
Wm: Owen Editor.
Inglish Section REGENERACION Only From Struggle Can Liberty Emerge Woman to even Et These inen than ever. All these political and job for all and seeks to make of all Mexican men and women, instead of beNo. 195.
jating thought with all the strength. THE FATAL LIE mnongerigg schemes would go where that characterizes the simple mind.
Saturday, July 11, 1914.
He wants the land, azd fortunately The Socialist Press is compelled the woodbine twinett if mene could ing slaves and dependents on the mas ler and official, as they are today, irec masters of themselves, working has only the weakest of governments nowadays to pay attention to vieni get free and equal access to the land, their own land and running their own industries at their own will, and conl be can stare dii foreiga interven compelled also to process sympathy erty which comes with mastership of con he will get the land, and the for ior the landless peon. There is noth the natural resources, eiga Powers are inding their own ing meritorious about it; great events the Socialist leaders know as well as four.
firesides, tore themselves from their day that The army of the is compulsory.
But, like a families and despised a peace that United States is practically all em convinced against her will, who is of would be infamous, that they might THE TROUBLE IN MEXICO.
While Hearst plies his congerial ployed today on police duty, and will the same opinion still, the Socialist fight for the happiness of their raco trade oi gutter scarenger, the Los be so more and more To embark press continues to misrepresent; conWhat is the trouble in Mexico and of their class that happiness Angeles Daily Times, always serious on a new war oi conquest we must tinues to insinuate, as much as it which can come to the peoples of the and now seriously a armed, has been hare conscription and put the Dick cares, that this is at bottom a capi about? says Dr. Frank Crane Is it a struggle between ambitious carth only by the implantation of ecodoing great value to the revolution Law into operation. That is an ex talist quarrel; emphasizes eternally nomic liberty.
ary movement. Naturally its motives periment from which even Rooserelt the value of the Tampico oil fields, rivals? Is it a general mix up of ZaThese revolutionists are men of are not ours. Vaturally it published. well might shrink just now, and even and suggests most slyly that if it pata, Huerta, Villa, and Carranza, to brave personalty who, by their record surface symptons.
July 5, its Special World Turmoil Otis pleads that this country should were not for the intrigues of Rocke see who shall get the loot? It is not in the past, by the sufferings they News Edition, as a call to arms by not act single handed. In a word, the fellers and Rothschilds there would These men are have undergone at the hands of the the employing class, and as a plea menacing attitude of our own disin be no trouble in Vexico. For exam The disease lies deeper.
You cannot understand Vexico unMexican and United States authorifor policies of repression be herited is the bulwark behind which ple, the Socialist Yews. a monthly ties, which are opposed to the Mexi.
pushed, if necessary, to a point at the Vexican can work out his salva published at Kelso, Washington, has til you put its history alongside the can becoming free, and by their the Roman Catholic tion.
as its leading editorial for June an history of other countries.
dceds, written in blood on Mexico Church, in its most inquisitorial days, article entitled The Mexican Im dergoing an evolutionary throt.
What is going on there is the birthmight hesitate.
Great Britain problems are battlcíiclds, have won for themselves All that is immafar broglio, which, after implying that The people, al place in the hcarts of their class, terial. The Times has laid beiore more complicated, but Great Britain no one can make head or tail of the pang of democracy.
wronged, outraged, robbed for cenare not criminals, Not its readers information of a kind that tas to her undoing a powerful gov situation, continues: We repeat it still more loudly, they starts them up astounded from their ernment and large military forces. First class organs of public opin turies, are rising.
In Alexican terms and Mexican are not criminals, and if the govertitrembling seats, until their heart, their Happily dissension has crept into the ion such as Current Opinion, Litment of Texas accuses them of murcoward beart, their traitor heart, in latter, and she faces the conflict be erary Digest, London Times and manner, part Indian and part Spander it is due to the hatred with which terror beats. It has awakened a tween the Protestantism of the North others, as well as the opinions of peo ish, there is taking place a French all Mexicans conscious of their rights Curiosity which will not slumber, sei of Ireland and the Roman Catho ple from Mexico, seem to agree gen revolution, an English reformation, an inspire them, and to the cause which in motion enquiries that will insist licism of the Central and Southera erally that the main trouble, the Real American rebellion, a Garibaldian reon satisfaction, and given the impetus districts with an army which already Economic Basis, of the turmoil lies volt.
