AnarchismGermanyGuerrillaImperialismInvasionMarxPrivate PropertyWorking Class

su piegeneración English Section foot; they crazed the cattle, to men, without distinction of race rid ourselves of those who are in proſess for each other, a Latreit RATES are The Way Judge Invasions may be aris, my Villa Or Wilson Which Is The Bandit?
comes your live on herbs and roots: they or color.
our way, if we can, by hook or We must not try to lessen, but Edited by WM. OWEN chopped wood to shiver with cold. All that as to salaries, more or crook, the same as we get rid of which precisels must be deepened. Those rebels are your broth less ligli, of indemnizations and tiger, as we annihilate the rattle. cxasperate it, increase it if it is SUBSCRIPTION Send money payable to ers. They are also awaited in soforth, can be easily acquired, snake, as we crush the tarantula. pussible, enliven it, poke it so Single copy, cts.
No. 231 the shack by a melancolic mother because such things do not attack Those who tell that they are not that it shall not be extinguished, ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
One dollar a year. months, 50c. Saturday March. 25, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. casting anxious looks along the the right of private property, prepared for this or other con for the existence of that liatred ind quests which benefit you, are dirty road; by a sad wife, hy the which is the right to exploit between the two social classes, loving: sistes, by the beloyed to keep the people in slayery. the ones who have interest in that of the exploitent anul that of any special study of the Mexican but lie considers that we thic exploiters. is it guarantee of question, do not know is that e judging the Mexican soldier by daughter, the elderly father. the As long as the right of private delaying your emancipation, so on foot, the that in the meantime they can struggle and hope of emancipaporinous sums have been invested the out of work peon we see loaf tender children, and those dear property remains tion for those wl today are in options on Mexican lands op ing along our city streets, auch ones that make existence enchant same wrong that compelled you live at your expense.
Now, carrancista soldiers, to foutuel in the last runs of the sotions purchased for a song but cer that a most unpleasant surprise i11g, the family, in a worrl, with. to take up arms will stand: mistain to become immensely valua a waits us. Perhaps out whond we seem to lack soue ery, because it would do you good act as men convinced that there cial ladder.
Long Lire Laul and Liberty!
the hle iſ our government, by force of pardoned for saying that all the thing, we don seem to be com to liave your wages raised and to is nothing in common between be benefited by the other re.
poor and the rich, unless it be renders the speculator points made hy this man elabo. plete.
forms, such as the diminution of the hatred that they mutually Ilow is one to judge? On the tittle secure. tell these people, rated, four years ago, in Those rebels are your broththe hours of labor, and others, if one hand it must be recognized and tell them truthfully, that pamphlet, The Mexican Revo ers, only more intelligent than that the inasses, as always, have personally know men who are be lution.
you are, they don sacrifice them you have to pay a higher price for the tiecessities of life, and become excited by the possibility ing urged at this moment to scrape Problems so large and grave as selves or their families to elevate more for house rent, to say nothof warm an excitement our sensa together every cent possible and this should not be belittled, as a a man to the Presidency who ing of contributions, which, if tional press fans industriously, invest it in Mexican lands, play rule, by the intrusion of personshall make the happiness of the the government does not exact VILLA WILSON On the other hand, however, have ing for a certain rise.
alities. However, in tlie special hiinble, for experience, observathem from you in person, it will PANCHO VILLA is the descen Unlike Villa and his hard work.
been astonished by the number The problem of militarism, oſ circumstances arising out of the tion and the teachings of history, exact them from your masters, dant of a long line of peons whose ing progenitors, Wilson of people with whom have talk. Preparedness. is evidently prósecution of the editors of Re have demonstrated that never in who reimburse thenselves by lives were spent in hard toil, cul froin a long line of exploiters.
ed who take an entirely different worrying all these people, and is generacion, it seems to me per the life of humanity has the rare raising tlie prices of everything. tivating the soil of Mexico and His torefathers did neither spin view. And it liappens that, al.
a hard nut for them to crack, inissible to say a word about mya phenomenon been produced of You are the one who, in reality, helping to produce foolstuffs for nor concerned HOW. Yet, they most without exception, these What, by the necessity of the case self, Forewarned not hy tele a government that always bave been people in no way cone they do not see is low the mili graph frotn Los Angeles but by itself for the well being of the Day the contributions, or taxes, their fellow countrymen and pro enjoyed the good things of life, not the bourgeoise.
fits for their exploiters.
parasites on the back of labor.
nected with any revolutionary tary program dove tails in with a teleplione message froin the poor classes, but all to the conDENOUNCED ITEM.
