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REGENERACION Wm, On on Editor: English Section Calls On His Cod Is Conscription TO To Shield His Your Taste?
Moneybags OOOOOOO ITAL HT to San do to Premay 3 tre.
heation necessity of congress pngsing a spe. WE HAVE MANY FRIENDS. 000. 000 0000000 cial act authorizing conscriptions That old catablished and influcno SEND FOR SAMPLES.
THE DICK LAW FOR ALL PRAC tial San Francisco evening daily, The All communications to and reTICAL PURPOSES is ITSE. Bulletin, comes out flat footed in its o mnitcances, for the forthcoming CONSCRIPTION ACT. Thc cditorial of April 24, headed To a paper and Liberty, Daily News, San Francisco) 1911 who wanted war. few plain should be addressed to F, In case of war withi Mexico cvery words for one who has done his best No. 1, Hayward, Cal. There will able bodied male citizen of the United THEIR TRUE ENEMY. to embroil us in a national dienster. bo cight pages, printed on cxcelStates between the age of 18 and 45 The war against Mexico is not be denounccs Hearst as an editor whalent paper, and the first issue is liable to be called into the service ing waged for any ideal of justice, has devoted a portion of his paper, will bear date May, The sedof the United States for war pur or for the sake of any humanitarian day after day, nionth aftor month, toond issue will be May 30, and it 0905 intorost, and there is not a trace of the advocacy of incondiarism. To is hoped that the support will be It was incvitable. child could About 22, 000, 000 men, constituting generosity about it. The govern which it adds:have forcscen that God would be in.
sufficiently generous to insure o War is a crime against labor; it publication little over 43 per cent of the totalment of the United States is sccking thercafter every voked to justify the invasion of Merkmale population of this country, are Carranza to power that the interests crime against humanity.
overthrow Huerta and clovatc is a crime against capital; it is a week. We are assured that the ico in the interest of the American interested in this statement.
We play paper only policy will be that Jollur. Nor did it require much pene. An act of congress, approved Jan. of the Yankee capitalists may be pro with loaded dice. No one can win. of uncompromising adherence to tration to prophesy that Hcarst 21, 1903, and amended in 1908, comtected. Huerta is protecting the What, then, shall be said of you truth, and Comrade Owen promwould be among the earliest to call only known as the Dick militla European capitalists, to the prejudice and your fellows, who were respon oises that he will speak, at least, on his creator to protect those prince law, makes it possible for the presis of the North American capitalists. sible, so far as your strength went, o as plainly as he does in this secpeon unpaid tuu, amid which he has United States not only the regularly the North American capitalists to the Mexico, and who will not be content, o placed at one dollar a year, and wacn his mother dropped him on an but also the so called RESERVE grovelled since that tragic moment organized militia of the various states, prejudice of the European capitalists even now, until you have brought on the names of carnest persons, to The Mexican people ought not to a general war between th people of o whom the mailing of sample already over burdened world. For MILITIA, which constitutes ALL fight for Carranza, or for the Mex the United States and the people of copies would be worth while, publication in all his papers he writes, CITIZENS BETWEEN 18 AND 45. can flag, or lor the fatherland, or Mexico are solicited most earnestly, under date of April 26: Rightcous Section of this law provides that for any government, but for its own Have you not played the part of OOOOOOOOO wars seem superficially to be made whenever the United States is in well being, its own individual inde traitors traitors your country. WAR IS HELL!
bomen, but they must surely be desa vaded or in danger of invasion from pendence and its own truc liberty traitors to the common good, traitors Your Hearsts and Otises and other The Mexican people, and all peo to civilization?
large land owners in Mexico are yellscheme of civilization, part of the CỘNTINGENCIES named, it shall plcs, should abhor wars, for they are We are there, you cry, to avengeing their heads off for complete occuwon by War and the sword has often forth such number of the militia of the tyranny that oppresses them.
