AnarchismCivil WarEmma GoldmanEnglandInvasionMarxSocialismSocialist PartyWorkers MovementWorking Class

English Section REGENERACION The Amy of Discontent Regeneracion. 20, 00 ono on the social. Clear up this Tangle an was are KOND BY WILL OWEN economic servitude, and his position government, and entirely without the will be as helpless as is that of the SHOT AND SHELL consent of the rightful owners, the rumahed overy Baturday at 619 proletariat with which too Jnited people; that we are determined that h Bt. Lo Angeles, Cal. States. swarms.
the poor shall come once more lato Tuephone: Hon. 1860.
How rapidly the light is breaklog. who pick the quarrels but never es By Ethel Turner.
what is justly their own.
Therefore Tabucription rateu: Those should be sufficiently obvious Under the heading Madero terms of posė their own hides.
And still Diaz hangs on, though denly discovered that his purpose was today the money powers in America, or XRD peace make no mention of peonage. 00 truths, and, wo belleve that, thanks to the Bulletin of April 11 a capiveritably by the skin of his teeth. to guard the Lower Colorado dam, no backed by the money powers of the Po Gmonthu 10 From The Star, an influential 11b: a vigorous propaganda, the revolution, talist paper but one of the falrestmore. And he says he going to hug world, are calling the American La thru month ists and radicals of the world are be minded and most influential in the eral dally of London, Eng. we clip the The fighting in the southern part of that little old dam till the revolution tión to arms.
In such a crisis will you be silent!
ginning to grasp the situation as it state says It is all right for Fran. following caustic criticism; England Mexico is a glorious thing. In the en is over, if the enemy will please be so BVADLI ORDPRS.
cisco Madero to Insist that Dlaz shall well remembers the indignation that actually is. Nor need we waste words step down, but why doesn Francisco was expressed by Americans over hervirons of Mexico City itselt 2000 kind as to let him. think not; indeed know you can.
10 copios 00 in reminding our readers that plutoc Madero go farther? Why doesn he not be.
ooper 14KO racy sized the matter up correctly, insist on a proclamation freeing the invasion of the Transvaal. It is to be armed men are said to be actively operating.
1996 copia It was American Intervention that Yours for human emancipation, without moment hesitation. peons? The men who contribu. hoped that the echo of these protests lost Agua Prieta to the rebels. How?
ted money, the men who risked their will arouse America to realization FLORES MAGON.
Hence the cries for intervention, the Ilves for the cause Multor and Proprietor, Anuelma Lassembling of troops and warships, rightly cared less about the overthrow led by Madero, of what her new adventure means.
Lee Littie, perfectly reliable Amer The rebels had to evacuate the town In reply we received the following, Figueron.
ican, on whose ranch the battle be because their ammunition gave out.
the negotiations for peace reported of Dlaz than the uprooting of the sysFrom both sides of the Atlantic, and tween Stanley and Mayol was fought, Just one day before the fight United being a copy of a manifolded letter proday by day, as in progress between Ma. tem which Dlaz sanctions and Emma Goldman is mailing to all her btorod u socond lags matter tects.
from the Canadian border to tropi says that he counted slxty eight federal States soldiers at Douglas illegally Jack correspondents.
London and Leptomber 12, 1910, at tho PORT of derlsts reformers and the authorities cal Cuba, comes the chorus of pro dead and one hundred wounded. seized 20, 000 rounds of ammunition, lo a Los Angeles, California, under that bo. An avalanche has been other noted writers that would have been sold to the in.
the Act of March 8, 1979.
started, you understand. What was The Comlog Nation of last week test against intervention. It is only If you want to get real authentic surrectos. With this extra 20, 000 question are pursuing a similar course.
No. 1.
meant for a pretty little bonfire threat again gives great prominence to the an occasional note that our limited The letter follows: ens to become a conflagration.