Villa followed the same calling. Wilson himself, unlike Villa, has movement, not in the habit of at the gigantical ambitious policing sheriff office ir Tacoma, Wash. trars: it has always been seen His childhood was dark and dreary. never tilled the ground nor worktending itagioni incetings, in scheme which is the kernel of Pan. evaded arrest. All my friends that governments support the rich So you see, brother carrancis. The son of a peon, he passed his ed in mine or factory. He has fact conservative country folk. Americanism. This has to be ex express the opinion that acted as against the poor. You don tas, the problem which is going carly youth in hard farm work, not helped in any productive or Thcsc experiences tend to confirm plained to them; but, on the other wisely, but as to that have still know why is that, you Carranza to be solved by the rebets who helping to support his family, otherwise useful work, On the once more the opinions have ex hand, a most intelligent man. back the graveșt doubts. On thie one soldiers; but will explain it to retain their arms, when Carranza The hand of greed lay heavy contrary, as teacher and college pressed repeatedly that our recently from a long tour through hand, know that my writings you in a few lines.
becomes President, is the problem strength will be found in tlie solsupon the people of Mexico. Tle professor, he used erery effort to Mexico, spoke most eniphantically have been devoted exclusively to In the begining, human beings that you will have to decide behardests toil barely sufficed to poison the young minds with the er minded country rather than it on a subject respecting which explain the causes the Mexican had no government, then every cause it affects you in the same that manner.
keep the Villa family alive.
the nervously distracted city pop have seen only occasional hints in uphea yal, and that my onė object thing belonged to all; at dogmas and dominant views that ulation, and that the propaganda the daily press.
Ilis decided. o has been to do what personally time the land was free for anyone As a young man, Pancho sawan support present institutions and Your duty is to help and for of explanation on the land queso pinion was that, if it comes to could to keep the United States who wanted to work it; the for this purpose on not surrender opportunity to improve his con. make more secure the bondage of tion has gone far deeper than we dition by securing work in a the people. As President, he lias fighting, we shall not have to from going to war with Mexico. rests supplied with wood and meat your arins when the troops are neighboring town. He took his proved himself a menace to the supposed.
fight Mexicans alone, for Germans In that there is assuredly nothing all those who cared to take the ordered disbanded.
widowed mother and younger welfare and peace of the country, Let us not lelude ourselves and Japanese lave worked them Criminal. In that, and in the trouble to go and look for such What you should do at such a children with him, he the chief a weather cock constantly swayed with the idea that there is any selves into the country in steadily publicity of a trial; might find things so necessary to life; the time, or before if possible, is to thing but universal condemnnation increasing numbers and are bit enlarged opportunities for prona springs had no owner; all had an rebel, turn your arms support of the family. It was a by the breezes from Wall Street, against of Villa, or that any doubt exists terly hostile, as is to be expected, ganda and a certain notoriety equal right to extract froin the garrison town, and one day Par. puppet of the money magnates, your chiefs and officers and with as to this government being in to the United States. This man is which would be beneficial to me. river, the lake or the sea, all the cho learned that his oldest sister. his attitude on important issues out trembling pulse open fire duty bound to resent invasion and a great admirer of the Mexicans On the other hand are considera fishes thev wanted.
In that hap with your rifles, because they are a beautiful girl of 15, was seduce lias been dictated by Big Business.
protect its citizens a ganist any repe whom he describes as being, un tions which influence me greatly. py time there was no government, enemies and are concerned ed by an Army officer, Pancho Preaching peace and sanity a few tition of the offense. On that liead der normal conditions, the most First: have no love for the because there was no private prop in having these conditions last set out to find the man. He de months ago, he has suddenly opinion is unanimous and no a peaceable of peoples, anxious only martyrdom of prison, and an erty to protect, and people un foreyer, so they can have a life manded that he make amends, veered into the camp of mad milmount of talking could alter it. to lead their own simple life un even greater abhorrence of troubl derstood each other so well, that of privilege.
The officer scorned the low peon, itarism. The compelling hand wellcome that, indorse it, concur molested.
ing others to turpish bail or the greater part of all work was strong leart, a firm pulse and young Villa shot and killed of the munition and steel trust is in it with all my heart and soul.
done in common, consuinption and steady aim is all you need to him.
Another man, whose literary funds for my defense.
dictating his policies. And now For nearly five years have deSecondly: am opposed; on was done in fraternity, everyone exterminate your ini mediate opThe authorities ordered the ar he cries loudest for the bigges work liave known for years, and voted my pen chiefly to the atempi surrender, But whose We taking what he needed.
rest of Villa. Pancho knew that navy of the world. The priests of observation principle, to powers pressors.
to head off what considered the We should not wars came of Aribes aganist tribes. If you surrender your arms he, a despised pèon, could expect of Mammon got him, body and should not dream of questioning, should fight.
imminent danger of invasion of surrender.
and the vanquished were reduced you will ſeturn to your home in no justice at the hand of masters, soul.
