July 19, 1919 Page Six THE COMMUNIST (Continued from page 2)
Our view of capturing the Socialist Party for sociallem is to the Ukrainian Federation, Socialist Party, to the list of the or CAPTURE THE MEMBERSHIP away from the present helt.
ganizations which have endorsed this action.
archy, and form a new party on the basis of the call issued by Also we would be pleased to have copies of all bulletins the Communist International, and the program laid down by this and oficial documents sent out by the Organization Committec Conference on June 22nd. And we urge you, in conclusion, to since its existence.
reconsider your former action and join with us in the founding Awaiting an early reply. remain, of a Communist Party in Chicago on September 1st. In the Yours for Communism, event that you will not co operate, we must re affirm our action LADAN, of yesterday to take no further active part in this Conference.
Secretary, Ukrainian Federation, Presented to the Left Wing Conference in session assembled Socialist Party. in New York City on June 24th, 1919, by thirty one delegates representing the following bodies: Boston, Mass. June 30. The following resolution was The Socialist Party of Michigan, Local Rochester, adopted at a membership meeting of the Russian Federation The Polish Federation, Local Providence, Branches: The Russian Federation, Local Cook County, Ill. Taking into consideration that, 1st, a split in the Party The Jewish Federation (Left Wing. Local Rockford. ll. has been precipitated by the action of the National Executive The Lithuanian Federation, Local Nanticoke, Pa. Local Kenosha, Wis. Committee, which is but the logical step of the reactionists; The Lottish Federation, 2nd, that further connection with these reactionaries, even par Left Wing State Conf. of Minnesota, Local Milwaukee, Wis. Union Local, ticipation in their convention, would avail us nothing: 3rd, that The Lettish Branches of Boston, Mass. Local Cudahy, Wis. the capturing of the Socialist Party, which is hopelessly incom Local Buffalo, Local New York.
petent and harmful would be but a waste of time and energy: 4th, that in this hour of crisis we must prepare the basis for a The above have organized as the Minority of the Left new party, for a real international movement; and 5th, that to Wing Conference.
delay this work, even for a few months, would be detrimental KEEGAN, of Buffalo, to the revolutionary movement in this country; therefore be it STOKLITSKY, of Chicago, RESOLVED, That we send greetings to the National Or Chairman of caucus, KOPNAGEL, of Milwaukee, ganization Committee of the Communist Party, pledging our Committee.
moral and material support.
DENNIS BATT, of Detroit. Down with the Socialist Party of America! Long live the Secretary of caucus, Communist Party!
OAKLEY JOHNSON, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
The above communication, presented to the majority deleDetroit, Mich. July After hearing the report of Comrade Alexander Stoklitsky on the Left Wing Conference, we, gates at the Left Wing conference, while in its nature an ultisixteen hundred members of the Ryssian Federation endorse matum, was submitted with the sincere hope that it would bring and fully agree with the action and policy of the Minority Dele about some action on the part of the majority that we could gates. The time has arrived in America to form a strong and Louis Fraina got wind of the fact that it was to be prehealthy movement. We have reached the parting of the ways, not only with the reactionary, opportunistic Scheidemanns, but sented, asking for reconsideration of previous action. While also with the wavering, nuddy Center. We send our greetings another motion was on the floor he moved that the body refuse to the National Organization Committee of the Communist to reconsider or amend any action already taken. However, Party. Stand tirm, Comrades, in the great task that is yours. most of the delegates in the convention were honest, if mistaken, Build well the new Party. We are with you. Long live the dic and raised such a storm about such an unparliamentary and sustatorship of the proletariat! Long live the Third International! picious motion that he withdrew it.
When Keegan of Buffalo started to read the communicaRochester, New York, July 12th, 1919. tion, an attempt was made oprevent him, AFTER the body had Batt, Secretary, by special vote given him permission to read it! In this the National Organization Committee, blackguard clement were unsuccessful and he proceeded. The communication was promptly tabled and the minority delegates Communist Party, 1221 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
gave up hope of the Left Wing Conference organizing a communist party.
Dear Comrade: At our regular meeting last night was instructed to inform you that we indorse your call for a convention to be held in Chicago September 1st to organize a Communist Party, and Comrades!
will send delegates to same.
Comradely yours, The Call of the Third International has been answered BRIEN, Organizer, by the formation of the Communist Party of America. The Local Rochester, Socialist Party.
expense of the propaganda necessary to make that party a success must be mct. The expenses of the convention COMMUNICATION PRESENTED TO THE LEFT WING that will finally draw up the manifesto, program and conCONFERENCE BY THE MINORITY DELEGATES.
stitution of the Communist Party of America must be Comrade Delegates: defrayed.
Opportunism and revolutionary socialism are as antagonistic as the interests of the capitalist and proletarian classes.
In the state of Michigan an assessment of one dollar The Left Wing is supposed to represent revolutionary socialism.
per member has been levied to meet the expense of organ.
The Socialist Party stands for Opportunism. We cannot join ization. That is not excessive and should be casily met.
hands with the Socialist Party. We must organize a revolutionWe have not the space to make a full pago appeal to ary party to carry out the mission placed on the proletariat of you in this matter, even if it were necessary. The space the world by the historic march of society. We have made several efforts here. You have refused to listen to the dictates in this paper is too valuable and must be used for other of this historic mission of the proletariat. This compelled us to purposes refrain from participating in the deliberations of the Left Wing We know that you are behind us and will see the need Conference, of funds and answer the call. ACT NOW! Make your llowever, Comrade delegates, at our caucus since your contribution as large as possible. With your loyal support Conference adjourned last night, we have decided to make onc the future of the Communist Party of America is assured.
more effort to scure your co operation in organizing a Communist Party, in conjunction with the Language Federations and Make all checks and money orders payable to the Socialist Party of Michigan. The delegates at this caucus, STILSON, Treasurer, 1221 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, III.
taking the position they do, ure convinced not only that it is impossible to capture the socialist Party, but even in the event of NATIONAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE capturing the National Socialist Purty Convention the Left Wing DENNIS BATT, Secretary will have but gained control of an empty shell.