Mexican Revolution, leading off with space permits us to emphasize.
news from the front, every day, with rounds stolen by the United States, the Saturday, April 22, 1011.
an article by Charles Edward Russell details of the outrages the American rebels would easily have been able to Dear Friend Enclosed is copy of An item in La Estrella, which begins: Las army at the border is committing, sub hold the town against the federals till Unfortunately there are few things Cruces, is suggestive. After letter received from Ricardo Flores in the world stronger than political been astounded Close observers everywhere have mentioning the release from prison of at 250 a month. This is a free ad, unscribe to the Calexico Daily Chronicle, expected reinforcements arrived.
Magon, President of the Junta of by the manner in fanaticism, and the fact that the Mex which the American people have re nine Mexicans the paper states that solicited and unpaid for.
the Mexican Liberal Party. It speaks There are twenty: men, innocent of for itself and makes, to me at least, Ican Liberal Party has little use for ceived the attempt of the administra. they all left for El Paso, Tex. to join any crime, unlawfully heid in the politics sticks in the craw of The New tion to save Dlaz by force of arms.
the rebels; for they informed the auirresistible appeal.
The Mexican consul is now the arCalexico jail, in dirty cells, with inDurldg the past week the soll of York Call, the well known Socialist To reactionaries few phenomena of re thorities that they would rather die sufficient covering at night, with all The leading facts connected with the daily. Accordingly, in its Issue Mexico has run with blood, spilled in of cent times have proved more discour than deny that they were frisurrectos. biter as to who shall cross the border from Calexico to Mexicali, according the keen discomfort that accompanies Mexican revolution are well known, what history will eventually chronicle April 12, it devotes nearly two col. aging, to radicals few phenomena more That is the spirit that prevails all to arrangements made between him confinement. They are held there, and thanks largely to the measures taken as akirmistos prelimleary to the sec udios, under a blg double bead, to deenspiriting, than the absolute failure along the line, and it is the spirit on and army oficers. If your opin for what? No crime is charged against frecently by the government of the ond great battle for the overthrow of bouncing the Mexican Liberal Party of The Putterer to obtain support for which it is safe to put your money.
ions are favorable to Diaz, you may them. They tried, as they had every United States, at the behest of Wall in general; and its prestuarit in par. his maneuvers.
human slavery. Tho first battle was right to do, to cross the border, and Street.
If not, stay where you are.
Through countless articles ticular, for having split the rebel Russell is probably the oldest and As might have been expected from cross.
fought in the United Statey, lasted the army officers had them and such well authenticated books as from 1861 to 1963, and resulted in the forces. It raises the cry that Bagon best known journalist in the Ameri those who have any knowledge of the thrown into jail, to stay there till the Turner Barbarous Mexico, It has is an Anarchist, and makes the most can Socialist movement. Few movement, men Spanish labor Solidari The report circulated by the fed army officers were pleased to re been proved beyond all doubt that temporary rout of slavery. That it serious charge that American Social. keep so close a touch on current dad Obrero, organ of the worklog erals that the provisions abandoned by lease them. And this in free Amer slavery of ilccomplished only an losignificant porinconceivably brutal Ists have been deluded into taking events, and none is more capable of men Societies of Barcelona, devotes the rebels after Stanley attack on ica!
top of tho task has been long ap part in the revolution, supposing that valuing them at their actual worth. its first page to the Mexican revolu April were poisoned, is vehemently tary despotism of Russia and Mexico? supported mainly by American dolWhat are we coming to; the mili typels rampant in Mexico, and is pareat.
the Moxican Liberal Party 10 tion. It quotes at great length from denied by Captain Pryce, who says: lars. Thus this country has become Regeneracion and makes it own We know the rules of civilized warAt first thoro is tadalte confusion: agreement with Madero. We have en Cultura Proletaria, a large and caustic comment on the political nin fare. Such tactics The case of Salustino Aldena, now once more a partner in that very chat.
deavored to show that nothing could not to be millions, who areotually will take held in San Diego for setting on foot tel slavery which, less than two genbe farther from the truth. No stone excellently got up New York weekly, compoops who fancy they can pacify thought of, for they would be as inthoir siden, have no conception where powerful opens with a appeal. for Cerberus with the sop of electoral reexcusable as the kind of tyranny we presents about the limit of shameless ure freely to overthrow, once a military expedition against Mexico, erations ago, it shed blood and trease has been left unturned to make our they stand; the issues not having been solidarity in support of the Mexican forms. We quote: and position absolutely clear, to friend and are fighting against.
mado clear to them thoy remain unde.
