BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceSocialismSovietWorking Class

Editor THE COMMUNIST have seen the trend of the Allied interference. That is posTHE COMMUNIST sible. But when we consider this and at the same time rememOFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA ber the aid that the United States is giving to that other monarchist, Kolchak, we are reminded of the old saying, There DENNIS BATT.
Associate Editor WICKS are none so blind as those that will not see. Their protestations of ignorance as to what was going to be the outcome in Organization Committee, Communist Party of America DENNIS BATT JOHN KERACHER Hungary must be classified as plain hypocricy. Nothing more ELBAUM KOPNAGEL JOHNSON and nothing less. Now they will stand by and shed crocodile STILSON ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY tears while the workers of Hungary are slaughtered in reDENNIS BATT, Secretary venge for their attempt to emancipate themselves.
ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY, Organizer We will not forget the lesson. Nothing can be gained by STILSON, Treasurer the workers from bourgeois governments, be they monarchSUBSCRIPTION: istic or democratic. The workers have no one but themselves Single Copies cents to depend on. They must not fail. To fail is a crime. Any 00 per year Bundle Rates on Application means that they may employ to avert failure is in perfect ac 00 six months cord with revolutionary ethics and is good tactics.
Published Weekly By THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE 1221 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. MCGREGOR, Bus. Manager CUTTING THE HIGH COST OF LIVING The high cost of living has been a nightmare to the working class ever since the capitalist system came into existFAILURE THE ONLY CRIME ence, and has become particularly acute in recent times. The problem presents itself to the ininds of the uniniatiated as The capitalist press has been so full of lies about the sitthe wilful and unwarranted advance in prices on the part of uation in revolutionary Europe that it has been with difficulty certain individuals. The facts of the matter are, of course, that we have been convinced of the collapse of the revolutionthat the general rise in the price of commodities is due to the sry government of Hungary. Bela Kun had been overthrown depreciation of the value of money. The inflation of currency so mans times that one had to be skeptical of the truth of the has caused the bottom to drop out of the money market and stories that came of the overthrow of the workers govthe dollar will not buy what it did before. Thus has come ernment. But at last it appears that the workers of Hungary about an automatic reduction in the real wages of the workhave committed the unpardonable revolutionary crime they ing class. The efforts of the capitalist class to reduce the have failed. For that they will not be forgiven. Revenge will prices on the so called necessities of life merely diverts the he visited upon them by the Great Democracies of the world, attention of the workers away from the real issue their robThe pen prostitutes of the capitalist press chortie with bery at the point of production. Anything that will divert the slee at the downfall of the workers government. They have attention of the workers away from that is, of course, benbeen trying to magnify the event into a victory over which eficial to the capitalist class.
they might beast with some justification. Their victory, howThe general revolutionary trend throughout the world.
ever, is small consolation. That the workers of Hungary have and particularly in Europe, has frightened the capitalists of i, een able to hold out as long as they did has been very encourthis and other countries and they are making frantic efforts aging to the workers of the world. With a population conto pacify the workers by reducing the price of living. Their sisting of only about eight millions, at no time were they able efforts to solve this inherent problem of capitalism are ludico muster more than two hundred thousand soldiers, while Rucrous to say the least.
mania sione was eapable of throwing half a million men With great gusto, our estimable President has devoted against Hungary not to speak of the other countries that much attention and thought to this mighty problem. Visitors surrounded her. Equipment for these soldiers of reaction was were turned away from the White House because, forsooth, farnished by the Allies.
the President was thinking about the high cost of living.
The Allies did not dare to act openly in suppressing the The weighty machinery of congress has rumbled up tothe probForkers government of Hungary and used many subterfuges lem. Their efforts are yet to be proven useful in coping with to cover their activities in this connection. Bela Kun and his associates relied to a considerable extent upon this fear of the question. Profiteers are going to be jailed; some have been fined already. Even the mighty packers of Chicago are now the Allies to act. Taking advantage of the delay, the Comto be prosecuted. We are reminded of the successful prosmunists struck a blow at the invaders from Rumania that ecution of the Standard Oil Company and the successful they will remember for a long time, and for a time it looked collection of the 29, 000, 000 fine. So you will pardon us if as though the workers would be able to maintain themselves against the combined opposition of the Allies. The task, howWe are a bit skeptical about the prosecution the the packers.
ever, was too great, and they had to give way before superior this game of beating the high cost of living. It is going to The government, however, has another card to play in numbers and equipment. Given half a chance and they sell surplus army supplies amounting to several million dolwould have proven their ability to beat the forces of reaction man for man.
lars to the dear public in order to reduce the cost of living.
It spite of the mighty forces that are arrayed against laughs that has been pulled off in a long while. If the whole This card is deuce high in a dirty deck, and is one of the best them, tre Communists are not yet defeated. If the Rumanian forces are withdrawn they will spring back into power, and of the gurplus supplies were to be distributed free to the popthe indications are that they are still in control west of Bu and a half per capita wonderful bearing that will have ulation of the country it would only amount to about a dollar dapest The fall of the Communist government of Hungary has upon the situation, isn it?
prover one thing if nothing else, and that is the Great De problem of the high cost of living. That problem awaits The fact of the matter is the capitalists cannot solve the mocracies of the world prefer anything, no matter how reactionary, to a working class government. Those who have lathe ascension to power of the proletariat.
bored under the delusion that the Allies intended to establish Derocracy have had a rude awakening. Those who unCZARISM IN AMERICA derstood have long said that the Allies would institute black After comrade Alexander Stoklitsky was arrested in reaction wherever they secured control, and it has been proven by the recent developments in Hungary that these prophesies Chicago branch of the Federal Department of Justice raided Detroit and held for the immigration authorities, agents of the were correct. The yellow socialist element and labor fakirs the headquarters of the Communist Party and seized a numwho assisted in the overthrow of the Soviet government have feen shown their proper place in the estimation of the Allies. nothing in any of the material seized by them that would warher of documents and other material. Although there was Josep row eits upon the lid in Hungary. The country is on the vso to monarchy. member of the degenerate family rant further investigation, a number of individuals connected of the lapsburgs is more acceptabie to the associated powers inquisitors and subjected to the usual brutalities they inflict with the language federations have been called before these of free peoples Enan soviet government. The American members of the piece conference claim that they have been upon people who have incurred the hatred of the ruling class.
Retrayeu by France and England in this deal. short while An experience with the people who are in control of this arm ago we would have been sent to jail if we nad said such things the country had been scoured for the purpose of securing the of the federal government would almost convince one that about our Alies. The American members of the conference vill have a hard time making this bunk go as proof of their intelligence enough to disagree with the powers that be.
vilest bullies to browbeat decent people who happen to have love for the oppressed peoples of the earth. They may not Whatever justification may hare existed in dealing with