AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismItalyLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

Pago Four August 16, 1919 THE COMMUNIST THE COMMUNIST on all fronts, but within Russia the transportation system has OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA been wonderfully improved, living conditions have been great DENNIS BATT.
ly bettered and are constantly improving. Revolutionary Rus WICKS.
sia is stronger today than ever. When Soviet Russia comes to. Editor Associate Editor Organization Committee, Communist Party of America of a new revolutionary government waging a doubtful strug.
discuss terms of peace this time it will not be in the position JOHN KERACHER KOPNAGEL DENNIS BATT STILSON ELBAUM gle for existence, but in the position of a victor. And to the JOHNSON ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY victor should go the spoils.
The time has now definitely and forever passed when an DENNIS E, BATT, Secretary Allied victory is possible in Soviet Russia. All hopes of victory ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY, Organizer were based upon the success of Kolchak spring drive. The STILSON, Treasurer long struggle through the summer, the final defeat of Kol SUBSCRIPTION: chak, and now the approach of another winter, making opera 00 per year Single Copies cents tions against the revolution from the Siberian front impossible. 00 six months Bundle Rates on Application thus affording an opportunity for even more intensive organ Published Weekly By THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE ization within Russia form a combination of circumstances that 1221 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. McGREGOR, Bus. Manager dooms the last hopes of the Allied Imperialists.
Soviet Russia, under other conditions, when fighting for life was compelled to yield to the Brigand peace of BrestLitovsk. But over the heads of the German imperialists the IMPERIALIST HOPES VANISH revolutionary challenge was sent to the working class of Gero many. From the diplomatic conference with the spokesmen Allied imperialism, after combining diplomatic deceit with of the Allies the shallowness of imperialist statemanship will a half hearted and underhanded attempt to crush the Russian.
be exposed to the view of the workers of the Allied countries.
revolution, finally threw all its resources behind the Russian From that conference will again emanate the old call for monarchist, Kolchak. The recognition of this former czarist workers of all countries to unite against their oppressors, but prompted the remark from Leon Trotsky that Kalchak would not in the nature of a challenge to capitalism so much as a have to put the crown on his head in a Siberian forest, instead call to the final conflict.
of at Omsk, recognized by the Allies as the seat of the RusTo the victor shall go the spoils; and the victor in this sian government. History will vindicate Trotsky prophecy. conflict will be the revolutionary proletariat of the entire Omsk is becoming a dangerous place for the Czarist ad: world under the invincible banner of the Third Internationale, miral of the and forces to inhabit and his greatest concern at the present moment seems his personal safety. As the New THROTTLING AN INTERNATIONAL STRIKE York Russian paper, Novy Mir, has observed, The museum of Russian counter revolution will soon be enriched by one The failure of the international strike scheduled to take more political mummy. After Korlinoff, Krasnoft after place in England, France and Italy on July 21st as a protest Krasnoff, Skoropadsky after Skoropadsky, Kolchak.
against Allied intervention in Russia is one more damning count in the indictment of the proletariat against the right The final blow to Kolchak is at the same time the final and centrist leaders. The strike did not give the desired reblow to the intrigues of the allied imperialists. Until recently sults because it was not a general, but a partial strike.
the Allies have had hopes of keeping the fires of reaction The heads of the French Confederation of Labor, although burning in the Omsk region, but the reptile press of the iminstructed by the membership to call a general strike, tabled perialists is compelled to record the barely controlled outthe orders because, forsooth, the bourgeois parliament had bursts of discontent that constantly threaten the collapse of expressed its distrust of one of the minor members of the the Kolchak venture. Combined with the distressing news of Clemenceau Cabinet. In their explanation of this act to the the military. defeat of Kolchak and the spread of revolutionary proletariat of the world they professed to beleive that after sentiments among the men composing his army the financial the repudiation of this member by parliament would come the capitalists are confronted with the demands on the part of all fall of Clemenceau and then the day of the proletariat would sections of the English liberals for withdrawal of troops from be at hand. If the heads of the French Confederation of Russia. Only a few days ago the British ex premier, Asquith, Labor believed in the sincerity of the capitalistic parliament recognized as the spokesman of the right wing of the British they were sadly fooled and thereby prove their incompetence liberals, delivered a speech against intervention in Russia.
as labor officials. The majority of the French Confederation The liberals of the left, whose most efficient journalistic of Labor is composed of anarcho syndicalists (enemies of parspokesman is the Manchester Guardian, have long since spok liamentarism. but they did precisely what every revolutionen in no uncertain terms against intervention. The position ary socialist expects them to do in a crisis; align themselves of British labor in opposition to intervention in Russia is well with the reformers in the ranks of the socialist parties, whose known. This development leaves the British conservatives tactics they profess to despise. These alleged opponents of alone in Britain upholding the policy of intervention. It parliamentarism, rather than face the stern reality of particishould by no means be implied that the liberals are in favor pation in a test of proletarian strength resorted to the cowardof the Soviet government. It simply means the more farly tactic of the pure and simple reformer by professing confisighted elements have realized the futility of armed intervendence in the capitalist state. By refusing to participate in the tion. Simultaneous with the changed attitude of Asquith proletarian test of strength they played the role of traitors, comes the report of the correspondent of the conservative London Times from the Archangle front that the entire Eur. proletariat of their own country.
not only to the proletariat of Russia and Hungary, but to the opean Russia is in the hands of the Bolsheviki and that no defeat of them is possible. The Parliament correspondent ers of great Britain. In the issue of July 10th the Manchester The same contemptible role was played by the labor lead.
of the Chronicle, always acquainted with the trend of thought Guardian, organ of the Liberals, prints a letter from one in the House of Commons, reports that the anti interventionist Benshtock, leader of the Russian Mensheviks, addressed to movement is steadily gaining in strength.
the Central Committe of the British Labor Party. This man An analysis of the situation in Britain makes it apparent writes: that the spokesmen of the British government are endeavoring Of course, we ought only to be glad at the decision of the British to find some way to gracefully retreat from a very untenable workers to organizo a demonstration against the intervention of the Allies into Russian Affairs, position. It is quite evident that Allied imperialists will soon This in the nature of a complaint; then follows a casual make a peace offer to Soviet Russia. The offer will be carefully considered from every viewpoint by the Soviet govern observation from this Russian menshevist to the British men.
ment and it will give its answer. The character of that answer sheviki, which lays bare an international conspiracy against is apt to be very different from what the Allies are expecting. the proletarian revolution. Kolchak and Lenine in an even mesure support reaction. Bolshevist The Russian revolution is not now in the position it was when the offer for a conference at Prince Island was made. Un.
action. Therefore all support of the sovlet government will give aid to doubtedly valuable concessions would then have been surren.
dered by the Soviet government, as time was needed for re. Arthur Henderson and Ramsey McDonald and their organization of many basic industries. That condition no lieutenants are still the leading spirits in the British Labor longer exists. Not only have the rod armles been Victorious Party and the majority of the prominent figures in this organ