AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarSovietWorkers MovementWorking Class

August 16, 1010 THE COMMUNIST Page This ization are of the menshevik point of view and do not wish to enter into the decisive battle with the capitalistic class of place has he given to the world a better picture of himselt a disappointment to all but the socialists. And in no other their own country.
The actions of the anarcho syndicalists of France and the than in his attitude toward Soviet Russia.
parliamentary socialists and labor fakirs of Great Britain recognized because it does not come up to the standard set by We have been told that the Soviet Government cannot be brand them as the most dangerous foes of the revolutionary the great democracies of the world. It is a dictatorship that proletariat. Instead of using the crisis which was called forth by the war and revolution to the advantage of the proletarian is based upon force and therefore cannot be admitted to the movement, instead of joining the ranks of the workers army, against innocent and defenseless people. We are told that the council of nations. The Bolsheviki are accused of atrocities the centrists and their followers betray the working class movement, using the ignorance, or insufficient political enlight people.
Soviets do not represent the will of the majority of the Russian enment, of the proletariat of their own country to serve the interests of the capitalist class against the workers.
These excuses, however, are nothing more or less than These elements are to blame for the failure of the general plain bunk. The real reason why the Soviet government has not been recognized is because it is a government of the wo: proletarian demonstration on July 21st.
ing class as against the governments of the capitalist class.
This is the determining factor and all other considerations CIVIL WAR IN POLAND are subordinate. While the hue and cry of a dictatorship by From Poland, the land that Allied Imperialists so gra force is raised against the Bolsheviki, these very people know ciously appointed themselves mandatory for with the gym that the Soviet government is no more based upon force than nastic piano virtuoso, Paderewski, as the emissary who is to is any other government.
carry out their criminal designs comes ever louder rum If this is not the case, then will Mr. Wilson or Mr. Lansing blings of revolt. From the heavily censored bourgeois press explain the recognition of the Finnish White Government, comes the information that the Polish parliament issued war which is one of the most brutal military dictatorships the world rants for the entire Central Executive Committee of the Com has ever seen? The Finnish Workers Government was the munist Party and that the committee, along with members of lawful government of Finland but was overthrown by the the Russian, Hungarian, Austrian and German Communist reactionary, pro German White Government, and thousands parties have been arrested and imprisoned. The government of workers were massacred. This government was recognized has also seized documents and money belonging to the im by Wilson, although it is openly pro German, an objection that prisoned Communists. In all there have been 148 repre was raised against the Bolsheviki. The present government of sentatives of the working class arrested in Warsaw.
Finland has been brutal beyond description, and yet it is The morning of the day the arrests were made four dis deemed worthy of a welcome into the family of nations.
tinct demonstrations started in as many different parts of the cannot, then, arrive at any conclusion other than that the city. As the news of the demonstrations spread they merged avowed objections to the Soviet government are but a screen into one huge demonstration on Marshalkovska, the main of words behind which is concealed the real objection.
thoroughfare of the city. Over forty thousand workmen par If one desires further proof he has but to consider the coticipated in this mass demonstration. The white guards were operation between the government of the United States and hurled against them and in a bloody battle, during which a the monarchist, Admiral Kolchak. Here we have another donumber were killed and many wounded, that demonstration monstration of the fact that a government does not have to be was suppressed. Undaunted by the defeat, the masses again of the so called democratic variety in order to secure recognicame together in other streets, again merging into one huge tion. But it must be avowedly capitalistic and guarantee to demonstration, this time in front of the Theatre Place.
preserve the status quo of the robber class.
In the afternoon of the same day the workmen demonstration assumed uncontrollable proportions and the House of THE KETTLE CALLS THE POT BLACK Parliament was entirely surrounded and the army of the The last session of the international trade union congress white guards rendered powerless. The workers entered the House of Parliament. The secretary of state and the president held recently at Amsterdam, Holland, was marked by a spirof the House of Parliament (sejm) appeared before the workited clash between Samuel Gompers, president of the Amer.
men and asked them to elect a committee to present their deican Federation of Labor, and Karl Legien, president of the mands. The committee was elected and demanded the release German Federation of Trade Unions. After Gompers had tried of all prisoners in ten days, according to bourgeois press reto put over one of his pet reactionary schemes and had been ports. It is more than probable that the time specified was defeated by the European reactionaries Legion accused him much shorter than ten days.
of voting for the employers.
The press despatches declare that Mr. Gompers was on It is plain that a revolutionary crisis is rapidly developing in Poland that may at any moment usher in the Dictatorship his feet and in a voice trembling with emotion and suppressed of the Proletariat.
indignation said. throw that remark back into your teeth and say that a man who would vote to support Kaiserisin in this war is the spokesman of kaiserism, WILSON AND RUSSIA autocracy and militarism.
Occasionally men are thrown against an historical back Sammy and his voice trembling with emotion is quite a ground that magnifies their personality; because of their posi familiar spectacle at the of and other labor gathertion they play a leading part in world history. These are the ings held in this country when someone tells the truth about great men of history, and because the same set of circum his activities as a servant of the employing class. All his crocostances do not arise a second time it is difficult to demonstrate dile tears will nerer wash away his record of infamy in the labor movement.
that other men would under similar conditions have done precisely the same thing. Because of this, the thoughtless are We readily agree that Karl Legien acted as the servant of apt to hold certain individuals responsible for the events of the Kaiser and the imperialistic ambitions of the German history. Such is not the case. Forces more powerful than ruling class, but Samuel should not belittle him because of great men move them like manikins at the end of a string. that. Gompers in this country and Legien in Germany occupy So we commend Wilson treatment of the Soviet Government the same position as betrayers of the workers. Gompen in supporting the American imperialists is equally as contempof Russia to the merciful judgment of history.
We have long maintained that the driving forces in his tible as Legien in supporting the German imperialists. Imper tory are to be bought not in the ideas expressed by men but in ialism, whether German or American, is always the enemy of the working class and one who professes to speak for the the economic structure of society. Thus we were not surprised workers and eupports an imperialist war is a traitor and a dieby the events which have transpired in the last two years.
When Woodrow Wilson sprang into prominence as the grace to the working class.
While Legien was faithfully serving the imperialista of Bavior of humanity and the determining factor in the councils that were to liberate the world, many people of the so called Germany, Gompers was just as faithfully serving the imper ialists of England and America. If Legien supported kaiseriam liberal type were taken into camp. Here was the Moses who would lead suffering humanity out of the wilderness. Here in Germany, Sam Gompers and his ignoble crew in control of the of machine supported the same tendency in this was the modern Christ who was to save us. His eloquent demands for justice for all peoples were accepted at their face country.
The quarrel between Legien and Gomper lo merely a case value by the unwary. But what has happened? Like most of the kettle calling the pot black.
promises these were made only to be broken. Wilson has been