BolshevismCapitalismCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyInvasionItalyMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

July 19, 1019 THE COMMUNIST Pago live Communiques great mass of the people who live by tolling and producing the France and England wealth of the world for meagre wages.
In France and England the workers are assuming a more The very fact that capitalist apologists of the type of Gov. belligerent attitude. They are taking action to assist their Rur ernor Lowden are forced to use such silly statements is proof sian comrades by preventing, as far as possible, the sending and of their impotenc. proof of their inability to stay the onward maintaining of expeditions against them.
march of the proletariat. The workers sun is rising and no Among the syndicalists a division is developing. One tenmodern Joshua is going to halt its progress.
dency is toward a compromise between the classes the other toward a more revolutionary position. new organ has come out as the mouthpiece of the revolutionary element, InterTHE DISEASE SPREADS national. International promises to fight interference in With the advent of proletarian rule in Russia the capitalists the affairs of the Soviet Government. The giant Labor is slowly of the world became frightened at what they are pleased to awakening from his age long sleep.
call the disease of Bolshevism. And well they might be frightened, for it means their ruin. Like a contagious disease they have tried to quarantine it but with poor results. Because of their inability to undestand the nature and cause of Bolshevism they have looked upon it as some mysterious malady and thought Our ex comrade Seymour Stedman visited Detroit recently that by quarantining themselves against it they would be rend and attended a membership meeting of Local Wayne County.
ered immune. The historical development of Europe has shown He was welcomed by the chairman, Dennis Batt, who rethat no capitalistic nation is immune, for the good and simple marked that he sincerely hoped that Mr. Stedman would meet reason that Bolshevism is not something that is brought into a with the same success in doing the dirty, comtemptible work of country from without.
the National Executive Committee as upon the occasion of his former visit.
Bolshevism is the natural result of the inherent contradictions within the capitalist system itself. These inherent contraReally, things have come to a pretty pags when the great dictions in the capitalist economic system cannot be solved by Seymour Stedman has to go on the road organizing for the the capitalist class. We cannot except them to commit economic Socialist Party!
euicide. They merely stand demoralized upon the floundering ship of capitalism and fail to comprehend the nature of the We learn that the National Office of the Socialist Party has social phenomena through which they are passing. They can dispensed with the services of five former employes. Smatter, but pour the oil of compromise upon the troubled waters of the Adolph, business falling off?
social sea. All the while Bolshevism becomes mere strongly entrenched and breaks out in other countries.
Former State Secretary of Michigan in gending out a call Germany for an Emergency State Convention instructed Local secretaries From the insistent demands made by the Independent to see to it that delegates to the convention were elected in the Socialists for the Dictators of the Proletariat it would appear proper manner. This so shocked Adolph Germer that he put up that the workers are becoming more active in their demand an awful howl in the Eye Closer. Perhaps you would not have for the complete abolition of the capitalist system. Bernstorff, fallen from grace, John, had you proceeded according to the who is working with the Hillquit socialists of Germany, urges formula The constitution be damned.
the government to convince the world that they do not want a revolution, in order that they may regain the good graces of It seems that a certain delegate to the Left Wing Confertheir former enemies, and relieve the harsh peace terms and ence from Ohio was laboring under the impression that the Con.
severe economic strain upon Germany. In this they are likely to ference was going to organize a political party and not an infail, the economic pressure will increase. The result will be the dustrial union.
success of Bolshevism in Germany. History is working for the proletariat.
Again the ax has fallen and another State joins the ranks of the outs. The Socialist Party of Massachusetts has been cast Hungary into the outer darkness by a vote of 10 to Secretary Germer Bela Kun is still functioning as the Bolshevist leader in of the Seven Saviours has ordered the present State secretary to Hungary, and all indications are that the Communist govern turn over his office and the property of the organization to his ment is growing stronger. They are organizing themselves to successor. What we would like to know is what steps Adolph resist the Allied agressions and to some extent are defeating will take to enforce his ukase. Scheidemann used machine guns the economic blockade by the use of automobiles and aero. will the pupil measure up to the standard set by his master?
plenes. It is reported that they are using these means to smuggle gold out of Hungary for the purpose of buying contraband. definition by Jim Larkin: Suspicious person one who The Allies have informed Bela Kun that they cannot treat writes books.
with him until he has fulfilled the terms of the armistice. The slow and deliberate way with which the communists proceed to carry out the terms placed upon them by the Allies would indi were given a treat when Larkin described the raid upon the ofAnd by the way, the delegates to the Left Wing Conference cate that they are pretty sure of their position. It is a question hces of the representative of the Soviet government by the of hanging on until the workers rise in some adjoining country. agents of the Lusk Invstigating Committee. Speaking in MadiA serious invasion of Hungary would probably precipitate a re son Square Garden to an audience of some ten thousand people volution in the countries of the invading armies. The Hungarian Jim pulled this onc: The office was raided by a gang of bastard Communists can afford to wait. Time is their ally.
Irishmen led by a god damned lousy Scotchman!
Italy The situation in Italy looks promising from the proletarian The workers may not have read the Capital of Marx but point of view. The trouble that has arisen over the high price they sure do bear the marks of capital.
of food stuffs does not necessarily mean a revolution. Nevertheless, there is the chance of it developing into a revolutionary The great problem at the Left Wing Conference was to movement. The strength of the Italian movement in testified to capture the Socialist Party for socialism the main their ability to establish a dictatorship of the price of food. jority delegates are still holding the bag. taste of power is apt to encourage the workers to establish a political distatorship of the proletariat.
Michigan is being re organized! Otto Branstetter is meet The Italian Socialist movement has long been one of the ing with great success. He has organized one Local of seven best in Europe and the work that they have ne in the past is members and a Jewish Branch which as expelled by Local about to bear fruit. Italy will probably be the next to assume Detroit for participating in nationalistic activities has applied Its place among the proletarian powers.
for a charter. Oh yes, even Michigan has its opportunista, and One of the most encouraging bits of news that we have these are free to join with their fellows.
received la that on July 11th the Seamen Federation prevented the steamer Cablena, London to Vladivostok, from leaving the Let all got together with Michigun on September Morn, port of Naples because it was carrying eighty cases of munitions quoth the dough boy delegate from that doar old Rockford, destined for Allied contingents fighting the Bolshevik forces. III.