Inglish Section REGENERACION Wm, Owen Editor.
As Was Said of Old. Phisician, Heal Thyself! Villa Repudiates en el primer Carranza, No. 193.
ployed, who have been clubbed for pressed by Wu ingfang, as given in tion of lands in Tamaulipas when he sary and valuable of all propag: Saturday, June 27, 1914, the moment into hiding or berded this month Current Opinion, He was deprived of his command. When work.
into jail; they swarm in our swollen contrasts our craze for money, and Carranza heard that lands were being As it seems to us, no one car city slums, are to be found wherever for national expansion in honor of the surveyed in Sonora he went there full better than it is being done in LA unskilled Labor is packing its blat God Comincrce, with that brother of wrath, to stop the distribution; AND LIBERTY, which is there kets in the never endiog hunt for loud and dignity of labor which, he wben Villa began confiscating lands unique and most worthy of supu work, and God only knows how many claims, are the foundations of China in Chihuahua Carranza caine to put ENRIQUE FLORES MAGO.
of them are to be counted in the social system, and says specifically: an end to it. Carranza will not fulranks of the Socialist par In China we have managed a fairly fill the promises made to the people ties, Anarchists and other organiza. larye society for thousands of years and be should be repudiated.
AGITATION, PUBLICITY tions of discontent. Several millions! without the bitter class hatreds, class It is the story of Madero repeated MONEY SHALL SAVE THE There are millions and millions of divisions and class struggles that have once more.
LIVES OF RANGEL, tliem, and if President Wilson as marred the fair progress of the Tlie daily press is saying openly sumes that he is ruling a contended West. And he adds, cuttingly: thát the mediation proceedings will CLINE ET AL.
people President Wilson is one of the Confucian would rather argue with a come to an abrupt end this week. Concluded from page 3, col There may well be moments in inost appalling idiots politics ever mob and find out, if possible, its point The Huerta delegates adhere tena York, Washington, Nevada, Te which the stoutest hearted doubl landed in the scats of power.
of view, than fire on it. When he ciously to their declaration that they and other places; the whether the lexican Revolution will represented China to this country Wu will not accept for the provisional dicalists and Anarchists from seve be able to fullfil its clearly appointed Whether our President has trav had the reputation of being the wisest presidency Constitutionalist parti places have begun, too, to agitate task of convincing the world that land elled in Europe or had the oppor and witticst man in Washington. His zan, and, on the other hand, the Car behalf of our comrades now in jail monopoly is the nost hidcous of 30 tuoity of mixing with the Latin pco last cominent may be commended to ranza representatives insist that only San Antonio, Tex. because of thd cial crimes, of exposing that blighting ples do not know, but if he has be the particular atteotion of that pious one of their own men will be accept militancy in Labor Cause.
lust for power which iinds in politics should have discovered that they con Christian, John Rockefeller, Jr. able. Moreover, the mediators have The agitation in behalf of Range its natural dicunting ground, and of sider the American a man who thinks Holified Carranza that his delegates Chine et al, has begun to give gug forcing us to secourselves is less in the dollar, can talk of business Everywhere, and above all in the can be accepted only on the condition results for the men themselves, to Commercial peoples sce us. For my only, and has commercialized art, lit United States, our society is a pyra that he cease hostilities, and this he Through telegram received by part, believe theme weak doubts will crature, all that lifts us above mere mid standing on its head and ready las refused repeatedly to do, the Con Rangel Çline Defense Cointili trouble mie 110 more since hve read animal cxistence. am not saying to topple over at the first strong stitutionalist position beiog that they the 24th inst. we have learned Wu. Bayard llale expositio of the that the criticism is entirely just, but push. Let the benevolent despotism now have Huerta on the run. joy that the unjust sentence of Wilson policy in lexico. Unques do say that it is general in foreign of President Wilson be attempted For their part the Federals are years in the penitentiary given tionably it is official, as was the now circles, and that the United States and the whole circus will begin to complaining bitterly of the aid to the Comrade Leonardo Vázquez, has be notorious Blythe interviewi for Hale governing class is regarded as one move in a manner that may astonish Constitutionalists given by the United reversed by the Court of Appeals was Lind predecesses and made the that sticks at nothing to make money. some of our eminent philanthropists, States government, which unquestion Austin, Tex. and a new trial grant report on the strenge of which, ac In these columns have alluded, time who do not seem to understand how ably has been trusting largely to Car Therefore, if we, all the justice lov cording to general Tief, the Presi and again, to the ferocious caricatures full of windows is the house from rauza to help it in its task