Revolution. The first paragraph of Everywhere they talk of liberty and conduct to which the United States forever.
foe allke.
cidod and loactive. The first of all the article runs as follows: Com pretend that under the represenhas yet gone to help the despot Diaz.
The American public would not tolIf you care to save yourselves and Aldene was arrested while on his way erate for one moment that partner duties, therefore, is to make the 1s.
rades, liberty lovers, sympathizers tative system public rights are more the coming generation from outrages from a nearby point south to This movement long since reached 9408 absolutely plalo; and this duty with the Mexican Revolution!
San The respected than they are under an abship. if it understood the situation similar to those committed by the Diego.
a point at which the personalities of the Junta of the Mexican Liberal hour has arrived when we must show solute form of government. But the All the evidence against him clearly; but it is being duped and misindividuasl be they Madero or Magon, government against innocent Amer was that he was carrying a gun. He led daily by a press owned body and Party, upeaking through its president, by our acts that we mean to aid the truth is that we workers have no Diaz or Taft amount to nothing. The icans and Mexicans at the border, it was alone; and was not even on his soul by the money power. Our strug Ricardo Flores Magon, endeavored to vallant rebels who, on the fields of rights sąve those of dying from hun.
porform lo Regeneracion of Feb.
one important thing is that the people Mexico, are battling heroically against ger, of putting up with the insolence up to you to to raise a howl that will way to the border in fact, was trav sle is against this terribly powerful should understand, for according to shake the White House chair worse eling in an opposite direction.
25. That the work was well dono 18 republican despotism and And capitalist of the exploiter and employer, the arcombination, and, Herculean though the yet on this evidence the courts are the task may be, the education of the Drored both by the storm of contro. the clearness of their understanding exploltation. To extend platonic sym rogance of office holders, and the hy. than if it had been caught will be the whole heartedness and in pathy alone would be to play the cow. pocrisy and laziness of friars, monks throes of an earthquake.
verøy that immediately arose and by holding him. The trial is set for Oc fpubilc is the one imperative duty of ard.
tho fact that the Mexican revolution. telligence of the action they will take.
We must add practical action; and others of their kindred, whom our All these long months Salus. the hour. Accordingly urge you, But it seems pretty mean to accuse positive deeds which shall enable our sweat and blood support.
When Col. Mayol first started to tino Aldena will have to stay in jail, above all things, to devote all the timo ary MOTOment at once assumed proMagon of cowardice because he is not Mexican comrades to maintain with portions that rivoted the attention of ward Mexicail he boldly announced and the purpose of Taft and Diaz and money you can spare to the eduthe world. At once the campaign took at the present moment shouldering a advantage the struggle against their Last week fssue of The Public; that it was his intention to clean out against him will be accomplished un cation of the public on this Mexican ride.
on a character of deadly earnestness; IC The New York Call will enemies. It then quotes letter rs(Chicago) national organ of the fol all the rebels in Lower California. But less you raise your voice to stop this question; doing so without delay, for take the trouble to read Barbarous cently received from Ricardo Flores (lowers of Henry George who devoted after the attack on his forces by Stan sort of work all the way along the time is precious.
at once plutocracy becamo seriously alarmed and more than twenty thou.
Mexico It will get a truer idea of the Magon in which he urges the editor his life to demonstration of the pat ley command, on April 8, Mayol sud. line.
