CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismInvasionMarxSocialismSocialist PartyViolenceWorking Class

August 9, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Five of civilization. As we freed Cuba in the name of that same BULLETINS civilization and in the interests of the Havemeyer sugar trust. If the ruling clique of the nation does plunge us into a After hearing the request of a representative of the Nawar with Japan, Korea will not be the objective, but merely tional Left Wing Council that they withdraw from the Comthe screen behind which the capitalists of the nation will hide in order to grab a portion of China. China is one of the very Executive Committees of the Lettish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, munist Party and support the so called Left Wing, the Central few places on earth that offers a fruitful field for capitalist exploitation at this time. It has a large population capable of Ethonian, Polish and Russian Federations, assembled in conbeing converted to the blessings of wage slavery, also it can ference New York on Sunday, July 27th, reaffirmed their supabsorb a great deal of investment capital, besides having a port of the Organization Committee of the Communist Party.
marvelous supply of raw material. If the God of all the im After considerable discussion a resolution was passed apperialist capitalists had specially prepared a Garden of Eden pealing to the majority group of the Left Wing Conference to for the faithful it would not have been changed one iota. For clarify their desire for the formation of a communist party by Japan to be permitted a Monroe Doctrine in the far east would be suicidal for the ambitions of the rest of the capitalist groups participating in the convention called by the minority group to of the entire world, and the danger that Japan will try to en meet in Chicago on September 1st.
force its demand for exclusive domination in the east is the By this action the Central Executive Committees of these only plausible reason for the presence of the gun boats in the Federations have demonstrated that they do not propose to be Pacific Ocean.
led off the trail and befuddle the issue by participating in the conflict with Japan can only be prevented by the revo convention of the American Scheidemanns. To take part in lutionary proletariat of this nation immediately becoming ac the convention of the Socialist Party would push into the backtively affiliated with such elements in Japan and serve simil ground the question of revolutionary socialism, and this the taneous notice on the ruling class of the two countries that a Federations do not propose to do.
declaration of war, based upon any excuse whatsoever, will be The loyal support that has been given to the National Orthe signal for a revolutionary counter movement.
ganization Committee by the Federations will continue, and The future peace of the two countries is in the hands of those who favor the formation of a communist party, not only the class conscious workers of America and Japan.
in name but in fact, will concur in the action of the Central Executive Committees of these Federations.
LIFE AND PROPERTY As we go to press a telegram comes from Ferguson, Almost every paper that one picks up these days contains secretary of the National Left Wing Council, announcing that an appeal to the government to invade Mexico for the purpose the Council has now decided to forego its former attitude of of protecting American lives and property. The editors capturing the Socialist Party, and that it will participate in the August 30th convention called by the new have become much concerned of late over the deaths which only as a preliminary to co operating with the National Orhave occurred in the country to the south in the last few years.
ganization Committee in forming the Communist Party on The lives of American citizens have become sacred and must September 1st. This action places the Left Wing Council in be protected at any cost.
line with the revolutionary socialists who see the necessity for These are pretty sentiments, but are they the real motive the formation of the Communist Party.
for the advocacy of intervention in Mexico? If we are to judge by past experience we must brand as hypocritical this hue The National Executive Committee of the Jewish Left and cry about the sacredness of human life, and American Wing held a special meeting in New York, July 30th, all memlives in particular. If human life is a sacred thing to these bers being present. After hearing the report of the secretary, Comrade Loonin, of the result of the conference between the editors, why is it that they do not defend it at all times and Left Wing Council and the Federation Executive Committees, under all circumstances? If human life is sacred in the eyes it was unanimously decided to concur in the call of the Minorof the American government why has it not always been ity delegates at the Left Wing Conference for a convention to protected in the past?
organize the Communist Party in Chicago on September 1st, As we glance back upon the outrages committed upon the and to support the work of the National Organization Com.
workers here at home the question arises: Why is human life mittee.
sacred beyond the Rio Grande and so cheap within the borders of the United States? Why are workingmen in uniform to be The Left Wing branches of Newark, have formed sent into a foreign land to wage war in defense of American a Communist Local, and assure the National Organization lives, while armed guards are being used to destroy American Committee their full support. Comrades Batt and Stoklitsky will address a mass meeting in Newark on Wednesday, August lives at home? These are pertinent questions and must be 6th.
answered by the hirelings of the press before we can have any faith in their propaganda for the invasion of Mexico.
The workers memories are not short; we have not forResolution adopted by the Communist League of Newark, gotten the atrocities committed upon our fellow workers in representing 781 members in good standing, at a meetthe past. As we read these fervid appeals in the capitalisting held July 28th, 1919: press a vision of our comrades as they fell bleeding and burnWhereas, the split in the Socialist Party is an established ing in the Ludlow massacre arises. Like pictures upon a screen fact, and therefore no unity can be re established between the it is followed by visions of Calumet, Homestead, Bayonne, revolutionary workers and the opportunists, and Lawrence, Trinidad, Everett, the Mesaba Range and many Whereas, the capturing of the Socialist Party, which has other scenes of violence and bloodshed. Only too well do we lost the respect and faith of the revolutionary workers of the know that the same soldiers who are sent to protect life in United States, and which is controlled by reactionary leaders, Mexico will be used, when the need arises, to destroy the lives is not essential and will lead to but a Phyrrie victory, and of the workers at home.
Whereas, in this most momentus period of the world It is because we know these things that we brand as a history, we, as revolutionary followers of Karl Marx, must campaign of lies the propaganda for the invasion of Mexico. organize a Communist Party a party of the revolutionary It is not for the purpose of protecting lives but for fulfilling the workers, and needs of American imperialism that this propaganda is carried Whereas, any time lost by non essential argumentation on. The greedy eyes of the capitalist class are fastened upon within the Socialist Party, delaying thereby the organization the rich mineral lands of Mexico, and American soldiers will of the Communist Party, will bring but evil results in the be sent there not to rescue or avenge American citizens but movement of the revolutionary proletariat in this country, be to feed the hungry maw of American capitalism.
it therefore We, the working class, have no quarrel with the workers Resolved, That we, the Communist League of Newark, of Mexico. It is not our fight to protect and make safe the and vicinity agree with the stand of the minority dele.
investments of the master class.
gates at the National Left Wing Conference, held in New York