had been recently in Juarez, and Mexico by the United States, and to slavery, having then to work poverty, ready to sell your blood The Thirdly: In my opinion the He fled to the mountains.
had taken special note of the At this very moment Wilson is assuredly should not be tlie one government set a price on his preparing to invade Mexico poor, Mexican cavalry. He thinks ordinary jury is quite incapable for their conquerors, who, natural and strength to the rich at their to condone invasion of the United head and declared him an outlaw, them extraordinarily ſit, hard as of rendering an equitable verdict ly declared themselves owners of own price.
bleeding Mexico, for years torn States by Mexico. During the nails, exactly the type best fitted in political cases. To do so pre: everrthing in existence. Then, You will have accomplished But the towns people knew Vi11a and the story of his wrongs. the long struggle. He has orderby inner strife and weakened by last eighteen months liave defor guerrilla warfare. He also supposes an adecuate education Authority was born, there were nothing, but in the meantime nounced, in season and out of seas laid stress on their capacity to on the subject. This the ordina. privileges to protect: those of the your chiefs and officers will enjoy, They admired him for challenge ed punitive son, with every atom of eloquence andure heat, from which Ameri ry juryman does not possess, and conquerors over the conquered. in the city, all kinds of pleasures ing the right of an officer to vioexpedition against Villa. It is no secret could command, the invasion of late the daughter of a peon. Here is how was born the and lionors, and display on their can soldiers, especially at this he cannot acquire it in the short Belgium by Germany, which re, particular season, are sure to suf time a trial occupies.
principle of Authority, that had breasts crosses and medals, If They aided Pancho and by their that back of this outcry for the punishment of Villa the gard as one of the most brutal fer greatly. Personally he is a Fourthly: Outsie the jail can not as its origin, as generally sup you remain in the Carranza army help he was able to avoid arrest.
American political and commerand indefensible crimes recorded good deal of an Atherican patri write. Inside cannot.
posed, the necessity of the weak as a permanent sollier you will He gathered arround him a circle cial pirates eager for the invasion by history a crime that has led ot, with imperialistic tendencies, Wm. Owen.
of defending themselves from the be a bad man, an executioner of of other peons embittered by the of Mexico in the holy name of to the slaughter of millions of aggression of the strong, but the your brothers of your class be injustice and oppressions they greater profits.
German and other workingmen.
necessity of the strong to keep cause you will help to serye the suffered. From time to time they Furthermore, and above all, Villa killed a Mexican officer to their riches safe from the possible rich.
made excursions to neighboring haye utilized this huge historical aggressions on the part of the Honor points to the road you states expropriating rich lana avenge the ruin of his sister.
crime to point the lesson that all dispossessed.
should take; rebel against the sharks and sharing the spoils of Wilson is preparing to kill thoutyranny nothing but invasion sands of Mexicans on the pretext If you, Carranza soldiers, government until you attain the victory with the needy peonse of avenging the death of some of the weak by the strong, and With this issue we publish the very soon, your First Chief, shall have no material wealth to lose, triumphs of the principles com He was an outlaw, but the people Americans. Which is the greater that without a clear distinction first of the articles upon which remain almost master of the situ it is ball for you to sacrifice your prised in the declaration of the loved him and blessed his name.
bandit Villa or Wilson?
between invader and invaded there the indictments against Ricardo ation, and say almost master of self and those dear to you to ele 23d of September, 1911, expedited When the Revolution broke out, can be no such thing as social and Enrique Flores Magon and the situation, because there are vate a man to the Presidency, by the Mexican Liberal Party, Villa joined forces with peons There is only this difference science; no adequate conception Wm. Owen are based: the rebels that will not submit to the who, as a ruler, will be your lash principles that advocate the death fighting for a chance to live, for between them: Villa had the of what justice means and what others will appear as soon as the authority of Venustiano Carran and your executor, as he shall do of capital, of authority and of a little land and liberty. He has courage to do his own vengeance, civilization should signify. To translations are made.
za, lut who will prefer to remain nothing in your benefit. because clergy of all religions.
kept up the fight against tremen taking the risks and profiting grip this, and to grip it firmly, Our purpose in reproducing arms in hand, expounding a wor his mission is not to protect you Decide to follow this road, dous odds, Nor has Wall Street nothing himself.
seems to me if incomparably these articles is for our readers thy existence for the cause of hu from the aggressions of the Don be deceived by the specious been able to corrupt him and buy Wilson sits safely in the White greater importance than is a to have a full grasp of the case manity, before surrendering his strong, but to keep you subjected arguments of allwed wise politi him off, as they did with Carran House and orders others to do the knowledge of what Karl Marx and judge for themselves. arms to a government, which like by means of the law that the cians: these sane arguments were dirty work.
taught or capacity to discourse For lack of space we refrain any other government on Larth, strong has made for his. own pro used by the enemies of the great From THE BLAST issued March 15 learnedy on the materialistic from a more extended introduc shall not be anything else but a tection, and rot for yours.