Write to your friends; send letters and troops were rushed to the border: 1perlls and hardships Magon has under to remind his readers that the Mexent truth that without land men cangone during nine years of propaganda, ican cause requires both money and not live, and that the exclusion of the Taft servility to plutocracy; and so fare being distributed at all meetings and articles to the papers, use poolf at once the revolutionary element with a price of 20, 000 on his head. the moral and personal support of throughout the world that vast army masses from the land is the parent of cialists well known in Los Angeles held by Emma Goldman on her pres own brains and think out for yourself As a matter of fact he was with muqbcomrades throughout the of discontont which plutocracy dreads world. all poverty and crime dilates with its which is on the very edge of the con lent westerni tour. The letter sent the various ways in which you can be dificulty dissuaded from going to the The circulation of paper, Instinctively and tries so assiduously of service. And DO IT NOW he customary power on that greatest of fict have shed their blood and laid her runs as follows: front after his release last year from says, in the interior and to ignore MONEY MUST BE CONTRIBUTED, Southern all themės. Among other things. pricked up its cars and it down their lives.
prison. The man who, in addition to portions of Mexico, in the manufacturwoke into activity.
says: When a strutting bond holder Beyond all question the Mexican Rev. Dear Friend and Fellow Fighter in and for this we must look to an awakhis edltorlal work, can carry on a cor ing, agricultural and mining centers, 18 lattened, a bent and broken bread olution is the most important event the cause of Human Liberty: write ened public conscience, You will winner is Where pam. that has taken place in America since urging you to exercise on behalf of my awaken that conscience best by your.
Junta clear cut declaration that the in every civilized country, is in duty establish contest is for LAND and LIBERTY and bound to stay where his services count throughout Mexico.
propaganda service ken abandon and riotous waste his ability, moreover, that it may prove you wield over a large section of the is our common cause.
abundant store of wild oats, some hol as world shaking an upheaval as was American public. Need spend Send all money and not for any of those burlace political communicathe most or the French Revolution; for the Mexi breath in telling you that we are fight tions to Regeneracion. organ of the rotorms with which the masses have In this connection we may remark low eyed child in southern mills that at present some four thousand northern sweat shops cannot, in an can is far more advanced than was ing the world wide battle of human Mexican Liberal Party. 519 4th beon humburged for a century, that The article dealt with above reached coples of Regeneracion fnd their endless, grinding day, gather the value the Frenchman of that time, and for emancipation; that our cause is your st. Los Angeles, Cal. You may rest brought the crisis; or, at least, was largely responsible for hastenlag it.
us at so late a date that it is impos way into Mexico every week, despite of enough honest wheat to buy a de fifty years past revolutionary thought cause; that we are struggling for, what assured that every cent will be exsible to give it the attention it de.
It was high time to blurt out the un serves, not for its own merits or for the danger that accompanies their the rigid governmental censorship. cent crust. bas honeycombed the life of every na every intelligent man and woman pended honestly and judiciously, for varnlybed truth, for oven among ad.
But not a solitary word of the Mex tion.
knows as being absolutely indispen these people thoroughly understand vanced radicals the impression pre appeared may yield, but any influence the paper in which it distribution will be readily under ican Revolution, in which hundreds That the money power comprehends sable for human happiness and devel the situation and have proved their valled that this was only one more whereon to hang once more the expla.
have laid down their lives to over this clearly is shown by its press, opment? think need not. sincerity by years of ekile, imprisonthrow, the gigantic crime Henry which, while forced to devote columns It is well known has been proved ment and heroic labor.
futlio attempt to patch up the nation of the situation as it actually Tierra (The Land. of Havana, George attacked!
of doubt daily to the matter, pursues a care beyond all peradventure patchablo and tuck the real problem This is not the special cause of so standa. That the people should be en Caba, reprints the program of the fully devised policy of misrepresenta that, at the behest of the money power, cialists, Anarchists, Single Taxers, out of alght.
lightened as to the true meaning of Mexican Liberal Party and makes tion and suppression. From the jour. hundreds of thousands of my coun: Trades Unionists, or other individual the conflict in which, even at this early powerful editorial appeal as follows: nalistic standpoint, therefore, it is ex. trymen have been driven from the wings of the great army of discontent.
A8 matter of fact never, from its date, so many have laid down their Comrades! If the revolution is to be traordinary that a paper which pro lands on and by which they and their It is a straight case of millions of our Inception, has thio Mexican Liberal Party salled under false colors; never which all other condiderations must lips now is the time to show ft.