of pacify people. firmly continue in our dent refused to regnize Huerta. in which Latin cartoonists hold up to which they are hurling stones so rap ing Mexico. Gen. Zaragoza, who to save from the gallows and pri During the last ada istralion he ac ridicule and hatred. They picturc rc turously. However, prophesy is commanded the Federal garrison those fourteen imprisoned comrau companied Knox ori dollar diplo lentlessly our labor and capital con easy, The one thing certain is that which evacuated Tampico recently, and go ahead helping morally macy journey to th: Caribean cap flicts as the ruthless wars they are; Presbyterian morality is hard; that has given out the following state finaqcially to their defense and itals, and he is credited with baving thcy scarify our longings to gobble Wilson means to be its militant apos ment: tatiog in their behalf, we sball prepared our Presid, ot articles on up the property of others; they spare tle, and that he will have the backing All the forcign colonies at Tam free not Vázquez alone, but Rang The New Freedom. As many com no pains to represent us as intending of all that gentle Church element of pico but the American were friendly Cline, Cisneros, Atzalde and the petent critics bave remarked, those to own the earth if we can manage it which the late Pierrepont Morgan was to the Federal troops. From the Vic of those champions of Labor, too.
articles are notable for the dexterity either by force or fraud. Just or un distinguished light. With that the toria Hotel, where a large number Now, more than ever, is time to with which they dodge the land ques just, they reflect current thought, and revolutionary pot should begin to boil of Americans, resided, soine shots Now that our common foe begins tion, llough Wilson has been indeed one need not even go so far in earnest. Humanity as a whole is were tired on my soldiers. search fall back under the pressure of pu FORCED of late to break silence on alield. Our own labor, and even our pitiably patient, but some things it of the building produced eighty three opinion awakened by the solida that problemi.
capitalist papers, testify daily to the will not stand.
rifles and a large quantity of cars of the workers, is ripened time to existence in our own midst of cruel WM. OWEN.
double our efforts and do our Can President Wilson inaugurate social war, which rages unceasingly have information from good to impress in the brains of our a morai Pan American Eripire? island swirls eternally around the sources that some American resi ploiters and executioners, by me the heading given by Current Opin standard of the dollar, dents, principally those living in the of our viril attitude, the clear con ion to its review of Hale exposinearby country, served as spies for tion that the dark ages when the wa tion, and it will be found that em fear the Greeks, especially when the rebels. have proof that the reb ingmen were helpless because of ti pire that most ill omened of all their hands are full of gifts.
els intended to retreat from Tampico, ignorance and lack of consciousn words was chosen wisely. The ar son, the schoolmaster, inust have but this was not accomplished be have passed away to pever come by ticle begins thus: Scoffers take no drilled the Latin quotation into his At last, the inevitable has cone, the cause some Americans gave the word and that at present days, tired of tice: To establish a purely ethical pupils a thousand times. Benevolent serious defeat of Carranza new gen to the rebels that the Federal am ing slaves and mere puppets in cripirc, a moral suzerainty, a new despotisms, imposed by God electerai, Panfilo Natera at Zacatecas, munition was exhausted.
hands of the MasterClass, we type of dominion of conscience for the purpose of saying the people having been followed immediately by When Gen, Pablo Gonzales at ready to take justice into our throughout the American bemisphere from themselves. Wilson, the his Villa revolt. Natera is reported as tacked Tampico he used two field hands if forced to. hat is the ideal and practical pur torian, must have pointed out inany having attacked with 7000 men, of pieces that know belonged to the to beg, to crawl to the feet pose of President Wilson Mexican a time that such despotisms have whom he is said to have lost 3000. American warships, anchored in the magnates inploring justice, is policy. Then come long quotations been the cruelest of all. Docs hc Thc force under the command of harbor. manly, neither is it fit for self from which can select only the imagine that, at this late day, foreign Gen, Medina Barron, which defended must also speak about the last specting buman beings. Theref most suggestivc. For example, of the nations, with tastes and ideals often Zacatecas, bas been estimated at 8010, in dignity that the Federals met with let us tot ask, neither beg our ca United States government Hale says the direct opposite of ours, will kneel well equipped with artillery. If these It was that the American, warships rades freedom; let us demand it, that it is, it has been from the be down and gratefully accept our moral figures are correct the attempt to take and the launches of the same vessels that in the strongest terms that ginning of its history, the moral lead guidance? No; a thousand time nol the city would appear to have been maneuvered in the Panuco River with tongues might conimand.
