AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracySocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

Communiques July 28, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Five save them from destruction at the hands of the world workers. Charles Vopicka, minister to the Balkan States, speaking of the League of Nations recently, said: It, too, will bring an end to the bolshevist donger.
By a most diligent search one might be able to locate one Nations the capitalists of the Allied Powers believe they have tion. Chicago Daily News.
In the League of of those old fashioned persons who believe in socialism by evoluforged an instrument with which to perpetuate their power.
But, Band of Nations or no Band of Nations, capitalists cannot solve the contradictions in their own systez. That is Washington, July 10. The United States navy is to have the two biggest battleships in the world, it was revealed today when the task of the proletariat. History is working for their final triumph, victory is theirs and they will not be denied.
ing company for battleship 53, displacement 43, 000 tons, and to have 16 inch guns. contract for another battleship of the same type will be awarded next week, it was stated. Battleship No. 53 will cost 21, 000, 000 SOCIALISM AND SUPERIOR BRAINS What was that we heard, Woodrow, about the war to end We have often been told of the superior mental equipment all wars?
possessed by the better classes in society; when some individual succeeds in grabbing off a generous share of the wealth From Adolph report it appears that one of the good of the world, forsooth, it is because of his Superior Brains. reasons why the language federations should be expelled was The possession of money is the badge of success in bourgeois that they were showing marked activity and a notable increase in membership.
Occasionally, however, members of the upper class are placed in a position where the crudities of their mental construc tion; thought it might have been in 1812. No, Hank, it was in Henry Ford didn know the date of the American revolution cannot be concealed from the public gaze. Such was the 1776, and Columbus discovered America in 1492.
case in the Ford Tribune suit at Mt. Clemens, Mich. Of course, it is of no vital concern to the workers whether Henry Ford secures a million dollar judgment against the Chicago Tribune Wait until the Convention! says Katterfeld. That is our Let the Party function now. Don be fooled by the plea or not. Ford is one of the most successful exploiters of labor in idea of it, too, and we re putting it into action.
modern times; the other is but an institution serving the interests of the capitalist class. Nevertheless, the case is both instructive and amusing, for when thieves fall out, honest men We have serene confidence in our victory at the coming get their due. So, in the court room at Mt. Clemens, much is party convention IF that convention is held. In other words, being revealed about the great automobile inventor and manu Comrade Katterfeld is absolutely certain that possibly, maybe, facturer, that goes to prove what socialists have long conperhaps.
tended: The mere acquisition or possession of money is no guarantee that an individual is the possessor of superior mental be to turn the other cheek.
To send delegates to the Socialist Party convention would equipment.
Mr. Ford conduct on the witness stand proved beyond doubt that he is an idealist, and an ignorant one at that, as the ideas. If. If. If we capture the Convention, alright; if we It appears that the Left Wingers in New York have two Tribune attorney put it. Total ignorance of simple historical don t, alright. But isn it rather uncomfortable, sitting on two data with which any school boy is familiar would not be sur chairs? Kerensky tried it, and we all know what happened.
prising in an Arkansas hill billy, but it is inexcusable when displayed by one of our best citizens. When a man doesn Clear the Decks!
know when the great revolution took place that gave us the vast liberties we haven got, and at the same time holds in the The Left Wing has captured the Socialist Party. That is hollow of his hand the destinies of thousands of workingmen indisputable.
and women, it is apparent that there is something radically Should the Left Wing capture the Party Convention.
wrong with the social system. We respectfully suggest that It is necessary to clear the decks. Conquer the Socialist Party.
Henry Ford attend one of the citizenship classes conducted in his automobile plant, or that a social service worker be detailed Fraina gives us a lesson in grammar: The Socialist Party to the million dollar farmhouse at Dearborn.
has been captured; it should be captured; it must be captured.
Mr. Ford found himself beset with difficulties when he attempted to defend his pacificism; pure pacificism being an ilWhen you capture the Party what will you do with the logical and unnatural thing. Believing in and supporting a sys prisoners. tem that breeds wars, his attempt to explain his mental contraThe proletarian: Pardon me, Mr. Capitalist, but whom dictions was a screaming farce. The Tribune attorney, always about two jumps ahead of Henry, mentally, led him a merry shall hate next? The Japanese?
Or the greasy Mexicans. Acknowledging the probability of attack and the necessity, from a bourgeois point of view, of preparing for the enOr John Chinaman?
emy, he was in about the same pickle as our former socialist Congressman, Meyer London, when he put forth a pacifist Or you?
rather than a socialist position in the House of Representatives.
Within the confines of the capitalist system the question of It may not properly be a communique, but it cannot be militarism cannot be solved. With predatory capitalists preying upon one another world wars are bound to come in the effort to gainsaid that it is comic to see the name of Max Eastman apsettle their conflicting interests. Nothing short of the institu pearing as one of the founders of a new scientific journal of Marxian socialism!
tion of communism by the proletariat of the world will once and for all time settle the problem of wars and the rest of the Chicago placards shout: Jobs for Soldiers free. Really, contradictions of the profit system.
it wouldn be quite fair to ask the heroes who have made the Henry Ford, sneering at history and expressing a prefer: world safe for Democracy to pay for the opportunity of remainence for the banjo, cannot grasp this, and so floundered about ing amongst the living.
on the witness stand like a fish out of water. If anarchist can be twisted into meaning ignoramus by the wily lawyer reOh yes, jobs are that scarce that citizens in the land of presenting the Tribune, then Ford stands to lose his suit, for he Equal Opportunity are paying a premium for them.
pleads guilty to ignorance on most things.
One need look no farther than the Ford Tribune case to Words and words. Nero fiddled while Rome burned; and find all the argument necessary to answer the assertion that there are those who are still arguing a communist party ought capitalists rule because of their guperior brains.
to be formed. They hesitate to cut the imbibical cord connecting them with the Seven Saviors of the revolution.
Eadmonn McAlpine challenge to the National Executive Holy Family versus St. John. Strife in heaven? No; Conraittee to expell the Socialist Party of Massachusetts rebase ball in Chi.
minded us of a spring chicken picking a fight with a hawk.