BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismMarxSovietSpainStrikeWorking ClassZinoviev

The Communist Official Paper of the Communist Party of America Vol. I, No. Chicago, Ill. Saturday, July 26, 1919 Five Cents The New Freedom at Work The social structure of Europe is on the verge of total colFROM THE ALL RUSSIAN lapse. Four long years of war has left the peoples of the Old THE COMMUNIST INTERNAEXTRAORDINARY World bleeding and suffering. Bearing up and struggling on TIONAL CONGRESS OF COMMISSION through the greatest orgy of blood the world has ever witnessed, THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL The October revolution did the nations cherished the hope that soon it would all end and away with the tyranny of ca they could rebuild and reconstruct the world upon a basis satis. We print below an item from the pital. The Workmen and Peas factory to all.
Petrograd Pravda, being the main ants Government of Russia, part of the report read by Zinoviev on the formation of the Comafter four years of bloody war, And with what are they faced? The war to end all wars munist International. This report was builds on the ruins of the de bas been followed by what? With wars on the Adriatic and in Russian Communist Party. Ed. composed absolutist state a the Carpathians, in the valleys of Lithuania and Finland, on When we gathered in Mosnew socialistic state.
Chzeko Slovak and Ukrainian plains and on the Siberian The propertied classes of wastes. Torn for more than four years with the bloodiest war in cow about the middle of March, Russia which the revolution de all history, Europe must be again torn and rendered in the vain and had heard the main subprived of their capitals, land, effort to solve the contradictions arising out of war itself.
stance of the Berne conference, factories and shops, declared we said: Not only do we have war on all toilers of Russia. In The beautiful ideals that were mouthed to entice the a right, seeing the complete this hard and unequal struggle masses now come echoing back to mock them in their misery. bankruptcy and decay of what the working class forged a new The west bank of the Rhine and Delmatia cry out against Self remained of the Second Interweapon, and organized our fine Determination; the walls of the Paris peace chamber whisper national, to form the Third InRed Army. At the cost of terrible sacrifices and horrible suf against Open Covenants Openly Arrived At; phrases fit to thrill ternational from those parties fering on the battlefields and a poet soul turn to ashes in the mouth. Nothing has been in all countries, but we must do in the rear of our revolutionary changed; capitalism in all its hideousness still prevails.
so. It is our duty, and we must centers, come the conquests of Through the delirium and hysteria of the war, the peoples not lose a single minute. And our socialistic revolution.
of the world visioned the golden age that was coming with we have formed it. At the conThe German workers and Peace. That vision has become but a mirage upon the capital comparatively few people. Our ference in Moscow there were peasants rise to help the Red Army. The Hungarian Soviet ist desert. Social Justice! Machine guns met the workers de enemies will use this arguGovernment already is cele monstrating in the streets of Paris on the first of May. Thou ment: What kind of a Conbrating its triumph, and sands are forced to strike in England; whole provinces are gress did you have when there throughout all Europe the voice under martial law in Spain; the oppression of the workers grows were only forty people preof the protesting proletariat of heavier in Germany; the Italian proletariat is preparing for the sent? We have a right to anWestern Europe is heard. But final conflict with its master class; America is in the throes of swer this: When the First Inthe nearer the help, and the ternational was called, headed nearer the victory of the work. strikes without number, while new legal chains are being forged by Marx and Engels, it was ers of the whole world, the to bind us.
created at a meeting in which more stubborn is the opposition All remains as before. England still holds Ireland, Egypt, ed. Nevertheless, everybody four or five sections participatof the enemies of the working class, and the harder it is for India, beneath her paw; Japan tortures Korea into submission knows the great historical role the working class to bear the to her exploitation and dominates the hundreds of millions of played by the First Internaburden of the struggle against China; France will revive herself with blood sucked from the tional during the decade 1863 the propertied classes, together natural resources of Morocco. The great powers covertly snarl to 1873. We must say that the with their aids, both open and and claw over the spoils Turkey, the Pacific Islands, Delmatia, Third International was born secret. In the struggle with the Syria, Palestine, Siberia, Africa. Nations still in swaddling at the time when the working working class, the agents of clothes ape the great nations by plundering their neighbors in class in Russia triumphed brilimperialistic countries sow and response to imperialistic ambitions. Nations but lately under liantly under the banner of Inspread panic among the popul the iron heel of Tsar and Kaiser stand, hat in hand, offering ternationalism. This was the ation of Russia, and throughout their services as executioners of Soviet Russia, in order that they cornerstone of the Third Interall of Western Europe. Rumors may maintain their capitalistic existence or strengthen their national. Of course, one party are spread that the Soviet gov position.
cannot alone create an Interernment seizes ikons in churchnational. few links are neceses, forbids services, and insults In the name of World Freedom the supporters of the Tsar sary for this purpose. But at the sentiments of religious peo are succored by the nations of the Free Peoples of the world. the time when the German ple. By provoking the masses In the name of human happiness millions are suffering the pangs party, which had leaders such of the people, the enemies of of starvation, due to the blockades established by the Great as Liebknecht and Luxemburg, the workmen Peasants Gov Democracies. In the name of Independence the Free Nations and having to its credit several ernment appeal to the masses of the globe, including Japan, have ignored the will of millions uprisings of Soviets, called itto start pogroms and plunder. that imperial necessity might be met. Nothing is changed. self Communist at that time The agents of the bourgeoisie The contradictions of capitalism have not been solved. Capital the Third International had aland their hirelings, Social Re ists cannot solve them. These riddles are a Gordian knot that ready been born.
volutionaries and Mensheviks, must be cut. The hour has struck! Capitalism has completed Even if, at our conference, down their arms and cease de they gird themselves to crush the workers governments of atives of the Russian Communfending the Socialistic father Europe. The capitalists of the world have spoken their last ist Party and the German Com(Continued on Page 8)
munists, we would have a right