BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySoviet

August 9, 1910 Page Eight THE COMMUNIST cause of the hatred for our country, such as Latvia, in ord four fifths of not only the city, tempt at forceful invasion, and country on the part of the im er to restore the feudal baron but also the rural population, in this it counts not so much on perialistic governments, for regime here, through outside of a highly developed bodies of the working popula the war, which so greatly af of the toiling magses of all the in order to heal the wounds of its own forces as on the support working force, Latvia has notion there; for they know too fected Latvia, through inces countries which follow the other wealth. But in this case, well that in Latvia there can be sant labor desires to work out same path toward the new let the powers that attack us either the government of baron its internal reconstruction world.
state frankly that their object ets or the government of the peacefully. Therefore it is wil The Soviet Government is to crush Socialism with workers, and any other govern ling to negotiate with any of of Latvia.
shells. Let the toiling masses ment is merely a passing event. the powers, and to come to of those powers know that Our Soviet Government, sup some sort of an understanding Chairman of the Soviet Gov.
their governments send war ported by the workers of the But it will offer the most des ernment of Latvia, ships and dessants to a neutral population who comprise over perate resistance to any atP. STUSHKA Lithuania and White Russia naas On February 27th in Vilna an Our party will have to battle event took place that is destined to these tendencies; our party Economic Peculiarities. peasantry, though well to do in play an enormous part in political Being an enthusiastic adher the majority of cases, cannot life: the two Soviet republics formed cannot allow the class conscient of a united and common produce a sufficient quantity of on the territory of the former North ousness of the toiling masses to economic policy, Miasnikov bread even for domestic conEmpire. Lithuania and White Russia be clogged with nationalistic points out the economic and so sumption, saying nothing of ex fused into one Lithuanian White ideas. In the union of White cial peculiarities of the region, portation. The only region in Russian Republic. In the process of Russia with Lithuania, and in which force us to make a few White Russia which is rich in organization and strengthening of the proletarian power in the region, the fusion of the White Rus digressions from the general bread is Slutzky County, and only recently freed from German oc sian Communist Party with the cupation, this fusion should play a program our food supply organizations Lithuanian Party, we see the great role. This union is also extremely important from the view beginnings of the victory of alization of commerce, and on We had to reject the nation have centered their attention that country.
However, point of military situation, consider class consciousness over ing the coming clashes with bellicose perhaps for a long time. In the without help from Ukraine, the bourgeois Poland. For the purpose tionalism. No doubt a united cities and towns of White Rus food crisis in White Russia canof learning the objects and signific. proletarian organization will sia and Lithuania, a consider not be solved, and we are worktaken place, the success, and the out smooth out the nationalistic able part of the population is ing now to effect an exchange look for the near future, the cor contradictions and chauvinistic occupied in trading, and this of commodities with Soviet respondent of the Ivestia interviewed instincts sowed among the mas trading is very petty here; the Miasnikov, from whom he ob ses of the people by bourgeois struggle with it would be very Ukraine.
tained valuable information and state ideologists. In White Russia complicated and troublesome.
Military Situation.
the trginalist prejudices are Then we have to consider the If, comparatively speaking, The Microbe of Chauvinism.
not rå andesting themselves so fact that the city poor are the there is a lull on the Polish in Lithuania. traders, and once out of the front, we may expect serious One of the saddest charact glaringiy White Russia passed through trade this element will find it complications. No doubt the eristics of our region, he said, the school of revolution. before self at sea, since the poorly Allies will conduct their main is the nationalism which is the German invasion the region developed industries are not attack through Poland. Poland greatly developed among the had lived for a year in an at capable of absorbing this mass itself, with its claims for terripopulation, assuming the form mosphere of revolution, and of unemployed. We do not in tories of White Russia and Linationalization o flthuania, is a danger. The petty of Chauvinism. The variegated for three months under the troduce composition of the population Soviet power. On the other trade also because we are still bourgeois and even bourgeois hand, Lithuania, almost entire lacking the state apparatus of elements, having suffered of the region has been brought ly, from the Czarist regime of normal interchange of com under the heel of the German up in an atmosphere of natonal forcible Russification and arti modities, and of distribution. occupation for a year, values so enmity, the oppression of oneficially fanned hatred between In the cities of White Russia, much the liberation brought nationality by another. This the various nationalities, went only the drug stores, dry goods about by the Soviet power, that nationalistic element is not easy over under the rule of Wil stores, and book stores have it is ready to offer active help to get rid of. Indeed, even the helm generals, who yet more been nationalized. In Lithu in the struggle with the bellisocialistic movement in this re skillfully poisoned the minds of ania trade is free in all spheres cose Polish German imperialgion is confined to nationalistic the people with the poison of without restrictions.
ism. Volunteers came in great organization: Jewish, Lithuan nationalism. This complicates As regards the general econ masses to our war commissarian, White Russian, etc. And un tae task of our party in Lith omic situation of the region, it iats, and we could have formed fortunately, we are forced to uania, but we believe that in is, of course, far from being an army of these volunteers.
admit that even in circles which this great and important work brilliant. Industry is poorly deIn any event, with such an regard themselves as Soviet the party will succeed in killing veloped. The region, having attitude of the local population organizations, nationalism is the microbe of Chauvinism, been an arena of military oper towards us, and with the still strong. We were faced which is one of the most serious ations for five long years, is strengthening of the front, we with this circumstance even dangers to the proletarian disrupted. Germans have ruin fear not the future.
during the Vilna conferences. cause.
ed large landed estates; the (Moscow Izvestia. Continued from Page opposition to the For weeks the struggle went on for control of the paper, until, finally, Dreifuss and his associates found some minor reasons, or rather mis.
represented facts to use as camouflage, and discharged these two editors. Germer seems to have won the battle. But it is not over. With the discharge of the editors the struggle for the control of the paper has only begun. The German comrades, those unintelligent but true and class conscious proletarians, are determined to succeed at any cost. It is their intention either to have complete control of the paper or see to it that no one else is able to use it. The which is the hope of Dreifuss, is broke and will not be able to cover the financial losses of the paper, if it succeeds in resisting the demands of the membership.
Already many readers have discontinued their subscriptions, and the followers of Dreifuss, or rather of Germer, are becoming constantly fewer.
Now, if we take into consideration that the 30th of August will hardly see a convention of the dying Socialist Party, as the treasury at 220 Ashland Blvd.
is more than depleted, may safely say that the greater part of the German comrades will take the only road left to them and come straight into the ranks of the Communist Party, where they rightly belong.
They will se that the greatest service they can render to the movement is to let the dying party of the Scheidemann die in peace.