CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismPrivate Property

purpose of protecting American lives and property THE COMMUNIST It seems that the Yankee capitalists are getting ready to OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA satisfy their appetite for the natural resources of Mexico. The DENNIS BATT, Editor yellow press is clamoring for intervention for the ostensible Organization Committee. Communist Party of America That is the avowed purpose, but beneath it is one that is JOHN KERACHER DENNIS BATT KOPNAGEL ELBAUM STILSON far more compelling. The respect for lives shown by the Amer. JOHNSON far more compelling. The respect for lives shown by the Amer.
ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY DENNIS E, BATT, Secretary ican government has not been so great as to lead us to take seriously this hue and cry about the sacredness of human life.
ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY, Organizer STILSON, Treasurer If the government were to show a little more concern in protect SUBSCRIPTION: bluff and bluster about safeguarding the lives of American citi.
ing the lives of the workers here at home we might fall for the 00 per year Single Copies cents zens. Just a few days ago five workers were murdered at Argo. 00 six months Bundle Rates on Application Published Weekly By THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE a suburb of Chicago, and we have noticed no haste on the part of the government to punish those guilty or to remedy the con 1221 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL.
ditions which made this outrage possible. Human life, as such, MCGREGOR, Bus. Manager is not sacred in the eyes of the ruling class in this country. There is one thing, however, that is sacred in the estimation of our dear masters: private property.
For years surplus American capital has been employed to KNIGHTS OR ROBBERS?
exploit the natural resources of Mexico. That country has been It is a clearly established fact that Britain went into the a fertile field for the investment of wealth wrung from the war for purposes of noble character. Never has Britain been sweat and toil of the American workers. Revolutions have been guided by narrow nationalistic interests. On November 10, financed by Wall Street that they might be in a position to se.
1914, the House of Commons, Lloyd George called to witness cure rich concessions south of the Rio Grande.
God Himself, in that Britain entering the war was guided by 110 Quite naturally, the Mexicans have learned to hate the Americans because of their sinister activities. Concessions made ulterior motives. swear by the name of God that Britain does to American capitalists have carried with them the right to ex.
not desire a single yard of foreign territory. We participate in ploit the workers in the most ruthless and brutal fashion. The this war for consideration of noble motives we defend the natives, coming into contact with the great corporations only weak. The tears of unfortunate Belgium forced the British lion through the persons of overseers and managers of properties, to dive into the whirlpool of war. In his parliamentary speech have taken their vengeance upon them. From the samples the of February 27th, 1915, the same Lloyd George with indignahave seen the Mexican have come to hate all Americans for tion branded as slanderous inventions of the enemy rumors to their brutality.
Things have come to such a pass that the American and the effect that Britain was striving to seize foreign lands. He British concessions in Mexico cannot longer be profitably exsaid that Britain played only one part; that of the merciful ploited. America must intervene if the investments are to maritan. pay. Il our government does not, England will, and that War has ended. Let us see what became of the promises would mean the abandonment of the Monroe Doctrine. Amer.
of British imperialism. According to the Versailles peace ica for American imperialism. The imperialistic element in this (abolishing any possibility of a permanent peace. the follow country is anxious to seize Mexico, and if the people can be ing territories went over to Britain: German East Africa posworked up into the proper psychological condition it will be done. Yankee imperialism needs room for expansion and what sessions 384, 180 square miles; 7, 665, 000 population. Before would be better than to seize a country so rich in natural re the war there were in German East Africa ninty British citisources and so conveniently located as Mexico? True, it would zens. German possessions in southwestern Africa 322, 000 be in conflict with the principles of democracy and the rights of square miles; 190, 000 population; Samoa Island 1000 square small nations but leave that part of it to the school master miles; 36, 136 population. Nauara Island, Bismark Archipelago, German part of New Guinea, Solomon Islands. Poor God of at Washington. With a few glittering phrases he can easily explain that away.
British imperialism in the name of whom the earthly semi god Lloyd George gave his vow! During the war Britain has completely put her paw on Egypt. The seizure of Egyptian territory, THE LEFT BANK OF THE RHINE.
in the language of diplomacy, is called a protectorate. The The number of the Free Nations was augmented by the Allies, including the American government, approved the act addition of the Rhinish Republic. Another people has been of British protectorate over Egypt. We must give here some de liberated from the yoke of Prussianism.
tails as to how Britain pocketed the thirty million population of All will remember the conflict engendered at the Peace Egypt. The advance guards of British imperialism appeared in Conference by the determination of France to annex the Rhine Egypt towards the end of the eighties. Britain solemnly de provinces. Not satisfied with the return of Alsace Lorraine clared to the world that she came save Egypt from Turkish and the acquisition of the Saar valley, the French delegation atrocities. She, Britain, had in view only the welfare of Egypt. was determined that the whole of the German territory on the She never dreamed of a British protectorate over Egypt, much left bank of the Rhine should be joined to France.
less the conquest of the country. The late Gladstone (prominent The population of the Rhinish province is mostly Catholic English statesman) used to say that Britain staked her honor for The French imperialists utilized the age long hatred between the freedom of Egypt. These assurances of Gladstone were repeated from year to year by Lord Salisbury, Chamberlain and the Catholics and Protestants, who comprise the majority of Campbell Bannerman. And, in spite of all this, Egypt has been was the Camereal. It has become a British colony. This is how the word ganized, the object being separation from Germany and the the German population, in order to set the conservative Catho.
of honor of the British imperialists has been kept. The attitude establishment of an independent republic.
of the Egyptian people toward their foreign oppressors was manifested very clearly this spring, in the form of several armed uprisings. All honest elements in Egypt revolted against the The transfer of the Saar valley to France deprived the Rhinish Certain local capitalists would benefit by this arrangement.
British tyranny. And the mailed fist of Britain still reigns in manufacturers of the much needed coal and other raw mater ials. desire to save their skins at any cost was engendered Egypt.
Such are the British conquests on the African continent. If in the German capitalists by the harsh trens imposed upon Ger many by the Allies.
this is not highway robbery in broad daylight, what is it? To crown all this, Britain now has an eye on the former German Concessions and privileges were to be granted the province colonies, Cameron and Togo. She will have to come to an understanding on this question with Mr. Clemenceau France.
promise freedom from the high tariff which were placed upon if the separatist movement succeeded. France went so far as to We are sure that she will get a fat slice of it. From this dry list German goods, if the Rhinish Republic were created. It is clear, then, why Rhinish capitalists were such enthusiastie of plundered riches, the reader will make a corresponding conclusion; knights or robbers. ex.
These bribes and inducements, however, might not hurt Separatists.