Ilves that is the one thing needed, to more than an empty word upon our Bakers Union Local, San Francisco, fesses to advocate economic revolu forefathers had lived since our history fellow creatures having been driven Our has it dono oborwise than try, by give place. We may say, however, that Mexican comrades call for solidarity at its meeting of April 15, by unani tion, and is published at the very seat began. Thus they have been forced from the lands on which they and Avery resource at its command, to pub the article in question was inspired and these are the moments that put us mous vote pledged its moral and finan of war, should allow week after week into such Hells: as the tobacco plante their forefathers had lived for gener cial aid to the llah from the housetops of the world by a visit to the Call paid by the to the proof. But this solldarity must tions of the Valle Nacional and the Mexican revolution, to pass in silence.
ations, in order that absentee syndiWe seek allies, not enemies.
We hemp plantations of Yucatan, chat it is working for an economic cates may reap colossal. fortunes by Mexican Junta accredited reprebe shown promptly; it must not be making at the same time an initial rivolution; that its first and foresentative, Julius Menke. Mr. Menke delayed; and it must translate itsell donation of twenty five dollars. Pow. rely on the growing, solidarity of the driven into exile across the Amerimoht alm 1s to solze the emplre gob immedlately sent a letter to the Call, into acts, not words. if, face to face erful speeches were made by William army of discontent, and assuredly it can border, where they struggle des lieve it to be the most brutal instance bled up by plutocracy under with crime, we remain silent we our: Boone and Joseph Moore, of the Lib is not to our faterest to sow disséd perately for a starvation wage. Some on record of absolutely heartless expro spre o which he protested agalnst the ar. selves shall be remea ny fant welcom eral League, and great enthusiasm presion. But we have no intention of al how or other men and women must priation by that money power which tengo of law and restore it to its leticle as grossly misropresenting him.
worships the dollar alone, and is deat, gitimate owners the resident work.
plices. He who calls himself a lib valled. The letter enclosing copy of the lowing this great cause to be boycotted live; or, at least, try to live.
self, the Mexican Liberal Party and What will become of these millions dumb and blind to the claims of hueru of Mexico. Always bas it striven eral and remains deal to the cry of resolution asks for the speedy despatch in Los Angeles, of all places in the Magon. The protest was publishedto make this understanding unmis. but under an inconspicuous single line henceforth from speaking of the faults ifesto recently published in Regene test. Not with our consent shall radi power has its way?
our Mexican brothers is disqualified of 5000 coples, in English, of the Man world without enterlog emphatic pro of men and children if the money man life.
What will be the takabto; but with tho advent of Ma head, whereas the greatest prominence and inaction of the ignorant mob.
No question of isms is involved.
in racion and assures us that organized cals Je tempted to lose heart, conclude result if it succeeds derlem, And trampling There is a plain call to universal duty.
tollowing Madero tho had been given to the attack.
ing, from indifference displayed here, xathered to him wbilo the leaders of labor in San Francisco is rapidly that the cause of Mexico which is the them beneath the heel of militarism?
The fight for human liberty in Mexthe Mexican Liberal Party lay in Unit of the political reforms, the ico cannot but affect most profoundly which awakening to the true facts in the cause of the disinherited throughout And what will be the effect on cd Statey prisons, the legue became We grab the space to quote Mr. many foolishly dream will cure Mex struggle between the Mexican people the world is not deemed worthy of character and standing of the Ameri the labor movement in this country Slenke in answer to the charge thaticati discontent, Louis confused, muddled up with simcrack can nation if it suffers itself to be and throughout the world.
Buchner and plutocracy. That is all that is support.
Thought Magon is an Anarchist. He says: writes in El Proletario. El Paso, needed. When the true facts rotorm, smothered in the miro of Fortunately a genuine economic rev the obedient tool of the money power, will be engendered and apathy disbefore the do not wish to monopolize your space Tex. Much more important than known the battle will have been won. Solution is precisely the one thing that and stands world the pelled; the road will be cleared for politics. It was a peremptory necessity. thoretore, that the issue aboutal by replying to the argument of the all political and national reforms is cannot be ignored. Were that possible avowed defender of chattel slavery of fundamental changes. The more sucthe capitalistic press would be as sil the most atrocious type? Surely, to cessful the struggle there, the easier be rentated; that, for the sake of union waslgned article agalnst Magon, to the the reconstruction of society. What etfect that the latter is an Anarchist. do political liberties, or the satisfacask these questions is to answer them. it will be for every one of us here.
noll effective action, a clear ent as is The People Paper.
underThe American public does not un We should reciprocate, going to the The Liberal Party of Mexico numbers tion of natlonal pride, amount to for Such Silence standing. This task the leaders of the among its members men of all shades the individual if his own happiness is derstand, it cannot see the picture in very edge of our opportunities.
