July 19, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Pag. Three On the Party Horizon org.
sons. By ALEXANDER STOKLITSKY Comrade Lenin, in his pam CIALIST PARTY IS NOTHING:mal development of our move cover the nudity of their unphlet Lessons of the Revolu LESS THAN THE ECHO OF ment.
tion, lays great stress upon the THE DEATH RATTLE OF straight and clearly indicated ng majority of the Left Wing To retreat from this principled position. The wavereducational role played by THE SECOND INTERNA path to the goal of revolution Conference justifies its desire crises and revolutions upon the TIONAL; IT IS THE DIRECT ary socialism, to return to ine to capture the Socialist Party masses.
RESULT OF GROWING RE tactics of the old, disgrace convention by their very modHe says: revolution VOLUTIONARY FERMENT covered party, will react as est claim that it is their intenmarks a critical transition in IN THE GREAT MASSES OF harmfully on bolshevism in tion to attract the socialist mas the life of the great popular THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, America as it reacted upon the ses away from the social traitmasses. Of course, only a fully WHICH ONLY THE matured crisis renders a real NIC STRIKEN AND PA Spartacans of Germany.
revolution possible and neces THE IRRESOLUTE CENTER old, rotten structure of oppor sentation at the convention is Every bridge leading to the If admission to and represary.
Moreover, even as a WITH ALL THEIR FOLLOW tunism must be destroyed. The granted to us they say we transition period in the life of ERS CANNOT OR DO NOT proletarian masses single individual teaches him WANT TO SEE.
ist not have the best opportunity to much, leads him through an hearken to the slogans of the expose the injustice and the emotional stage suffused with day is to be considered a month. capture the opportunistic So delegates must understand us.
In such critical times every Centrists, calling upon them to bureaucracy of the The new rich content, so also does a What can be done in one day cialist Party. The capture of And once they understand us revolution teach a whole nation cannot be done in a relatively short time high in normal times. Only the blind ary socialism is but a declara the Party. Should we, howin months the old party for revolution they will assist us in capturing ly instructive and valuable les and short sighted Centrists can tion of war upon windmills by ever, not be admitted, should entertain the hope of uniting, the Don Qixotes of the Center. the reactionaries refuse to seat An historical crisis is taking conciliating, re organizing the place in the American socialist two antagonistic and irreconci Is the name of the Socialist leaving the Convention Why capture the old party? us, we then will be justified in movement. The Socialist Party liable camps the opportunists Party so dear to the working body and the masses will go of the United States is being and the revolutionary social class? No. The name of the with us. What a pitiful argurent by its own internal cantra ists.
Socialist Party is no longer dear ment of wishy washy Centrists!
dictions. The time for its inAs in revolutionary crises in to the proletariat. Years of re Now, we ask, is there no evitable breakdown has arrive any country, so the revolution formatory and treacherous ac other way of getting the suped. In this historical process in the Socialist Party, the split, tivity have covered it with mud port of the masses? Must we the differentation between the teaches our members in a short and slime. Shall we capture stop so low as to beg admission disciples of revolutionary time the most instructive, the the old party for the sake of its in order that we may capture Marxian socialism and the so most valuable lessons. They party machine and form of or the masses? Bolsheviki never cialism of, the social traitors, learn much, and benefit by the ganization? Its party machin run after the masses; communthe American Scheidemanns, experiences of the hour; they ery and form of organization ists are not satisfied to be the and the socialism of the ever learn to perceive and recognize is not fit for the cause of the retail. They are ever in the lead.
hesitating and wavering Center their real needs.
volutionary proletariat. Shall To be the tail is the characterbecomes clearer and clearer.
Shall we ignore and keep in we capture it for its great mass istic peculiarity of the CentThere can be no return to the background this great cri of opportunistic literature? But rists. This is why we consider the lethargic past. The suspen sis in the Party? Shall we re that literature is only fit to be the majority of the Conference sion by the reactionary duce the struggle for revolu destroyed. For what then shall Centrists. We can consider of half the Party member tionary principles to a mere we capture the old party? For them in no other light.
ship is in itself of great signi contest for the technical cap revolutionary socialism. But The builders of the Communficance. It points to the fact ture of a worthless party ma this slogan was good only until ist Party dare not run after that counter revolution in the chine? Certainly not. Our task, the rupture in the Party, and masses who hearts must be Party is rampant. One has not the task of the supporters of for the purpose of rupturing the softened by the injustice of the far to go in order to realize that the Third Communist Interna Party. We do not care for the drastic measures resorted tional in America, is to widen BECAUSE THE SPLIT IN Communist Party minus comto by the in the last few the broach, to rigidly differen THE PARTY IS AN ACTUAI munist principles. Only conmonths are the direct result of tiat ourselves not only from the FACT IT BECOMES OUR SAC sistent and principled supportthe panic produced in their social patriots, but also from RED DUTY TO CONSTRUCT ers of the Third International can build a new and militant midst by the approaching in the unprincipled, conciliatory COMMUNIST PARTY.
evitable split; and their fear Centrists of all colors, shades Have the members and sup. party. It is for this reason that of losing control of the warm and tendencies.
porters of the Third Commun. he Minority Delegates at the nest of opportunism they have More than that. Not only ist International endeavored tr Left Wing Conference decided 80 carefully nurtured since the must we widen the breach be capture the Berne Conference o at once organize the Comorganization of the Party in tween the old, and, in the eyes of the social traitors. Ilavr munist Party, even though twenty or 1891.
of the American and interna they adopted the slogan Where be only While the extreme Right has tional proletariat, discredited must capture the Second Inter hirty thousand who will stand learned to sharply separate Party; we must at the same national for revolutionary so with us.
The greater portion of the their opportunistic socialism time launch a new revolution cialism. No, they have not from the principles of revolu ary communist movement. Strik It was the Centrists only who lelegates to the New York contionary socialism, our Amer. ing the opponents of revolution crieved and lamented. It war erence were anything but conican Center has learned noth ary socialism one death blow the Centrists who ached for thesistent adherents of the Left ing. While the reactionary, after another from without, we capture of the Berne Confer Wing. Rather was it an aggrecounter revolutionary social must not for one moment forgot ence, just as their counterpartation of individuals of various traitors have learned from the the direct and ultimate aim of the American Centrists strive colors and shades, who, for ons Bolsheviki to be resolute, the our struggle against the capito capture the American Social. eason or another (but not be.
ist Party. Not the bolsheviki ause of their adherence to reCenter, here as everywhere in talistic structure.
To carry on our fight success. not the communists. Yes; even volutionary principles) were Europe, has learned nothing.
Like their counterpart, the fully on all fronts it is import though we were sure to cap. lisgruntled with conditions in he Socialist Party and objectCenter in Europe, they too are ant that we at once lay the ture the Party, we should re.
irresolute, they too vacilate, foundations of our fortress: fure to do so: WE WOULD ed to the undemocratic actemporize and remain stupid. The Communist Party of Amer BUT CAPTURE AN EMPTY Lion of the There were We can only wish them God ica. All hesitation in this work SHELL which would prove for Irish nationalists, ardent speed. BECAUSE TO US THE of constructing the new party us a false and disastrous step. of supporters, there were There is yet another argu mere reformers and advocates (Continuod on pag. 8)
SPLIT NOW GOING ON IN will begct pernicious and deTHE RANKS OF THE OLD SO structive effects upon the norment used by our Contrists to