er of the world. Our diplomatic his. And they will fight to the last gasp hopeless from the start. The defeat the intended purpose of interfering The cur crawling to lick the ha tory is like that of no other govern rather than have it forced upon their cannot but interfere gravely with the with the fire of our ships.
with the whip is despicable. Let ment; its successes have been due to They will carry the war directly into campaign of On to Mexico City. Surely the definite charges as to be men, the fact that other Powers has been our own camp, will point to our own On the top of this news comes the the action of United States warships Let us be men. Right now, as ng puzzled and undone by our moral crowded jails and lunatic asylums; to statement dated June 16 and said to and the two field pieces are most er before, it is much wanted our vir simplicity. Is anybody laughing? our swarming slums and the hope be confirmed by information from serious. Unless disproved they con attitude in facing the togated ex less, desperatc proletariat they ken Saltillo and other places that Villa vict our government of double deal. cutioners from Texas, to save After declaring that all ambitions liel; to the sexual and other degen: has resigned this commands that changing the worst ck notice the follow ger, for it is wanted by the Tex for inaterial imperialism are to be cracies that have anathematized, aboninated, execrated tocracy already in their grip and are risons throughout his territory to re ing editorialte in the Los Angeles authorities to bring them to trial ne and abhorred, and issuring us that eating their way downward to the na port to him at Torreon, and that his Daily Times of June 16. Much ill July 6th, so as to be able to har Our dominion of conscience will be lion very heart. They will attack men have seized Carranza offices ness is reported among the American then before the infamy committed welcomed by the nations to the South us at every weak point, and we have in that city and at Chihuahua City troops at Vera Cruz. Sickness is the them becomes more widely known.
of us, Hale continues: The consti many of them, for we arc split into and Juarez. It is reported also that foc that will be more destructive than To let Rangel, Cline and compar tution of this moral empire is in tlie bitterly antagonistic classes. They Villa disobeyed Carranza order to Mexican bullets if the worst comes. ions be taken to trial next July 6th, right of Justice, Humanity and De will attack because we are worth at go to Natera immediate relief. Fighting during the hot season in to murder them. for, because of lad cency (he capitalizes them all) to call lacking, since no people had so much This split was inevitable, and it that part of the country is a man of money, they have not been ab to be their champions those who have tempting wealth concentrated in a seems timely to call attention to a job.
to secure proper counsel for their de grown strong under their favor. Its few hands and piled up in a few cen recent editorial in the Corso del Note the words during the lot fense, object is to summon to the obedience ters which a inatch may turn to ashes. Bravo, a Constitutionalist paper pub season. Our government is playing To avoid such crime, July 5th (the of the cardinal principles of civiliza They will attack us the more gladly lished at El Paso, which has sup for time. When the weather cools day before they shall be brought tion peoples who have been made because of the insufferable airs we ported Villa but opposed Carranza. off in Mexico its forces will begin trial. has been set by the Rangel wretched by their disobedience; tha give ourselves, pretending to virtues We reproduce, in part, the transla to move and all the fat will be thrown Cline Defense Committee as constraint the foolish to the wisdom we do not possess and assuming a tion as it appears in the American to the fire.