continues society in its present state Since the Spaniard first set foot on of corruption. It is due to that race of knowledge to a tidal wave of dis has raised the standard of revolt. The in the fact that Mexico possesses content that, at no distant date, is land question is involved, but linked some of the most valuable oil fields Mexican soil the curse of the land has prejudice against the Mexican which destined to sweep everything before with it is also a conflict of religions, in the world. As yet, it is not recog been absolutism.
runs high in Texas; a race prejudice The ancient fraud of absolutism is exhibited everywhere in it.
and beneath that the vital problem of nized that the Panama Canal and the barber whether the majority shall be allowed Frisco Exposition play no small part protean in its forms, but ever the shops, hotels and restaurants; it is Revolutionists are interested in two to hold the minority at its mercy. in the drama.
same at heart; whether under Cortez. lue to thirst for Mexican victims, to things above all else. First, universal That is the great question Ulster The article, by Dan Ronald, ends or the Inquisition, or Maximilian, or be immolated for the satisfaction of recognition of the fact that existing raises, and it is vital. for our entire as follows: Seither Huerta nor Villa Porfirio Diaz.
the cowboy savage yell.
conditions are hopelessly rotten, un system of democratic government would amount to much did they noi It has used the same specious humRangel and the other comrades are der every government and every flag. rests on majority rule. It is the reer have the secret support of European bug that it uses today, to wit: That not guilty. The lawyer for the de: Second, in the widest of publicity be on which the United States is going, and American capital respectively. the people cannot govern themselves, icnsc declares that the authorities caning given to the fact that the disin all to pieces; the rock on which So To any one who gives the mat democracy is impossible, the masses not find tbc rcvolutionists responsible herited everywhere are rising in re cialism splits from tem to tern; the ter a moinent thought it must be are too ignorant; hence we will gov for the crime of which they are acvolt. Nothing is so contagious as great revolt of individual life which self apparent that to take this atti ern them for their own good. Thou cused, but that the juries are sentencthe fighting spirit, with all the de is the heart of Aanarchism and will tude is to belittle the entire struggle sands, even intelligent people, believe ing them against the law and against structive, qualities the fighting spirit lead it, after many a bloody field, beyond the Rio Grande; to drag it this bunk today.
thic cvidence, owing to the influence fires. Nothing is so faith inspiring to the conquest of Liberty for each down from the lofty height of a peo The result of it is uniform. It cor exercised by the seriffs of the difas the news that at this, that and the and all.
ple awakened to the first of all great tiered the land into the hands of a ferent counties. And this is the crime other point the humble and downrights, that of access to the land by few wealthy proprietors, and reduced we must precent. Innocent meri must trodden have produced heroes who Then there is the suffrage question which it must live, to degrade it to the people to practical slavery. It not be made to stand on the scaffold have stepped from out the ranks, led the indomitable struggle of a sex, the mean status of a mere pawn in a made use of government to enrich or be sentenced to the penitentiary.
the forlorn hope and moved reckless which is bringing out all the great capitalist game of chess. If that were the favoured ones. Little of the vast Workingmeh of Texas! In exposly to the attack. In all probability qualities of a fighting race and in true we should admit it without a revenues of a fruitful country went ing to you the facts as they actually Christ was one of the greatest revo. India the whole question of Govern moment hesitation, sorry though the toward the education and improve are, we have no other motive than lutionary geniuses ever boril He ment is coming up for settlement, on admission would have to be. But meat of human beings.
that of urging you to the defense of knew that until he had inspired his a colossal scale and in the most it is not true; and in the name of The eggs of absolutism are famine, these men, of these comrades who followers with faith in the triumph dramatic form as it comes up in a humanity which is struggling des poverty, ignorance, superstition, and find themselves today in the situation of his cause he could accomplish every conflict with the Church of perately to rise; in the name of the at last riot and revolution.
they occupy because Hrey have been nothing So also with Mohammed Rome. As it is always with the great international conflict for human Mexico is reaping in the whirlwind working not only for themselves, but and all great leaders.
