August 2, 1919 THE COMMUNIST were Page Two Official Organization Bulletin of Finland surpassed anything a prearranged plan of bourgewe had undergone since leav ois rulers of England. It was a Abo we were arrested as soon rade Sermus for the outburst Dear Comrades: ing hospitable England. In sort of revenge against com To all Locals, Branches and State Organizations: Many Locals and groups have already answered the call as we landed and sent to the of indignation among the Lonmaining there for two hours, arrest. From Viborg we were Party. Many new Communist Locals have been organized, police department. After re don workers, provoked by his of the National Organization Committee of the Communist we were transferred to the sent under arrest to the Pyelo and many are in the process of formation. Some are discus.
prison, where we were held for strov. But in Terioki we were sing the advisability of aligning themselves with the new two weeks under a severe re landed and sent to prison, kept party, and to these we would say: Do not hesitate. Let there gime. Then by administrative there a few days, only for this be no unnecessary delay. Begin at once upon practical como order we were sent in freight new insult: the Finnish swash structive organization work.
trains with criminals to Viborg. bucklers sent us to Pyelostrov, How To Organize Communist Local There again we were imprison and thence to Red Petrograd, Take the iniative in your locality, call a meeting and form ed for about two weeks. Our which we left about ten years stay in Finnish prisons, as we ago, owing to our revolutionary your branch organization; proceed immediately to elect dele.
gates to a preliminary conference composed of delegates re.
found out later, was a part of activity.
presenting each fifty members or fraction thereof. This city conference shall elect a local executive committee of not less From the members of this executive than seven members.
Regarding Latvia Army committee elect a secretary, organizer, literature agent and Soviet Russia knows quite, know the results. Sections of financial secretary. As soon as the organization is completed, well the Lettish sharpshooters. the Ethonian Red Army had to communicate immediately with the secretary of the Nationa The Russian proletariat knows retreat. The heaviest burden Organization Committee.
Supplies the sacrifices of the Lettish sol of fighting with the White Temporary charters, application cards, membership cards, diers, laid on the altar of the Guards and Esthonian and Finsocialistic revolution. Despite nish bands was carried out on dues stamps and other supplies may be secured from the Na.
the northern front of Latvia. tional Organization Committee. Branches of Language Fede.
all attempts of our enemies, de.
The offensive of the Esthonian rations suspended from the Socialist Party will secure supplies spite Lochart subsidies, lies Finnish White Guards began at and dues stamps through their Federation Executive Commitof the Kazan and Siberian co the time when the entire front tees or Translator Secretaries. Branches endorsing the call unter revolutionists, the Lettish of Latvia was yet weak. At for the formation of the communist party and who are now troops have remained faithful many points and in many direc affiliated with Federations not yet suspended from the Socialdefenders of the Socialistic re tions comparatively small de ist Party may secure charters and supplies in the same manner volution. And when the battle tachments operated, as the English branches.
cry was raised: To Latvia. which have not yet succeeded Delegates To The Communist Convention the Red sharpshooters and the in effecting a junction. War The first convention of the Communist Party of America Lettish workers came forward commissarists were not yet orfrom the vast expanses of Sov ganized, through whch we will convene in Chicago, II. on Monday, September 1st, at iet Russia toward the west, in might have begun mobilization 9:00 Branches, Locals and State Organizations concurorder to create their own Soviet and training the mobilized and ring in the call for the organization of the Communist Party Latvia.
volunteers. Further military are entitled to representation at this convention. The basis Many still think that Red Operations disclosed immediat of representation shall be one delegate for each organization, Latvia acts separately from ely that the army of Latvia had and one additional delegate for each additional 500 memben Russia, but this is a great error. not reached the stage desired or major portion thereof. Each Language Federation shall Latvia is so closely connected and that it had passed through be entitled to one fraternal delegate at the convention. In with the Russian Social Revolu a period of disease. The army nstances where States concur in the call, they shall send deletionarists that there can be of Latvia at the present mo.
gates as States. In other States, Locals and Branches may send even no thought as to their be ment is undergoing the same lelegates as such. In cases where a portion of a Local concurs ing separate.
things as the Russian Red in the call, such portion of a Local shall be entitled to a deleIf one speaks about the up Army underwent at the begate.
rising of the proletariat against ginning of its existence. The Financing The Convention the bourgeoisie, and of captur third conference of communisting power at all cost, this can ic sections of Lettish regiments, for each delegate. This fund will be applied to equalize the Organizations sending delegates will be assessed 50. 00 be said of the Lettish proletar which took place in Riga on railroad fare of all delegates to the convention. Organizations into their own hands, even be istic. The question of building this amount, are urged to send delegates. special fund will fore the arrival of the Red up a Latvian Army was discuss be created to defray their traveling expenses. Expenses other Sharpshooters. The Lettish sol ed at this conference. From the tnan railroad fares will be paid by the organization sending diers have proven to be the de reports from different localities delegates. In the event that delegates are not provided with fenders of the proletarian It became clear that the Lat funds, the National Organization will provide rooms and gains. The whole civil popula vian Army suffered from lack meals.
tion thought that the clearing of discipline, and that this had of the Baltic region from the produced a ruinous effect. The Do not fail to be represented at this historical convention.
White Guards was a matter of officers command had not a few days. But in the higher teamed up yet. Rights and Committee immediately following their election.
are requested to communicate with the National Organization directing spheres, people re duties of separate organs are credential blanks will be furnished by the Committee.
garded this question quite dif not yet defined. Every one looks ferently, and expressed grave at the army business from his apprehensions. remember own particular point of view, Special Convention Fund how, after the taking of Valki and pursues his own method. expense of sending delegates to the Communist convention, and Volmer, Comrade Vatze And as a result, the wagon is special convention fund has been created.
To assist those organizations which are unable to meet the main forces moved not towards inseparable part of the whole that the convention shall be thoroughly representative, and tis was indignant when the still there. Latvia ariny is an organizations are urged to contribute to this fund to the end Reval, but against Riga. It was Russian Red Army, and must that no group shall fail to be heard because of its lack of not the fault of Vatzetis that carry out the task put before it finances.
his stretegic plan was not com by the whole revolutionary plied with. But this is not the front. Therefore the building Organization Fund subject of our discussion. One of the Lettish army must be country wide campaign of agitation, education and organize sions of the directing military conducted according to The National Organization Committee has inaugurated thing is clear: the apprehen common principle on one unit the field. Several comrades are ready to start out on this neone tion. Funds are needed to place speakers and organizers in heads have come true. Alled front.
Uniform Individuals and (Continued on page 7)