BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismInvasionSpainWorking Class

The Communist Official Paper of the Communist Party of America Vol. 1, No. CHICAGO, ILL. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919.
Five Cents Forward to Mexico!
perfection. His talk about freedom, de An evident principle runs through the is that the British holdings are no more whole program have ned. It is the mocracy, self determination, liberty and in danger than they ever were before, principle of justice to all peoples and nationaljustice was used to browbeat the man but the British imperialists realize the ities, and their right to live on equal terms of hood of America into the ranks of a con fact that American soldiers are to be liberty and safety with one another, whether script army, without ever asking their sent to Mexico in the interest of Wall they be weak or strong. Unless this principle be made its foundation, no part consent. It was also used by ignorant Street and so they want to have a hand the structure of international justice can stand. The and vicious federal prosecuting attorneys in the annexation of Mexico in order to people of the United States could act upon to inflame the minds of juries and secure prevent the United States capitalists enno other prisciple; and to the vindication of convictions, carrying with them long croaching upon their possessions.
this principle they are willing to devote their terms in American federal prisong, the The American press has been comlives, their honor, and everything they posvilest on earth, for mildly criticizing the plaining that America gets nothing out sess. From Woodrow Wilson fourteen points.
war policy of American imperialism. of the European peace settlement. While We shall fight for the privilege of men After depriving the people who live in ag yet, America has only succeeded in everywhere to choose their own method of this country of all the so called inalien protecting the loans of American capilife and ubedience. Wilson war message. able rights such as free speech, free talists to the Allies in Europe, we seem Self determination is not a mere phrase.
press and free assemblage, while the to be about to grab Mexico as the AmerIt is an imperative principle of action, which statesmen will henceforth ignore at their European war was on, the same ruling can share of the world plunder.
peril. Woodrow Wilson, Feb. 18, 1918. clique desires to perpetuate its censor No intelligent person can doubt for a The settlement of every question, whether ship, because it has other imperialistic moment but that Mexico is doomed to of territory, or sovereignty, of economic arconquests in store.
fall under the sceptre of Wall Street and rangement, or of political relationship, upon the basis of free acceptance of that settleNo gooner had the armistice been that the lives of the young men of the ment by the people in mediately concerned, gigned ith Ge ny than the propa country will be sacrificed to achieve that and not upon the basis of the material inter ganda for intervention and control of end.
est or advantage of any other nation or peoMexico was renewed. The renewal of We wonder what phrases Wr. Wilson ple which may desire a different settlement for the propaganda was accompanied by an will coin in order to cloak this act of the sake of its own exterior influence or mastery. Woodrow Wilson, July 14, 1918.
immediate rise of Mexican securities on international brigandage. Perhaps he the New York stock exchange. The large will tell us that the invasion of Mexico visitor from Mars who could read financiers invested millions of dollars in is really a move to liberate the people of order to take advantage of the Mexican Mexico, who subconsciously desire to the ideological and high sounding opportunities. The capitalistic press be under the domination of the capitalist phrases of the spokesmen of the United of the entire nation, artificially stimulat class of this country and that it is the States government would conclude that ed by the Wall Street plunderbund, is duty of this nation to arouse that desire the one reason for the existence of this demanding that the government pacify to full consciousness. Perhaps that is government is to establish self determi Mexico and protect the lives of American the method of reasoning he uses toward nation of all peoples of the earth. Should citizens within the borders of that na Porto Ricans, Philippinos, Santo Dothe visitor then pick up a capitalist pa tion.
These citizens who have fallen mingans, Nicaraguans, Virgin Islanders and Haiteins.
per and peruse its headlines he would be victims in the Mexican disorders were startled by frenzied shrieking for inva fully aware of the danger involved while Sentimentalists and petty bourgeois will sion of Mexico, obviously against the will attempting to live in a country kept in protest against the annexation of Mexico of the Mexican people and their govern the throes of civil war by the capitalists as an international crime, but the revoment. Meanwhile Mr. Wilson, the of the United States. They were not lutionist must keep in mind the fact that spokesman for the government, says there representing the United States gov.
history has decreed the doom of small nanothing and permits his cabinet mem ernment, but their own interests, most of tions under capitalist imperialism, bebers to do his talking for him.
them were land owners and there for the cause imperialism must constantly exFor several years war clouds have purpose of exploiting the Mexican peons. tend, constantly encroach upon new and been lowering along the Mexican bor After treating these miserable, half undeveloped territory. Since 1898, the der. The financial interests of the coun starved slaves with the utmost brutality, date of the entrance of this government into the war with Spain, the foreign and try, centered at Wall Street, have had one of them would attack and kill an domestic policy of the American governdesigns upon Mexico because of the mar American owner, then thé reptile Mor.
ment has been imperialistic. Every year velous supply of minerals and oil within ganized press would again deliriously saw the constant extension of this impethe confines of that country. The in howl for an invasion of Mexico.
rialism, until today it is one of the foretrigues indulged in by American imperi The last move on the part of the Amermost imperialistic nations of the earth.
alists went to the extent of deliberately ican imperialists for conquest of Mexico American soldiers are now in Mexico hiring Pancho Villa and his gang of cut was the case of the two aviators who are without a declaration of war for the purthroats to make raids across the Ameri alleged to have been captured by Mexipose of provoking retaliation on the part can bandits and held for ransom. After can border in order to provoke a deeof the Mexican people as an excuse to laration of war against Mexico. Every a few days a sum of money was paid to completely subdue that nation to Wall thing was being carefully prepared in the someone and the aviators released unspring of 1916 for annexation of Mexico, harned. The incident should have Street and London capitalists. The only when the larger interests of international closed, and would have closed, had it people in this country who will profit by a war against Mexico will be the ruling capitalism detracted the attention of the not been for the financial interests at class. But those who do the fighting government to the European situation. stake in Mexico.
will be the working class. When the The Mexican situation has also usIn order to conceal the mordid motives reports of the casualties arrive from Mex.
of American imperialism which plunged sumed complications with the British ico we will never read of the delicate the country into the European whirlpool, imperialixts, who hold billions of dollars carcass of John Rockefeller Jr. dan.
it was necessary for Professor Wilson, worth of Mexican property rich in oils the expert phrase munger, to furnish the and minerals, if we are to believe the xling upon a barb wire ntanglement be: Wealistie cloak of words. This he did to capitalist press. The truth of the matter fi ontinued on