BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST August 23, 1910 The League League of Nations None thought so much of the organi of their safety and their interests. Now operation of peopes, of honesty among zation of the League of Nations, none since Germany became a counter revolu peoples, of justice; the murderous colofought so energetically for the abolition tionary bourgeois repubic, destroying its nial policy it tries to cover with false of wars and for the establishment of a ow. proletariat, its chances of being ad words of the supreme duty of civilizageneral peace as the Socialists. But, mitte are a great deal more certain, tion. The ultra millionaires and exploitnevertheless, or rather to be more exact, and it may happen that on certain con ers who drew up this document had for that very reason true Socialists will ditions, or unconditionally, it will be nerve enough to speak of justice and be enemies of that League of Nations accepted into the League of Nations. We humanitarian conditions for the workwhich was organzed by the powers may be sure that the more important ing class.
gathered at the Paris Peace conference. partners will not accept Soviet Russia And what does all their drivel come into their midst, if the Russian Republic to it is shown in English telegrams reA Convenient Theory.
would deign to ask admission.
ceived, together with the document of At the preliminary meeting of this the League of Nations. One of the first conference on the 15th of February the To Outsiders a Punitive Expedition steps taken is the robbing of Russia.
plans of the League were made public.
But what will be the position of the Japan and the United States agreed to We do not yet know what form this be governments which will have no chance take over the control of the Siberian Railginning will take in the end. But even whatsoever of being accepted as shareroads. The Siberian Railroads belong to now we can judge that the worst can holders of this League? The treaty fore Russia. The Eastern Chinese are placed be expected from the imperialist powers sees this question also. It clearly states under the control of an Inter Allied comand that the League of Nations will that in case there arise misunderstand mission at whose head, for public opinprove to a noose for liberty and the ings between members of the League ion sake, a Russian chairman has been peace of peoples.
and governments not members of the appointed. That Russia permission has Where are all the pretty words of the League, the Executive Committee of the not been asked in this enterprise is selfWilsonian program? Where did the League will be the high court which will understood. The League of Nations is high sounding words of the rights of na render the final decision. The treaty above such formalities.
tions, small ones and large ones, of self does not state, however, whether the Fearful Dangers determination and the freedom of the League will intervene at the request of seas, dissappear to? We would be naive the interested governments or without The people of the whole world must know what awaits them. The League of if we would look for the least bit of their wish in case these governments do Nations has been compared to the Holy truth in these words and expect to find not happen to be members of the LeaAlliance. But it is worse and more harmthem in the plan of the League of Na gue. It is clear that the League takes ful than the Holy Alliance a thousand tions set up by Wilson, Lloyd George and full power into its own hands to judge all fold, because it is much stronger, better Pichon. The only thought which, like a international conflicts. The executive organized and broader. The Holy Alred thread, runs through the whole pro committee will invite the concerned parliance was a conspiracy between the tocol summarizes in the forced safety of ties to carry out their decisions. In case the conditions existing after a four year they refuse to do so, they will take acpriests, monarchs and landowners period of war, the safeguarding of the tion against those governments, begin not only the laboring masses but also the against free peoples, but against it were powers, their victories and all that they ning with an economic blockade and bourgeoisie. In the League of Nations gained, and to prevent any change to be ending with armed intervention.
the Bourgeoisie goes hand in hand with made in the present state of affairs.
Not a bad perspect is it? Now imagine how will it be in the case of Soviet against the laboring masses. And bethe monarchs, priests and landowners Mutual Insurance.
Russia. It will be enough for any power sides, it controls all the means of present First of all, the exalted imperialist which is a member of the League, not day technic, and is expert in all the ways powers seek to insure each other and to speaking of France or England, but even of fooling the masses.
assure themselves a quiet digestion of Roumania, Poland, Finland (they will The League of Nations does not pretheir victories. The parties drawing up of course be admitted into the league)
the treaty assure each other to respect to have anything against Soviet Russia, working class and defeated peoples. It vent wars but declares war upon the and take care of a internal trouble in to have the League start action against assures peace only to the victors, the imthe nations belonging to the League and this government which does not ackperialists. That is the reason why all assure political independence for all nowedge it. And as the five most imreal friends of peace and justice, and all governments taking part in this League. portant governments of the league retrue enemies of war must with all their So, if Ireland wishes to put into life cognized all the counter revolutionary might fight against the devilish plan of Wilson program and to stand by her governments of Russia, and are on very world untruth hidden under the bright rights of self determination, she will friendy terms with most of them, therehave to deal now not only with the Eng fore, it will be enough for any Kolchak this hypocritical bourgeois league the colors of the League of Nations. And lish ords and cap. talists but with the or Krasnow to protest against the Soviet proletariat will combat with Social Rearmed forces of the whole League of Na to have the League take action.
voution, without which honesty between tions.
Slavery of the defeated peoples by The Preparation of Objects for peoples can never exist.
the world sharks will last forever under STEKLOV, Intervention of the Russian Soviet Government.
the League of Nations. Especially is this It is absolutely clear that the powers true of the so called colonies who are, of the League will accept into the Lea Superintendent of Detroit police detruthfully speaking, the majority of gue all sorts of small nations for the partment says he relies upon the good humanity. It is self understood that the reason that with their help they will al sense of the patrolmen to break up their bourgeois Pharisees who came together ways be able to create trouble among union.
at the Peace Co ference least of all the nations not admitted in order to have thought of giving the nations the right reason for intervention into their affairs.
You mean lack of sense, don you, Mr. Superintendent?
to decide their own destiny. Even those Sach despotism, such full power by a colonies which the Allies took from the group of governments, the world has not Congress to crush Bolshevism, 32. Central Powers are divided among the yet seen.
500, 000 apropriated for that purpose.
And which rule will be the Worst for these coconies, the old or the Dirt cheap. If properly approached, Phariseic Spirit undoubtedly Kolchak will donate a few new, remains to seen.
The London Times, organ of the Brit kopeeks to the fund.
The League of Maybe the Czer.
ations represents an ish imperialists stated that in the decree too, if he were still with us, would coninternational com a ay of life and profits of the League of Peoples an English tribute his hare.
insurance of the tations which are its spirit was geen. Yes, and English spirit organizers. The estion of accepting of the Bourgeoisie, the spirit of force Priests strike for more pay.
We any other natio Lo this League is to combined with Phariseeism and hypoc still don see the necess ty for this.
be decided by its ganizers. It is clear risy, in short the spirit of the English Couldn this be obtained more easily by that they will ace only those who will Kent is clearly seen in this document. Of praying for it?
co operate with viem in the assurance course, the document speaks of the coThe Proletarian.