plan of progress. Liberty has been be lawful for the president to call the cause of their ill being and of the murders of American citizens, to pation, subjugation and annexation res safeguard the Mexican country, to of the land to the south.
cut the path for the advance of en the state or of the states or terriIn this supreme moment, when civilize it, and, if desirable, to make But, Mr. Plain Citizen, before you Hightenment, the march of progress, sorica, or of the District of Columbia, Mexican tyranny is breaking down it part of the United States the most get excited and let your patriotic From thesc nauseating hypocrisies it and the North Americon government Highly civilized of nations.
as he may deem necessary.
is a relief to turn to the editorial in tervor run away with your good judg.
To civilize it!
the Your words reek ment and shout for war and blood Francisco Bulletin, Furthermore, it is provided that is seeking to impose on Mexico the of when the president calls out the caprices of its own capitalism, the with the bitterest of irony. Is civils and carnage, just ponder this fact: April 25 It is headed, Greed militia for such purposes, he may Mexican workers ought to form a ization in this age, nineteen centuries Mr. Hearst and Mr. Otis, and also prompted the first, was against Mex specify the period for which such revolutionary army, and unfold the after the death of Christ, to mean Mr. Rockefeller of Colorado and ico, and greed will bring about an. Service is required, and the militia 80 banner of social war, combating, all battleships and cannon, bayonets and Mexico and elsewhere, ARE NOT other war, if there is not a protest called shall continue to serve during the bourgeois armies, be they those bullets, devastation and murdert. 19 GOING TO DO THE FIGHTING against it The full article follows the term. so specified. EITHER of. Huerta, of Carranza or of Wil civilization to be thrust home with If this becomes real war, and we WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE son.
the point of the bayonet and written fear it is, the common people of the The war with Mexico in 1847, was TERRITORY OF THE UNITED This is the propitioug moment for down in the heart blood of dead United States are going to shoot and fought because Southern slaveholders STATES, unless sooner relieved by the arousing of the revolutionary soldiers? Is it to mean a callous dis be shot up by the common people of order of the president.
spirit, that the producers may be regard of those murders of American Mexico.
tory toward the South, and so regain made to see that they are being asked women and children that took place The Hearsts and Otises and Rocketheir balance of power against the Wilson Can Do It.
to shed their blood in the name of this week in Colorado, while we visit fellers who have property interests free North It was the war of an The use of the language elther a government which has denied them a barbarous revenge on thousands of to advance and the beef trust and aristocracy strengthen itself within or without the territory of the all the rights of man and is now call innocent Mexicans?
steel trust and powder trust and the against the growth of a free democ United States shows that it is only ing on another oppressive govern.
other trusts who have something to racy. If the plot failed it was because necessary for the president to decide inent to save it from the threat of BRAVO, PASADENAI sels are always strong for war. But the years of chattel slavery in Amers that there is a possibility of danger death. Fuerza Consciente, San Bully for conservative Pasadenal they don do the BLEEDING AND ica were already doomed to be cut from Invasion by Mexican troops. Francisco. Its Board of Labor is the first we DYING necessary and incidental to short.
federals or constitutionalists, in order have seen reported as urging work conquest and subjugation and annexThe war of 1847 was a shameful to have authority to ship to Mexican LIFTING THE MASK.
ingmen to have no part in war with tion.
piece of land grabbing, authorized by soil as many state militiamen and of Mexico.
At last that great Democrat and WAR IS HELL. Likewise it is RES no law of God or man, save the law VE MILITIAMEN As he friend of the workingman, William of superior might, H, by any wild may deem necessary.
WHERE DOES GOMPERS insanity except where the Randolph Hearst, has summoned up Although workingmen organiza the courage to speak out. In his San preservation demands it. In that kind STAND?
reversal of probabilities, there should and another war of conquest should passage of the Dick law at the time: sponsible for having fathered him Union, have led the way in protesting ico it war can be honorably avoided.
be another triumph of insane greed, tions made some protest against the New York radical women, assem of a war we would fight shoulder to Francisco Examiner that city is re bled in mass, meeting at Cooper shoulder, all of us.
