BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

August 23, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Five the Communist Party, instead of cap To the comrades of the East and of The September 1st convention of the turing the old Socialist Party.
the Pacific Northwest, with whom have communist Party will be the most moThe old party is not worth capturing. been associated during the last years of mentous event in the history of socialIt never was a socialist party and can world upheaval and who have made the ism in this country. It will mark the never be such. Its organization is not sacrifices necessary by devoting time and definite appearance upon the stage of worth capturing, as its physical bank money to the cause of the proletariat American history of the party of revoruptcy is now as complete as its well and who have honored me with their lutionary socialism; the party that in the known mental bankruptcy has always confidence by electing me as their repre future will fulfill the same mission in been. Its reputation is not only not rev sentative, particularly appeal to inves the revolution of the American proletaolutionary but positively infamous, and tigate the Communist Party and its prin riat that the Bolsheviki party in Russia, to carry its name would involve the ne ciples. am certain that you, with whom the Spartacan group in Germany and the cessity of spending a great deal of our have had the pleasure of associating in other Communist Parties of Europe are time explaining its previous position this struggle, would have taken the same today fulfilling for the European worktime that can be devoted to constructive step that have now taken had you been ing class; the party that before another organization and educational work. here upon the scene of activity and am decade has passed will have established Further comment by me on the va confident that you will now support this the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as a rious factions resulting from the collapse organization even more enthusiastically prelude to the emancipation of all soof reformist socialism is unnecessary, as than you upheld the banner of revolu ciety from the fetters of class rule.
a perusal of The Communist, our offi tionary socialism within the old party Yours for Communism, cial paper, makes clear the position of and against the opposition of the national these groups.
officials of that party. WICKS.
IT CAN BE DONE RUSSIAN WAR PRISONERS IN GERMANY News from Paris telling that higher of anti Bolshevista and Russian war pris ich, thousands of Russian war prisoners allied circles have decided to detain oners were to be given over into the openly supported the German revoluhundreds of thousands of Russian war hands of the Russian counter revolution tionists.
prisoners in Germany does not surprise ists. At this time in the circle of War us. Allied imperialists have long since prisoners a systematic counter revolu is easily understood, why even now the Taking all this into consideration, it been of the opinion that Russian War tionary propaganda was begun. Special leaders of Allied imperialism have deprisoners are slaves whom they can treat propagandists, the majority of whom cidedly refused to allow the return to as creatures who dare not even think of were officers of the czarist regime, were their personal rights. We need only retheir country of hundreds of thousands mind ourselves of the fearful tortures intent to turn the Russian war pris: hers sent from Southern Russia with the full of Russian citizens. To get their own which fell upon the heads of the Russian satisfaction they do not act according to into a flock of obedient sheep. Volun the international laws or to the laws of soldiers in France, who demanded to be allowed to return to their country. And fro mthe midst of Russian war prisoners. sult justifies means.
teers for the Red Army were then begun human beings. Their moito is: The renow tens of thousands more Russian citIt is understood that nothing came of izen soldiers are suffering in jails of the all this propaganda. The masses of the The actions of allied imperialists toFrench Imperiailstic Republic or exiled wards Russian war prisoners will paid to North Africa, French territory.
Russian war prisoners refused to go over according to what they deserve in Soviet to the side of the enemies of Soviet Rus Russia as well as by the war prisoners During the whole period of war, Russian war prisoners have undergone the especially during the uprising at Munsia. During the Spartacan uprising, and themselves. The hour of payment will most brutal treatment, the most income. ex.
human tortures at the hands of the Germans. Their human rights were not considered at all. Living conditions in the barracks of war prisoners were forced to face semi starvation. Hundreds of It was three months ago that met And more surely still: Probing the acrethousands of Russians were sent to an him on the job.
age of discontent, with the ploughsnares untimely grave.
He was of military bearing. Straight of facts, must have tended to a knowlAfter the signing of the Brest Litovsk forward was his appearance; and frank edge of psychology; if so, what chance Peace Treaty, Russian war prisoners ness was pictured in the looks of him. has the marked one? Anyway, the house were to be returned to Russia. But the So ventured on the real work.
is going up, as we progress to the end of German Imperialist Government had Don you think, quoth I; that it our meal ticket. We dug out the baseplans of own. It did not feel like tak is pretty law work to be fighting Russia, ment, and went over the class struggle.
ing away from the German landowners without even a declaration of war? We raised the concrete wall, and adorned cheap labor, and besides all this it had cold stare became evident.
it with joists and a wilderness of scantevery reason to believe that the return Then: Are you a citizen?
lings and shiplap the while he laid atof Russian soldiers to their country humbly submitted: Not yet. tentive ears to a disquisition on what the would only increase the Soviet army. Then, he brought out triumphantly, negro called the mysterious deception Having this in mind, the German govern you have not right to criticize.
of history.
ment did all in its power to detain Rus And, he continued, know your We are climbing aloft now on the sian war prisoners as long as possible. game; you want to boost the Bolshev rafters and perspiring in the Juiy gun, With the signing of the armistice at iks; let me tell you they are the lowest as we hammer and hoist; and surplus Spa, one would imagine that all delay in kind of trash; ve read about them, and value, unpaid labor time, commodity lareturning Russian soldiers to Russia we can trust Mr. Wilson to see they get bor power, are becoming familiar terms would disappear. But this was only ima what is coming to them.
to friendly ears at last.
gination. The plans of the German gov Not so promising, eh?
Says friend job mate last week: Go ernment were in reality the plans of the Some job, Bo: believe me, and ve seen on, tell me all you can; it meat and Allies. In January, the General Staff of some.
drink to me. And today: You wait the Allies gave orders to stop all plans of Well, as said, it was three moons and see, in a year from now; there ll be returning Russian war prisoners to Rus ago. It took heap big medicine, plenty none of these damned financiers left in sia. It is understood that the government sapping, mining, following up stray this man land. If the European workof Scheidemann, with all its slave passion scents. But the hunt is fascinating, and ingman puts it over, you bet your life we to please, obeyed this order. In Berlin, by a veteran has learned much. He has acwill, too.
order of the Allies, all affairs pertaining quired patience. He doesn call his job Says I: You ll do; but don underesto war prisoners were stopped by the mate a bonehead, and give it up. If he timate your enemy; acquire knowledge, Bureau. The Board of Management of has to work with Scissorbillus Americanpase it along; make Socialists; make em the International Red Cross issued a us, and there is disharmony, it must be good and red, and soon we will be statement that Russian soldiers would removed; and surely, years of imbibing there.
be returned to Russia via Odessa.
knowledge has not been so unfruitful FOR IT CAN BE DONE.
The Allies purpose was clearly seen. that arguments potent and convincing. in the Red Flag.
Southern Russia was then the hands cannot be produced.