BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracySocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

July 26, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Threo Action and Reaction in Ireland The Split in the Socialist Party dise Eamon De Valera is here and the Irish Nationalists are By JOSEPH STILSON began to look for means whereby the drunk with enthusiasm. They have answered the siren song of Translator Secretary, party could be set on a better founnationalism and their antics are disgusting to one who has Lithuanian Federation. dation, giving it class character clearemancipated himself from the spook of patriotism.
ed of the petty bourgeois hash which The history of the split in the So had flourished, not only in the party De Valera purpose in this country is to arouse sympathy cialist Party really begins in 1916, platforms, but in all of its literature for the Irish Republic so that he may secure the aid of the when Allan Benson was named as and at all its meetings. But now was United States in gaining independence for Ireland. Independ standard bearer for the party. This it to be done?
ence means that the Irish workers will no longer be robbed in man, as candidate for President of Everyone interested in the earlier the terrible English way but in the future will be robbed in the the country agitating for his election, part of the American labor movethe United States, travelling through good old Irish fashion, ment, remembers well the order never in his speeches mentioned by as that prevailed in the party: in every De Valera is very much interested in floating 5, 000, 000 much as half a word the class strug: nook there was a boss, every boss worth of Irish bonds and probably hopes to have as much suc gle. On the contrary, his advocacy had his own organ, and every organ cess as did his grandfather. The contributions made to Irish had nothing in common with Social advocated new socialism. The new ism. remember the newspaper rejust as well if the contributors do not demand too strict an ac where to the question why does he the party members and the working freedom, of course, will total no small amount and twould be port of his speech at Cleveland, Ohio. education was spread both among counting of their funds.
masses in general. The party itself not speak about the class struggle hardly printed any literature at ail.
It is very discouraging to see the Irish workers in America instead of talking only about votes of It was satisfied with the distribution fall for this propaganda of Irish freedom and we have some the citizens and the whole lot of of private literature, which often times dispaired of their developing beyond that point. However, good he is going to do when he his elucidated questions in such manner elected President, he answered The upon them and they are gradually learning that Sinn Fein things as the class struggle.
the development of the capitalist system is having its effects present is no time to talk of such that the European socialist (even the centrist German. after coming to (Ourselves) or Ulster Unionist movements can mean nothing to this country and learning its language The elections, as we know, gave sad would read a pamphlet on the posithe working class of Ireland.
results, the number of Socialist votes Amidst all this stench of nationalism the following mani declining to half the number cast for bilities of Ford Socialism, or a festo comes like a breath of fresh air from Ireland. We do not time the party members whose brains government must become the owner Comrade Debs in 1912. At the same pamphlet urging that the capitalist know the calibre of the organization that produced it, but re were not Alled with such socialism of the trusts (as if it were not algardless of its size or character the manifesto is evidence that as that which was established by ready a tool of the trusts. or a pamthere are some revolutionary workers in Ireland.
Berger and his friends in Milwaukee, phlet proving that the party candidates, when elected to the City Council will ease the life of the working MANIFESTO OF THE REVOLU.
TIONARY SOCIALIST PARTY industrial democracy. They respond of working men and women, to whom class by decreasing the prices of OF IRELAND.
with an irrepressible fellowship to we can depute the fulfillment of the food, milk depots, electric plants, the new economic order with which social and industrial needs of the street car systems, etc. the immiRussia has begun to deluge the vile special areas which elect them.
To The Irish Working Class.
grant Socialist would cry out: In the tyrannies of the capitalist system of Fellow Workers: country of dollars the Socialists are the world.
By organizing on these lines we of the dollar kind also! Their party There has not been a cause in Ireland for which Irish workers have not Capitalism, which originated in ag shall be liberating the local forces of will never rise if it continues to folfought on the side of the oppressed ent and wholesale expro. the Irish working class. We shall low in these old tracks.
against the oppressors. The time has priation, has endured into the war create the incentive towards control and ownership of the means of proOf course, the capitalistic system at last come when they must fight fare of exhaustion.
for their own for the emancipation We can dispense with the capital duction and social life, which at pre itself was breeding the revolutionists.
of their class. The time has come ists. We cannot dispense with labour sent, in the hands of the master class. To fence in the Socialist Party so that when we must organize towards the and the power to produce wealth. are used as the means wherewith to the revolutionists could not enter was establishment of our liberation from Only the working elass possesses exploit the mass of the Irish people. the task which the party officers could wages system which exploits our this power. The working class of the Fellow workers, it is in the power of not quite accomplish. And on achuman power to labour and produce world has begun to assert this power. the rank and file to do this. It is in count of the party dilapidated mawealth.
