CommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSovietWorking Class

1319 Pago Four THE COMMUNIST THE LION AND THE LAMB sonant sentence but it is nevertheless untrue.
THE COMMUNIST Might shall make right the law of the world this was OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA one of the beautiful phrases President Wilson concocted for DENNIS BATT, Editor the benefit of the unthinking. It is indeed a mouth filling reOrganization Committee, Communist Party of America JOHN KERACHER DENNIS BATT Might shall make right the law of the world is untrue KOPNAGEL ELBAUM STILSON JOHNSON for might IS the law of the world. None but a fool or knave ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY would contend otherwise. That Might is Right holds true in DENNIS E, BATT, Secretary ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY, Organizer every walk of life, and no evidence can be brought to prove the STILSON, Treasurer contrary.
SUBSCRIPTION: It has been true from the very beginning of time, and it 00 per year Single Copies cents Bundle Rates on Application requires but a scratch to disclose that beneath the thin veneer 00 six months of civilization the brute still rules modern society. It is the universal law of life that the strong shall destroy the weak, Published Weekly By THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE 1221 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL.
that the fittest shall survive. One has to dabble but little in the MCGREGOR, Bus. Manager realms of biology to discover that this law applies to all forms of life.
Man conquered other forms of animal life and crowned THE AMERICAN SENSE OF HONOR himself King of Beasts by his might. Although not endowed The race riots that for several days have convulsed a with natural offensive and defensive weapons, he has by cun.
large section of the city of Chicago again displayed the Amer ning and mental ability succeeded in adding to his strength by ican sense of fair play, honor and justice, so frequently re the development of artificial weapons. As yet man has not ferred to in the panegyrics written by the kept editors. Hun succeeded in controlling the society in which he lives and has dreds of helpless negroes were set upon by mobs of white his being; its great conrtradictions are an unprobed mystery hooligans and beaten into insensibility. In a number of cases to the great mass of humanity.
after the body of one of the victims had been pierced with Nor did this struggle cease with the subjection of the bullets the mob kicked the lifeless body. The same tactics lower forms of life. As individuals men struggled with one were resorted to by the negroes in the black belt when they another, and as society developed and groups formed, the had overpowered a white. Contrast this to the European cusgroups struggled and always it was the strongest that sur tom of always permitting an opponent to arise to his feet after vived. If a group be weak it was conquered and destroyed or he has been knocked down. In every other country in the enslaved by the victors. All down through the ages the sword world a man who is down is permitted to get up, and if he has been the arbitrator and the cry has been: Woe to the shows no further desire to continue the conflict is permitted to vanquished!
go his way. It is only the justice loving American who kicks Nor has that law been altered in our time. Never in its an adversary after he is down.
struggle with the master class in this or any other country has the working class gained any advantage which was not due to THE TIDE RISES their might. In the various labor battles throughout the coun The victory of the Hungarian army over the Roumanian try the barking voice of machine guns as they spit death and imperialists proves that the Hungarian Soviet is growing destruction gives the lie to the statement that ought but might stronger. The fact that the defeat of the Roumanian reactionmakes right.
aries and the triumphant advance of the Soviet armies was When out of their misery the workers arise and cast off proclaimed to the word by Bela Kun, minister of Foreign Afthe hateful yoke of the master class in their own country they fairs, shows how little we may rely upon the reactionary press find the ruling classes of the world, but lately at each other for news.
throats, allied against them. The question of Right does not It is indeed daring for Bela Kun to deal such heavy blows enter into the decisions of the master class as to whom they upon the head of Entente imperialism. He should know that shall support and whom they shall oppose. It is a question of the capitalists have overthrown him, made him a refugee, which will best serve their economic interests and perpetuate driven him from the country, and killed him times without their power. Veiling their deeds behind a screen of words, number. And despite all this he announces the defeat of the they strive with every means at their command to gain their Roumanians at the hands of the very same Red Guard that just a few days before was dispersed and routed by the caends. They prate of rights only to those whom they wish to use to further their aims. Mortal codes are bended and twisted pitalist press.
to serve their needs.
Reading between the lines of the dispatches it is apparent Mercy, pity, humanity these mean nothing and are not considered in the hour of triumph.
that the offensive of the Allies against Hungary is not breaking any speed records, while the affairs of the Roumanians apTrue, it is not nice but it is a fact. It is one of the bitter pear to be in bad shape. According to reliable information, the realities of life, and a lesson we must learn. Power is all that Slovaks in the upper part of Hungary have formed a Soviet recounts. If the workers are ever to emancipate themselves they public and are in brotherly federation with the Hungarian must secure the power that comes only as the result of educacommunists. These are encouraging signs, and indicate that tion and organization. The sword is still the arbiter.
the Hungarian Soviet will survive, despite the ravings of the When the lion and the lamb lie down together the lamb counter revolutionists of the world.
will be inside.
We learn that the Russian communists have been completely annihilated by the intervention of the Allies. In fact they are so weak and helpless that whole regiments from KolMUST WE HATE THE JAPS chak army have joined with them. If this weakness of the Press despatches from Washington announce a large fleet Soviet governments continues, the League of Proletarian Na of naval vessels moving to the Pacific Coast, but no explanations will soon be an accomplished fact.
tion of the alleged necessity for the presence of such a fleet is Nothing can stop this onward march of the revolutionary to be found in the columns of Morgan mouthpieces. When proletariat. The inability of the capitalists to solve the pro naval vessels move to a certain locality people who are accusblems contained within the present order is forcing revolution tomed to even a slight degree of thinking immediately con upon the whole continent of Europe. The workers will con clude there must be some incentive other than a peaceful mistinue to struggle for their emancipation, which in the last sion to require their presence there.
analysis means the emancipation of the human race from all forms of slavery.
The pacific coast papers and also a number of other jingo The press, endeavoring to perform its function of hand by the Japanese upon the missionaries and their native con sheets have of late been discussing the barbarities practiced maiden to the capitalist class, is anxious to convince the prole verts in Korea. When we take into consideration the fact that tariat of other countries that the workers governments in Russia and Hungary have failed. In their perversions of truth Japan at the peace conference fought strenuously for they become ridiculous. The workers will not fail. History is Monroe doctrine in the far east, we can easily understand that working for them.
there might soon be a very material incentive for the American capitalists to desire to free poor suffering Korea, in the name