But don shout for war with Mexbe entered upon, it would be as and although it has been foundly deo he says, under the date of April 24. against this war.
shameful as the first, The San Fran. The Daily News, San Francisco, first had the rotting institution of of militiamen in strikes and labor in Mexico as it does in the United cils have followed suit, and we asApril 24. second would have the greed of ex the law has not been realized by the Mexico, pacify the whole of Mexico, out the country will follow the pre ing for defens funds that of Joe HIV, slavery to push it forward, so the troubles, the far reaching character of States. We must beat the whole of sume that organized labor through Among the innumerable cases callploiting money interests behind it. public generally.
The desire for intervention in Mexico It will be surprising to the ordinary ico our work will not be done until annex and civilize the whole of Mex cedent thus set. Where does Gom now in prison in Salt Lake City and originated among tke men who would man in the street to know, therefore, that is done. And again. The war leit no stone unturned to induce him mand special notice. He served with perg stand?
We of Regeneracian charged with murder, seems to demake money it there were interven that he may be SUMMONED AT has well begun, with a wise step at and the American Federation of La Jack Mosby in Mexico, was the tion.
MOMENT NOTICE to join the Vera Cruz It will be carried out bor, at last year Seattle convention, author of the W: gong book, Investment in Mexican properties militia; that he is, fact, already a has been a risky speculation.
The reserve militiaman and as such SUB ably; finished as soon as a task so to take time by the forelock and warn and is asserted by his friends to be can be finished. Finished the government that Labor would not the victim of spite on the part of the men and corporations who put money JECT TO IMMEDIATE CALL by in enjoyed the privileges of specu the president for service either with what is wille bico finished FOREVER stand for intervention in Mexico, police and the Ueah Copper Co. ana lative buyers. They bought cheap in or without the territory of the United States then and the work Where does he stand today?
down. Utah Construction Co. alias the MorNow their desire is that the whole United Statea!
mon Church. It is said that the auwill not have to be done over again.
power of the United States, under Not only that, but Section pro And, concluding the article: The thorities are diligently hunting up his pretense of civilizing Mexican God vides drastic penalties for failure to day is 110t far distant when Mexi.
labor record, to create prejudice.
Most cordially do we welcome the defense sub committee has been securing their unearned profits. They that menibers of the militia, when cans and Americans will unite in red appearance of The Woman Rebel, formed in San Francisco, but funds it it is paid by the Government mustered into the service of the boundary line wiped out and Mexico edited by Margaret Sanger, 34 69, 28 SD Temple st. Salt Lake and lives if they are the lives of United States and shall thus become made part of this country; Post Avenue, New York City, for City, Utah. xapetan this article, other men to add to their dividends, regular soldiers WITHOUT FUR) which is set it huge type, is a notice Working Woman, build up within William Randolph Hearst conthe country resources are farge: In OUT FURTHER MEDICAL Ex calling attention to the army need yourself a conscious fighting charac cludes his special letter to Mexico. The great dustrial feudalism in its worst form LAMINATION PREVIOUS of horses, and ending with the com ter against all things which enslave dated April 26, thus: TO flourishes like a weed in that soil. SUCH MUSTER, this section says develops to great proportions (it will with the statement that at all times obligation are rising and rolling toment that if this trouble in Mexico you, and its initial editorial ends waters of American sentiment and The black counties Colorado, that any officer or enlisted man of where not be Hearst fault if it does not. it will strenuously advocate economic wards the occupation of Mexico.
