July 26, 1910 Page Bight THE COMMUNIST THE SPLIT OF THE LEFT (Continued from Page 1)
land. Playing into the hands of Revolutionary Creativity in Hungary SOCIALISTS IN SWEDEN, the enemies of the toilers, they The heroic proletariat of such great reforms have been The split of the Left Social ask the railroad workers to Hungary, surrounded on all realized that the news about strike and stop the transporta sides by a dead wall of hostile them must fill with pride the Democratic Party of Sweden tion of food and provisions to thicket existence against foreign ene tarian in the world. The social of the world war, when Brantthe starving centers. The brib mies, at the same time creates revolution in reality, the dictat ing, the leader of the Party ed agents of the bourgeoisie a gigantic work in reconstructorship of the proletariat, as a violated the covenant of the fire to stores, damage the rail omic and social life. Isolated en in a brilliant and striking class struggle and declared him roads, in order to thus increase from the outside world, thanks manner how much creative en self a supporter of the citizens the disorganization and hunger to the Allied blockade, the ergy and power is hidden in peace policy.
With the active assistance of Hungarian proletariat draws the proletariat.
and in this manner to rouse the its forces in the mobilization of The immense estates of the the socialistic youth, always in half conscious masses against the entire national wealth for Hungarian aristocracy have the foreground of the revolu.
the Soviet power. They try to the needs of the large masses been confiscated, and have bepenetrate into the ranks of the of toilers.
come public property. The tionary struggle of the masses. Red Army, in order to obstruct Everything for the toilers economic management of those the Left wing of the party grew the sending of units to the such is the slogan of the Hun estates is being conducted by rapidly into a mighty political front, thus weakening the front garian proletariat following specialists in agricultural hus organization, embaracing all lines of the revolution. But the the steps of the Great Russian bandry. The industrial trade the actually revolutionary ele.
institutions, which were before ments in the socialist movement Revolution.
working class of Russia, exertthe private property of a few in Sweden. With this aim in ing its efforts for the last terThe attempts of the Hungar rich men, have now become naian counter revolutionists to re tional property.
view, the new party entered inrible struggle, will be able to. The prodistinguish slander from truth, domination of magnates and store the good old times of the ductivity of labor, as admitted to alliance only with those and all defenders of the Soviet the landed aristocracy have correspondents, has increased preserved their fidelity to intereven by some of the bourgeois workers organizations that had power should be on watch, and failed miserably. These at considerably. The tremendous nationalism, and joined the careful to preserve an unbrok tempts gave such disappoint money resources of the bank in Left wing of the Zimmerwald en spirit. Let the enemies of ing results that even the inter stitutions are under direct con Congress.
the Soviet Government remem national reactionary press re trol of the communist state. All In its propaganda activity the ber that the magnanimity of fused to make capital out of palaces, all noblemen nests, party carried on a constant these pitiful attempts to crush all city rich men houses have struggle against the social patthe revolutionary working the Hungarian Soviet govern become national property, and riots of Sweden, and gradually class can be exhausted, and the ment.
thus one of the most acute pro unveiled Branting policy to avenging sword of the revoluLess and less we hear now blems of current life the the working masses of the tion may descend on the heads about the exploits of the Rou housing problem has been solv country. Their chief weapon of traitors and all who aid the manian, Serbian and Czecho ed. The distribution of prod in this work was the party pacounter revolution. All those Slovak troops, while in the past ucts of prime necessity has per Politiken, which at first who desire to go with the work the international reaction pro been organized on the basis of appeared three times a week ing class, who join with it in its claimed loudly about these of social justice. The Communist but later became a daily. The struggle with capital; to these fensives at all corners. It would Hungary does not flirt with the circulation of this paper grew is open the way for the build be safe to assume that the speculators. The revolutionary rapidly so that it now stands as ing of a new state. All who de power of military resistance of law deals harshly with them. one of the most powerful and sire to join the ranks of the the Hungarian Red Army is 80 The class bourgois justice has widely read newspapers in workers in the lines of trans tenacious and successful be been deposed from its pedestal. Sweden. The Politiken is isportation and food service will cause in the ranks of its ene People tribunals have been sued in Stockholm, and besides find a great field for activity, mies there must be an open or established throughout the this the party issues three daiand will aid the Soviet Govern secret sympathy for the ideals whole country. The theatres lies in the provinces, and nine ment. The hour of victory is of the Hungarian revolution. are thrown open for the work papers which appear three near, and in this last clash the The Hungarian revolution ing masses. The doors of the times a week.
Social Revolutionists, the Men annihilates its opponents not new schools have been thrown Having declared its solidarsheviks, and all their aids, only by the sword, but also by open for the children of the ity with the Russian revolution, showed their complicity in the the fine glitter of its social proletariat and the village the party, through its papers, counter revolution, not in ideal. Resorting to all means poor.
carried on a brilliant and agregwords, but in deeds. Calling of revolutionary agitation, e. The proletariat, becoming sive opposition to Branting and for strikes and participating in following the steps of the Rus the ruling class during a few bourgeois enemies of the Soviet all the uprisings of the White sian Bolsheviki, the Hungarian months, has made more for the government. Approving all of Guards, they put themselves revolution sows the seed of re economic and cultural develop the actions of the Bolshevik gooutside the ranks of the toilers, volutionary discontent, which ment of the large masses of the vernment, the left socialists iland thus join again the Kol cannot but bring the needed re toiling people, than the Hun lustrated their theoretical conchaks, Denikin, and Allied im sults, into the midst of the Rou garian nobility and the bour clusions and doctrines by properialists.
manian, Serbian and Czecho geoisie have done in the whole gram and accomplishments of The All Russian Executive Slovak poor.
centuries of their rule.
Soviet Russia.
On the other Commission, appointed by the During the last few months Therein lies the force of the hand they compared the activSoviet Government to defend in the internal life of Hungary, Hungarian revolution. ex.
ities of Branting and Scheidethe revolution, warns all the mann with those of the menenemies of the working class, SUBSCRIPTION BLANK sheviks, and revealed the pothat for the sake of saving hunlitical meanness of these leaddreds and thousands of inno THE COMMUNIST ers and their followers, brandcent victims from explosions :221 Blue Island Avenue ing them as traitors and betrayand pogroms, for the sake of CHICAGO, ers of the working class. The the preservation of conquests Enclosed find. for which please send THE COM proletariat increased the vigor tragic defeat of the Finnish of the October revolution, it will mercilessly suppress every MUNIST to the address given below for. months. of their agitation against subattempt at uprisings and ap Subscription: 00 per year; six months 00. mission to the bourgeoisie.
peals to depose the Soviet GoyThe committee of the party ernment.
was one of the first to answer The All Russian Executive the call for the founding of a Commission.
Third International.