Rangel Cline Day, and Great Mas of the inst; to subjugate them, not to racial superiority which has no root Review of Reviews, wbich ruins as Meetings of Protest to be held the our will, but to the ordinary civic in fact. That makes a nation hated, follows: WORTHY PAPER. said JULY FIFTH, are being at virtues; to displace violence by the and hate is the great stimulus of war. Brearl and land are what the needy It seems to me that our friend ranged everywhere throughout the orderly processes whereby rational Beyond all question the French t1o desire, and until these are given fra Owen should advertise the real merits United States.
men in the carth happiest lands con bility was attacked and overthrown tricidal war will redden the fields of his own paper, LAND AND LIB. Be sure, comrades, that your town duct their affairs. And so forth and for the insults it had beaped on the Now that the people have been called ERTY, in this English Section. or city be not the only one where Shades of Dickens and Mo middle and lower classes. They took to arms these promises must be ful suppose that he does not like to do Rangel Cline Protest Mass Meeting ljere; of Pecksniff and Tartuffe; to their revenge at the guillotine, and filled. It is time now that these lands so because he edits this section, and fail to be held! And be sure, too, no say nothing of that still greater teach history repeals itself.
should be distributed, but they will therefore wish to do it for him. to miss to pass the bat, although cr who coined the inmortal phrase not be, for those in power mean Those who have not received sam be a small collection for their defense a white sepulchre!
It is not a little singular that Sam ouce again to abuse the poor and ple copies of LAND AND LIBERTY fund, sending money and communica nel Blythe, who must be the grim humble. Venustiano Carrunza will should certainly send for it to tions to the Rangel Cline Defense There are several million people in mest of humorists, has followed his never give lands to the paar, because Guernsey, Bakunin Institute, Committee Financial Secretary this country today who will state, at Wilson interview by publishing in the he is a despot. He will not give No. 1, Hayward, Cal. and do their Victor Cravello, Room 108, Labo any moment and without the slight sanie Saturday Evening Post a broad to the poor, because he must best to circulate it, because it is doing Temple, Los Angeles, Cal. and est hesitation, that our government scathing criticism of our political sys. enrich the Cientificos who ſtock on an international scale and most send a Night Letter Telegram of pro is composed of the most rotten set of tem, under the title of The Fakers. around him; insatiable vultures who ably the same work that REGEN test to Oscar Colquitt, Texas Gov politicians that ever invited a bloody Tf any Anarchist writer has penned disipate the people money in scan. ERACION tries to do in connection ernor, Austin, Tex, revolution, and is permeated from an indictment so fatal have yet to dalous bacchanals. There is no loread with the Mexican Revolution. It is victory has been won with the top to toe by greedy graft. They will read it, and therein the old time Sen for the needy, but there are luxurious edited to expose the causes that must reversion of Leonardo Vázquez sen tell our mileless Presidentno man ator, who unbosoms himself for the automobiles for the caciques cluster icad to evolution in the United tence; it is up to you now, comrades ever knew better on which side bis benefit of his pupil, shakes every se ing about the chieftain, Carranza. States, and our comrade Owen pur and to your consciences, to let Ran bread was buttered that the word cret out of the bag. The chaps There is no land for the poor, but sites in LAND AND LIBERTY ex gel, Cline and the others to be hanged politician stinks in their fostrils detest. he says. are these canling, plenty of wine, money and sensual actly the course he pursued so ten if you keep silent.
and signifies to them a man on whose hypocritical, faking liumbugs, we see indulgence for the chieftain and his aciously and successfully in this Eng ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
word nie reliance can be placed; and round us in such numbers. The great sybarites; no liberty for the people, lish Section that of explaining and they will assure him that wlied they fault of our politics isn graft or dis but libertinage atriong the coxcombs explaining most patiently: That MISSING TOTAL, speak, as they habitually do. of the honesty. Madden, it bypocrisy. But accompanying the chief, Carranza, method is making the people of the Most unfortunately, from the form filthy pool of politics they mean he adds that, while the people hith from pueblo to pueblo. The present United States understand, at last, the of issue No. 192 dropped somewhere exactly what they say. These people erto have been casy to bunko, some war is a war of the poor against the truie economic character of the Mex. in the press, the line where the tota are to be found in all tlie mining dis day some one will wake them up, and rich, and it is not the rich who will ican Revolution, The same method receipts of the Rangel Cline Defensa tricts and notably those of West Vir when that time comes we ll all scut grant what the people desire. Car will educate the American people to Committee till June 10th was given ginia, Michigan and Colorado; they tle for the high grass. If you want ranza is one of the rich. Scarcely the revolutionary position they have Such total is 205. 06, embrace practically all the unem a corroborate opinion, read that ex had Lucio Blanco begun the distribu to face, and this is the most neces MAGON SO on.