July 10, 19: THE COMMUNIST certelo Page Eight (Continued from page 3)
The Iron Heel in the Land of the Free women, and in a rage they set ON THE PARTY HORIZON mayor. That dignitary took re of a new brand of pure Amer.
Strikers at Plant of Corn Products Company fuge in a drug store from which can communism. And strange Murdered by Hired Thugs he was finally rescued by the as is may seem, Comrade Look police and escorted to safety in Fraina made up the tail of this majority! Yes; Comrade Fral The White Guard in Amer plant came rushing the armed an automobile.
The strike was called on na turned his back upon revolo.
ica is doing the work that is guards, the guardians of privilexpected of it, and doing it eged and propertied interests, Tuesday, July 8th; the attack tionary socialism to join hands well. From all parts of the to protect the massive con upon the strikers took place in with the luke warm, watery, country come reports of strikes crete plant from being set afire the evening of the same day: swampy majority. warm involving large numbers of by the immense crowd outside then followed the attempt on crowd, indeed! But, Comrade workers, and quite frequently. this was the statement made the part of the mayor to starve Fraina do you feel entirely these reports are accompanied afterwards by one of the com the families of the strikers and comfortable in this fetid by lists of dead and wounded pany officials.
his ignominous defeat at the swamp?
To more emphatically char.
strikers, victims of the White To protect the Company hands of the women. For a few Terror. There are those who property human lives had to be days quiet again reigned in acterize the uncertain position while mouthing the phrases of spent. The guards rushed from Argo. At the end of the first of this accidental majority of democracy send to their graves the factory gates and without week the strike was still in pro the Left Wing Conference it is men and women who would provocation or warning imme gress: the Company had hired sufficient to point out the clear strive to put into practive prin diately fired a volley into the some few scabs but had not and definite negative relation, ciples of democracy.
crowd of strikers and spectat succeeded in gettirg the plant so emphatically expressed in The most recent scene of the ors. Two were killed, a third in operation. The scabs were one of the clauses in the ManiWhite Guard activities is Argo, died of wounds received, a housed within the plant and festo of the Third Communist Illinois. Argo is a suburb of fourth is mortally wounded and kept virtual prisoners. The International: As regards the social patrioti, Chicago, and therein are locat expected to die, a score were strikers appreciated the situawho everywhere in the critica med several large industrial seriously injured including tion; they were without arms ment oppose the proletarian rev plants including that of the women, girls and babies held in of any description while opposlution with force of armi, me.
Corn Products Refining Com their mothers arms.
ed to them was legalized vio ciless fight is absolutely necessary.
pany, employing some 2, 500 One of those killed was a lence.
As regards the Center, our tactia men and girls. The men em Russian named Mike Marchuk. Stores are current of workers must be to separate the revolution ary elements by pitilessly criticis ployed in this plant were well He had been conscripted into being kidnapped and held withing the leaders. Absoluta seper organized, the minimum wage the United States army and had in the plant; one report sthat tion from the organization of the being 50c per hour, 44 hours fought the Germans on the 13 girls, who have informed the Center is necessary at constituting a week work. But Western Front. Marchuk was Company and the union that phase of development the Federal Brewery Workers a socialist, and the final chapter they are with the strikers, are This proved to be too sharp Loion, to which the men bc of his life, in which he was being forcible detained.
for the majority of the mo longed, wanted to substitute murdered by hired assassins, On Saturday the scabs were too communists. To attract the collective bargaining for indi merely proves what he and oth allowed to leave the plant and centrists, there me too comvidual bargaining. The de ers have long contended: THE were escorted to their homes munists dulled the edge of that mands of the men were pre ENEMY AT HOME IS MORE by armed guards. Monday clause.
sented to the officials of the DANGEROUS AND BRUTAL morning, July 13th, as they There is nothing accidental company who promised to meet THAN IS ANY FOREIGN were again being taken to the in the American Socialist Par.
with the officials of the union ARMY!
plant in automobiles heavily ty, nor is there anything accito further discuss the deinands The plant has been convert guarded by armed thugs, they dental in what took place at the of the men.
ed into a virtual fortress. There encountered a parade of strik Left Wing Conference.
AS But instead of keeping their are at least 200 armed guards ers. The guards immediately everywhere in Europe, the promise and ignoring the ar on constant duty, and about opened fire, two women and American Socialist Party is di.
rangements made for a confer 300 armed formen and super. one man were mortally wound vided into three distinct groups: ence with the union officials, intendents, all of whom are ed and are not expected to live. the Right, the social traitors, the Company immediately well supplied with guns and one of the women, who is not headed by Berger and Hilquit, made preparations for meeting ammunition.
expected to live, is the mother the demands of the men with An interesting incident of of a family of four young chiland permeated with the rottenness of the Second Internationbullets. The number of guards he strike was the action of the dren. Clubs were freely used al; the Center, with whom Frain and about the plants were mayor. Himself a superintend and the strikers finally dispers. ina cast his lot, who because of greatly increased and all were ant in the machine shop of the ed. The scabs were then rush misunderstanding still continue armed with high power rifles; Corn Products Company and a ed to the plant without further to call themselves the left the foreman and superintend scab. On the second day of the interference.
wing, and demand the capents who were not allowed to strike he visited all the grocery The strikers continue to hold membership in the union stores and meat markets and picket the plant, and at one of for revolutionary socialism; ture of the party of the Right were also supplied with arms. instructed the proprietors not their mass meetings urged that and the extreme Left, the ComPreparations were made as for. o sell provisions to the strikers. every effort be made to conduct munists, who headed by the a siege, large supplies of provi He not only requested them to the strike peacefully. While Russian Communistic Federa.
sions and ammunition were laid withold credit, as reported by the situation is again quiet, tions and the Socialist Party of in, and sleeping quarters were the Associated press, but order. there is every reasca to believe Michigan, readily answered the constructed for the guards and ed them NOT TO SELL FOOD that the blood lust of the Corn call of the Third Communist In.
TO THE STRIKERS. It was not Products Company will result ternational!
In the meantime a strike was ong before this action of the in further attacks upon the un Down with the Socialist called to force the inaugura mayor became known to the armed workers.
tion of collective bargaining.
Party! Down with the waver2, 000 of the 2, 500 employees SUBSCRIPTION BLANK ing Center! Long live the milipeacefully refrained from THE COMMUNIST tant Communist Party of Amerworking and left the details of :221 Blue Island Avenue ica!
securing their demands in the CHICAGO. THIS CALL OF THE THIRD hands of the union officials.
COMMUNIST INTERNAPieketing about the plant was Enclosed find. for which please send THE COM TIONAL WILL BE ANSWERestablished. crowd of curi MUNIST to the address given below for. months.
ED ONLY BY THOSE WHO ous spectators gathered, as if they expected something to Subscription: 00 per year; six months 00.