Moxican Liberal Party lost not one there of radicalism; its awful reality, for it is misled by moment in undertaking when treed Either this revolution will succeed Anarchists, pon political from prison; but failed to accomplish.
the wilful misrepresentations of those Socialists, by means of social oppression?
Uolonists, etc. among them. They With singular unanimity our Span For three consecutive weeks, The In particular on the land question who, having gigantic money interests or it will fail. In the former case bu.
at stake, are sparing no effort to ieman liberty will gain; inestimably. In Mailero and the Mexicaa Liberal Party have all been working together for ish exchanges insist on the necessity People Paper, now under the conthe latter case another gallant effort lude it.
trol of the Los Angeles section of the the success of the revolution, which is of radical economic changes, will be drowned in were at Irreconclleable loggerucads.
the blood, and We wage a campaign of education, Socialist party, has not even menan economic one; the people demandSo long as the money power thought struggle for emancipation will receive Emancipation, ing, Erst of all, access to the land. Lawrence, tioned the Mexican Revolution, save not only through Regeneracion but the struggle in Mexico was merely to incalculably serious Uafortunately the land question is setback, fundamental absolutely fundamental.
Mr. Menke showed himselt therein ap Mass. official organ of the Franco for the reproduction of, one short let by unremitting correspondence, espe displace one dictator with another it Whichever way the struggle goes Loaying that unsettled will be to ren.
excellent representative of the Mexi Belgian Federation of the ter from a sympathizer. Yet within cially with recognized leaders of radi looked on indifferently; for such strug.
thought. Recently we published gles bave been frequent in the historyevery one of us will be affected.
can Liberal Party, stating its post. protests vehemently agalnst the des those three weeks that revolution has cal der alt political and other suggested In your own self Interest, therefore, tion with complete accuracy.
patch of United States troops to the brought a call to arms from the Pres the letters that have passed between of Latin peoples, and they alter noth: reforms worse than usclogs. Give the Mexican border. Its leading article ident of the United States; has set Samuel Gompers and Ricardo Flores ing. But today it understands quite as well as for the sake of our comMoxican peasant oconomic freedom, by own selfish interests mon humanity, send you this appeal.
restoration of the land, concludes: In the United States, as (British troops in motion has stag: Magon, and that sent to Eugene clearly that its and other The working class should not de in Europe, the army is always at the gered from its sleep a conscience Debs. This week we reprodúce one are in the balance; that we are fight. feel confident shall not send to neoded rotortos will follow naturally. vote all its energies to these ephemer service of high finance; and all the stricken world. Within those three written last month to Emma Goldman, ing for the restoration of millions and vain.
Olve him free speech, the right of ag ral struggles. The workers should Yours for human Überty and a lite colonial expeditions, all the wars and weeks the radical and reform press and the whole souled reply it immedi millions of acres of land, given away nombly, and all the rest of it, while nover forget that such struggles deal all the massacres, serve ever to fill of America and Europe has denounced, ately evoked. Copies of the corres to foreign syndicates by the fraudu worth living, leaving him deprived of land and is only with effects. Karl Marx. EMMA GOLDMAN.
the already overflowing coffers of those with a unanimity truly magnificent, Jpondence, published in leaflet form, lent conniyance of Diaz unspeakable оцг Make no ralatake about it; It was the ters a day and reaching trusty allies But with the requisite funds we coula pered royal protigate scatters in drun the Civil War. It is well within prob countrymen in Mexico the influence self making sacrifices for this, which. my as a pes stood.
un Organized Labor Awake ΟΣ are are Socialinio embattered or wondered, posible ons We Cannot Ignore Emma Goldman in hearty sympathy an.