Roman Catholic Church, so is it al rights, as well as in the name of the what Diaz sowed to the wind. In a for you.
ways with British rule in India; there. Vexican people, we protest once recent work by Gutierrez de Lara Their defense will cost an enormous Strife and turmoil all the must be unquestioning, obedience to more, as we have protested so often in this paragraph, which is luminous: sum, and while hitherto we have been world. Men and women in every authority, or the whole fabric van in the past. As result of these vast land able to aid them to the extent of quarter of the globe involved. With ishes into thin air. The problem is The trouble is that the Socialist despoliations, the valley of Papantla, our ability with funds and publicamilitance menacing London, Mexico complicated further by the fact that Party does not want to admit the which once supported a population of tions devoted expressly to that purand Ireland occupy the center of the Hindus fleeing British rule find other truth. In the first place it is essen 20, 000 independent farmers, today bepose, we believe that you, resident in stage of war and warlike prepara gates barred against them; that Greattially and above everything else a longs to one rich family. The entire the State in which our comrades are tions. Uprising in India is feared. Britain own colonies will have none political party, which is interested on State of Chihuahua belongs to three being held prisoners, can do your Albania and Nicaragua sore spots. of them, and that the labor move iy in those factors of the revolution families, headed by a man who is repart So runs the Times main head. ment international in theory Study the full record, however, and primitively loca! in practice casts be manufactured.
but ary movement from which votes can puted the largest single cattle owner Dollars, half dollars, quarters, dimes Such an event as in the world. It: the State of Morelos. they will all help toward ireeting you will find a much greater area them out. In short, the world is in the Mexican Revolution is, therefore, from which in recent times have covered. In Europe the Balkans are, upheaval, and the Los Angeles Daily to it an almost unmitigated nuisance, sprung Zapata and his followers four the expenses of the defense. Do your part of course, aflame, and in this country Times does royal service by setting for it distracts attention from the do men, one of them the son in law of Remit your collections to Victor Cravetlo, Room 108, Labor our 2, 000, 000 Hungarian immigrants out the facts unflinchingly. am in mestic and local politics in which its Diaz, own every inch of agricultural Temple, Los Angeles, Cal.
are the targets of a vigorous propa hopes that even Germany, prostrate interest lies.
ganda of sedition against German under the weight of that scientific cusses it, therefore, only because it now landless peonstill the soil for The party press dis land, and 200, 000 evicted farmers What you do, workingmen, will be rule. France is still fighting in Socialism which teaches that progress has to.
a duty; for, as we said at first, there Morocco, to the intense dissatisfac marks itself out automatically, may is pointing the way to direct action cents a day.
That the upheaval in Mexico them at an average wage of 1272 come to every community moments tion of the French workers, as evi. yet awake.
in its life when it is necessary to unite denced by such outbreaks as the re United States Anarchists may dis the much advertised relief by the bal you brush aside ail deceptive appearI am even in hopes that and inducing thousands to discredit The Mexicans, you will find when for the defense of the weak whom cent postoffice employes strike in cover that they are supposed to be lot, is well known to all the Socialist ances and go to the root of the matthe enemy is seeking to devour What Paris. In Italy the late strike, in enlisted in a world wide fight against Party leaders, and they hate it accord ter, are fighting for the same thing!
you do now will be proof of your solwhich the veteran Anarchist, Mala. slavery; in a battle to the very death ingly.
idarity of race and class.
testa, played so prominent a part, was with Mammon and the Governments The success of the peon, by the rifle fighting, in Germany, in taly, in PorHow could it be otherwise? for which the people everywhere are Work! Comrade workingmen of largely revolution of the most out that police his shrines. That the Mex route, will be the final discrediting of tugal, in England, in China, in the Texasl and by aiding the defense spoken type. For example, Rep ican Revolution has set the whole their own program, save a phalanx of Mexican day aborlic was proclaimed at Ancona, and the circus moving would be, consider, In ers who are guilty of no other crime the United States; nanely, for the right outbreak seems Second have collapsed a grossly exaggerated claim.
place, That it economics persistently minimize the right to work at a living wage, for Socialist to a piece of land to work on, for the than that of coinbating for the peomainly because the rebels confined is helping can have no doubt.
ple liberties.
themselves to gaining control of unpower of landlordism, which they pic the right to WY. OWEN.