feudalistic oppression has the militia who shall REFUSE of those ranchers and stockmen who emancipation. We hope and are con. They will not subside until their task driven the miners into armed rebel NEGLECT to present himself for have good animals hand will lion, would be, in comparison, models such muster, upon call forthwith as of enlightenment if the Rockefellers herein prescribed, shall be SUBJECT Surely make a good profit. for the line, for there lies the real light and treat until boundary lines have been and the Hearsts were allowed to TO TRIAL BY COURT MARTIAL shances are that prices will double. there the most honorable scars are to eliminated, until Mexico is included Give us a woman who has within the borders of the United carry their ideas of civilization, and shall be punished as such court There follows an item intended to be be won.
facetious. It runs: human liberty and money making martial may direct. Do you think her economic freedom, through own States. within the confines of civilizawe ought to cross the Mexican bor ing the things without which life is tion.
into Mexico Fight or be Shot, der? asked one old veteran of an impossible, and no legal formality or Think it over, and think over the It is not likely that President Wilson and the other officials at the head could thus extend to death.
Ia time of war the punishment other. No, was the reply No; social tyranny can force her to the man who has written it. Think over don think we ought to cross the whip. Let a woman, on the other the personal interests he owns and of the Government will lend themSection. in effect, makes regular Mexican border. think we ought band, be dependent on us for every serves.
selves to this plot to commit murder soldiers of the militia men when thus to put our soldiers along the frontier monthful she eats and no legal proand robbery for the sake of planting called into the service of the United and just pick up that Mexican border tection or independence of character The Fundamental Reform Comin a foreign country those evil insti States. It says that the militia, when and move it South.
tutions that we are trying to check called into the actual service of the will curb our mastery.
Economic mittee, Leary. Building, Second and Kindly remember that, we facts are facts, and an ounce of them Madison, Seattle, Washington, is the But to strengthens the hands of the United States shall be subject to the showed in Regeneracion of March is worth a ton of libertarian theoriz publisher, both in plat and postal. President and defeat the plot against same rules and articles of war as the 22: regular troops of the Un States. multi millionaires is so fully satis HEARST PROGRAM. most incredible extent to which the the commonweal, every labor union Violation of the articles of war is fied that intervention will follow at and every organization representing about the most serious thing that the proper time that it has employed part of the task. The overthrow of Huerta is only land on which that city stands is We must invade monopolised and held out of use by ought to join in a general protest and the penalties prescribed for such on over 600, 000, 000 worth of Mexitrue hero moim peoplen of this tesunting could happen to anybody. Many of lawyers and agents to take options Mexico, reduce its lawless clements a handful of speculators. Idie land a general demand for peace.
violations call for death in war time can lands. Today, in Mexico, lands make it like the United States by map carries, and it is stated in a foota THE PITY OF IT, and other penalties are very severe. that in the United States are worth making it part of the United States. note that maps of other counties are There is another act of congress 50 can be bought for 1, or less. San Francisco Examiner, April being completed. Good.
Washington, April 21. Secretary entitled an act to provide for tem Annexation, to those who these United States we have our reof War Garrison is flooded with let porarily increasing the military estab. framed this terrible conspiracy, would productions of Mexico, with the same ters from men who wish to offer fishment of the United States in time mean the entrenchment of capital Terror reigns in Mexico City. cause preparing a similar upheaval.
their services in the event of war. of war, the act of 1908, by which a against society at large.
And terror also reigns in Colorado, Speed the day. Many of the letters, said Garrison, volunteer army could be raised. But! We took that from the New York and has its eternal seat in the hearts Our carnest friend and indefatiga.
are pathetic, containing stories of the failure of men to volunteer might World; from an article by of million of free American citi, ble comrade, Thorwald Siegfried, is hard times and no work, the writers very readily be followed by the en Caracristi, an engineer of interna zens, owned by the monopolists and the prime mover in this unostenta, said they were anxious for any sort forced enlistment of citizens under tional reputation and specially well trembling at the thought that they tious but most beneficial piece of of job the Dick militia law without the versed in Mexican affairs.
may lose their jobs.
y44 ਦਸ Cy STORY of on as to have 27, 1914.