The working class of Ireland is ripe our power to transform existing or chinery and steadily declining influIf Ulster Unionist prevails there will for the same assertion.
ganizations of our class out of their ence among the working class, not only dissatisfaction growing still remain an Irish working class.
The leaders of official Labour have present appeals for increased wages If Sinn Fein prevails there will still failed during the revolutionary years and similar palliatives into forces among the members, but the revolube an Irish working clsas. There will of 1917 1919 to formulate or direct which will function towards control tionary elements, in the fall of 1916, became so bold that they openly still remain an Irish master class, con an economic policy upon the basis of of the means of life, and establish us tent to be masters of Irish human the emancipation of the exploited Ir once for all above our present slavery dared to raise their voices against beings.
ish people.
into a moral standard of human life such persons as Benson, Berger, GoeLet us determine that we who proThey have not admitted their fail. Let us be fearless. In liberating the bel, and others, who spoke in the duce all that is produced in Ireland ure and claim that, as leaders, it is Trish working class we are lifting Ire name of the Socialist Party to advo. that we who make Ireland habit their function to be led by the rank land into the lofty purpose of the cate the socialism of Bismarck. But able and fertile shall not longer yield and file.
Russian pioneers who have turned the these revolutionary elements in the the produce of our labour to the masLet us lead them! Let us see to it base greed of the European war for party were confronted with quite a ters who whip us with the tyranny of that they become the obedient serv possession of fresh markets of exploit delicate question. Something had to wages. Let us resolve that we shall ants of the class whose interests they ation into the tremendous redemption be done immediately if the party was to be saved not only from the clutches no longer build and another inhabit advocate. Let us point the way and of the world working class.
of persons who have nothing in com sow and another reap, but that we see to it that they neither impede nor Let us contribute our heroism temon with the political action in the shall make Ireland a Socialist Repub fail us, but that they march side by tille class war which is spreading over real sense of the word) of the worklic, wherein shall dwell no parasite side with us in fidelity to the magni the world, so that from generatior ng class, but from its complete dinor profit taker and all will contri ficent cause of our emancipation. Reto generation those who come after lapidation as well.
bute to the needs of all and the har member! There is but one thing to des us will do homage to our courage in mony of the commonwealth.
stroy capitalism; one thing to con an era of human release and golden The entire political machinery of Irish Labour has been organized to struct. Socialism.
opportunity, an era wherein the com the party was in the hands of the opa high percentage during the last two It is impossible for us to take im mon and equal peoples of the future portunists; the entire press was also years particularly. All over Ireland mediate control of the land of Ire will tread across the memories of our in their hands. They held not oly are Trade Union branches. On the land the industries of Ireland be age of degradation into the happy the party reins, but the means of basis of increased wages, workers cause the existing organization of the triumphs of human attainment such communication as well. Then what have organized. The working class workers is based on surface Trade as the world has never theretofore could be done by the members who represents the vast majority of the Union safeguards and reform of pre known.
saw in the activity of the leaders, in people, and yet, even with increased sent conditions.
Let us not dream now, but arise ciples only peril to the labor movethe party tactics and even in its prinwages, its standard of living never Reform is no use to us.
We re and act. Let us act quickly. Let us ment; only the useless waste of enexceeds the bare subsistence level quire a revolution of the existing escape from a neutrality which supand never will as long as the wages economic order, so that the many ports the master class of the world ergy and money for the agitation system endures, because wages, or who have not shall come into control and take our stand firmly with the ernment institutions for the benefit and propaganda for offices in govthe purchasing prices of human la and possession, and the few who have working class of the world in the class of the individual persons? The hope bour are always measured by the em all shall become dispossessed of all war which is thundering over the still entertained by some that Socialploying class according to the mini but the right to co operate with us on earth. All power to the Workers ist representatives in the governmum level of qualifying and sustain terms of mere human equality.
Councils of Ireland the speedy emaning the wage labourer.
We must organize ourselves into cipation of the Irish working class!
ment had some importance, disapJames Connolly pointed out that workers committees round the facpeared like a dream during Meyer Capitalism is the most foreign thing tories, farms and workshops where tive of the Revolutionary Socialist the horn of democracy. At that On behalf of the National Execu London term in Congress, blowing in Ireland. It has now become the we are employed, and from these Party of Ireland.
most obsolete because the national, works committees elect in all the extime somewhat sharper criticism had or mass mind of the rank and file see isting Parliamentary Divisions of IreTHOMAS PENNYCOOK, appeared also for the German socialter beyond it in their conception of land Workers Councils, o. councils (National Secretary. Continued on Pag. 6)