From all Texas; from El Paso to important districts and lacked ture as playing a merely secondary their own way, and for the right to govern themselves in.
the Beaumont; from Amarillo to Laredo; dash to attack the central govern.
Jack London mission as corres manuſactured to attract the vote of. The Guardian Viddleton, Eng. part. Those economics have been shake their masters off their backs. from Texarcana to Brownsville, let How they wrecked their ren pondent for Collier seems to have the nechanic, who is hypnotised by this be the cry. Liberty for Rangel, geance on Church property is now degenerated into and the other Mexican comrades!
doing yecinan the inachine to which an old story: In far away China the service for the jingoist and military chained and ordinarily cannot see an his life is Let the day laborer in the cotton White Wolf a figure beside whom bulldozers. One can hardly conceive inch beyond the job by which he earns fields and the miner in the coal bearVilla is a dwarf threatens seriously how a man of brains and character his living. Like all economics manuing depths, the railroad section hand the new established dictatorship vi can become instrumental in foment iactured for a special purpose espeand the woodcutter in the mezquite, Yuan Shi Kai. Turn where you will ing national hatred and ick cially when that purpose happens to communities when all, men and womThere are moments in the lives of the mass is rising; blindly, sagger spittle for the army and navy with be the dirty one answer this appeal and show the public that the workingmen of Texas are ingly, it is true, but rising Nos can out thinking that the qualities we ad economics are absolutely false. The and, forgetting diiierences of opinion, of politics those en, must show unanimous activity defenders of their class.
this country congratulate itself en nired cost in his writings haring escaped the burricane. The merely creatures of cur own fancy. Persal workshop, the supply depot work.
were man who owns the land owns the uni unite solidly for the deiense of the (From the Spanish of Antonio de very issue under ccosideration chror Oi late, it seems that he parter com irom which come all the tools, the Araujo, a former resident of Texas. icles the premature explosion of a pary with Job bomb represented as taring beer in rade up for it by swallowing his thing comes.
Barleycorn but he one storehouse from which Such a moment has now arrived in tended for Rockefeller. the trampling whole reroluzionary program in one that storehouse and the whole pro persecution being conducted against erery, Texas, and it is now that the workers Give all nen access to of that State, in view of the black of the Stars and Stripes by some ser gulp. Why. Tacoma. Tash. Some Socialists, convinced of the en kundred Wi a aten Isg:2m of Socialism would go up in their Mexican omnipotent wickedness of American land. and the attempied ass23MEXICO APPEAL.
smoke; there would be no need Then authorities, must unite and decide to comrades capital, like to believe that the Mexiby the sination or the Socialist Dayor of can Revolution is at bottom a war for all this party voting. no need take up their defense, energetically Reprinted in pamphlet form from then for all this party discipline. no and conscientiously.
Burre, Lontana. Oiher outbreaks o: Regeneración. and from Land and ceed then for all these restrictive regbetween two rival oil corporations.
Foreign capital, either American of minor importance omit Liberty. by the Land and Libero ulations with which the Lilliputians are more than a dozen Mexicans bePublishing Co. at the Bakunin Insti are In the prisons of Southern Texas European, has not initiated one of the Reverting, however, to the IWO iete, I, Hayward, Cal. Price strength, no need then for this indeži who were arrested in the neighborstrangling various revolts of the past few years.
Labor main centers of rcsolt on which the cents.
natural longing to the Mexican Liberal Party, The machinations of foreign conces Times 12ys special emphasis leznitely prolonged period of education hood of Carrizo Springs last Septemsionaires have complicated the situaico and Great Britain the tronble Vost oí the people who are crying iza:ion kich aims to which does not educate and organ ber.
with the first is comparatively sim, On to Mexico have no notion of other organizations 07 tion, as have the personal ambitions These revolutionists are workof various leaders, but the struggle ple, for the peon is a simple man and going 02 themselves.
all ingmen who were on their way to at bottom is and always has been a clings tenaciously to his one dimin World New York Debs, in his acw People College cause of the workingmen; that cause which Vr. Vlexico, that they might fight for the struggle between land monopoly and scheme, is insisting more strenuously which proclaims Land and Liberty the landless. John Kenneth Turner, in The New Review. over to ment.
TO TEXAS WORKERS turnt destroy