French Revolution to prevent the 1916, San Francisco, Cal.
conceotion of history.
t1on, but as to the incendiarison prop on which capitalisir relics The strong have the earth, the people from obtaining their poliNo; tle invader should not look contained in these articles we ask to continue its exploitation of the machinery of production, the tical liberty.
to me for support, and am cor tlie reader to compare it with working class at leisure, that is, horses, the means of transporta It was the argument of PorfiTO OUR SUBSCRIBERS.
dially at one with those who con Jefferson God forbid tliat 20 to have the poor perpetually un tion and distribution, of the rio Diaz to prevent you from obWe need not buy that REGENERACION dertin the Villa autrage. But 1s traversing rough seas these days, years pass without a revolution, der the domination of the rich.
prime material (materia prima) taining your liberties; it is also and it is with no little effort that its what delights me especially is and It is error alone that needs Those rebels that shall contine and of all manufactured things, the argument of the Carranza Besides the exchange for existence is made possible, the skepticisin with wliich these the support of governtiert. ue on foot, are your brothers, and transportation, also of per party used to prevent you from. Regeneracion we ask For a long time this paper has been simple country folk view the re Truth can stand by itsell. they are poor like you, and like sons. All of that is what is call. obtaining your oconomic liberty: all the labor and radical pasent to a number of people who have peated assurances that we have Phillips If there is anything you before shouldering a gun en social wealth, and the posses, which is the foundation of all nat cooparated or supported it in any intention of invading Mexico; that cannot bear free thought let stiert their sweat in the furrow, sion of that wealth gives power liberties.
pers to send each issue an Way. Under present conditions this their grasp of the fact that, if we it crack. And even the mild leaving with it a land that was to luim that has it to play at his This means the privilege of extra copy to the Magon cannot continue and we hereby notify the above mentioned subscribers that go to war, it will be to defend the Lincolnx: Whenever the peo not tlaeirs. They, like you, anda whim with the fate of him that earnining your living by workBrothers, Los Angeles coun after three weeks their names will be indefensible titles of Tearst, Otis ple shall prow weary of the ex. ciously submerged themselves in has it not. That is why we, the ing for yourself and being indestricken off our lists if they do not sig. these names in particular bob up isting government they can exer the darkness of the mines, disput anarchists who form the Mexican pendent. and this can only be oba ty Jail, Los Angeles, Cal.
nify their WILLINGNESS to support all the time) and other land mo cise their constitutional right to ing with the rocks the precious met Liberal Party, do not fight to oh tained, understand, by exproprianopolists; their clear cut com. amend it or their revolutionary alsw hich were to fill the coffers tain an increase in wages, or a tion of land, houses, machinery, THOUGHTS.
All money for REGENERA.
prehension of the undodgeable, rigſit to overtlırow it.
that were not theirs. They, like decrease in the hours of labor, means of transportation and merBETWEEN a priest who kills with imCION should precisiy be sent to truth that at the bottom of all All this is piffle, we know, but you, defied extenuation and con nor for the indemnization of ac chandise becoming common prop punity a million of teniler minds, and a Enrique Flores Magon, Box this trouble in Mexico is the land don you feel red with shame to sumption in the factory side by citents, or for old age pensions, crty without distinction of men soldier who in cruel battle kills ten adspeculator, and if some victim live under an aberration called side with those iron, workers called mor for any such things, but for or women, race or color. He 1236, Los Angeles, Caif. versaries and then gets kill himself should be punished it is he. That civilization that grows backwards machines, producing silks that the abolition of the right of pri who tells you to the contrary, which is the most criminal?
REGENERACION GROUP, sentiment find almost universal, instead of forward?
would not cover their nudity, vate property which makes pos. spit in his face and even kill liim, Paulet. Los Angeles, Cal.
and it is a sound and licaltlıy sen. TO CARRANCISTA SOL shoes that were not for their sible the gathering in a few hands because it is necessary, it is absotiment, in acordance with the feet, furniture they would not use of the social wealth. We want lutely necessary, to initiate a refacts.
in their huts. They, like you, the social wealtlı to be the con volutionary campaign of house All social agitation arises from the una Owen, 10e a copy. What these people, who natura REGENERACION. of Nov. 61915 built the houses, to sleep in the mon patrimony of all the inlab cleaning.
persistence of right against the obstine ople, to copy Ally have not been able to make Carrancista soldiers, listeni: open air; laid the rails to go on itants of Mexico, men and wom We, the disinherited, must nancy of law, Victor Hugo.
the paper.
LAND AND LIBERTI. Musico Battle for Economic Freedom and its Relation to Labor World Wide Burogrle. Selected from writiat of Blando More Magno, Antonio de AMO