first restaurant they were met and asdenly started by the appearance of over five thousand fathers and mothers, sisters and wives of soldiers stationed in Siberia, arrest.
women, four of the members of the union were placed under carrying banners and fairly shrieking for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Russia. The occasion for the demonstra posed attempt to start a revolution and the reporters were The newspapers had been tipped off regarding the protion was the departure of a delegation for Washington to in there in order to properly distort the facts for the benefit of terview President Wilson to present demands that their rela public misinformation.
tiver we ordered home.
Many banners bearing the query, Why Are Our Loys in This exhibition of police anarchy and brutality is only an.
Siberia? were scattered through the parade. We wonder city, state and nation, are put when the workers attempt to other exumple of the use of which the powers of government, if those who paraded really expect Professor Wilson to truth obtnin anything for themselves. It should also teach the mem.
fully reply to that question. If they do they are doomed to be of the that the state is not a myth, but a very